Sequential Evolution

Chapter 232 Saint, fox demon, reincarnation

Earthquake ripples!

The ground in the entire restaurant exploded like water waves in an instant.

Lin Tian stepped on his feet, and the magic dimensional shoes quickly jumped into the air and flickered. Lin Weier stood directly in the air and whipped Wei Lele with a whip.

Wei Lele was wearing an ancient white holy lady's gauze dress. Three tails whipped out from the dress in an instant, and she was able to block Lin Weier's whip to activate [Guanghan Chaoyue Jue].

The earthquake ripples swept through the ground, and all the tables and chairs exploded into large wooden flowers.

This boss aunt... is so strong!

However, Wei Lele was not disturbed by the ripples. Her eyes scanned the whole place, and the flow of time in the surrounding space seemed to slow down instantly!

[lv11 Time Stagnation · Innocent Saint]

Title skills, time is stagnant.

Around him, the exploding sawdust became like a slow-motion camera. Lin Tian felt his thinking was sluggish, and his movements became like a turtle.

It was as if the flow of time had slowed down ten times.

Wei Lele turned her head. In her bright eyes, the peach-shaped pupils bloomed like thousands of flowers. A pistol suddenly appeared in her hand.

The moment the pistol appeared, it immediately climbed onto a large amount of metal and gears, as if a Cybertronian Autobot had transformed. It instantly enlarged and lengthened at a super fast speed, becoming as huge as a sword case.

On the gun body, in various transparent glass bodies, energy flows rapidly, gathers at the muzzle, and shoots directly towards the proprietress of the store.

In Su Lixiu's view, the person in this room who poses the greatest threat to her is the middle-aged aunt who stomped on the ground and caused earthquake ripples!

Her skill with this title was quite powerful, but its duration was also very short, so she almost instantly hit Lin Weier with the orb in her hand. She only took the last moment to blow a big mouthful of powdery breath towards Lin Tianyi.

Attack three people with one breath!

Lin Tianyi's dark golden eyes were already looking outside the store. There were four figures rushing towards the store. They were the secret hands arranged by Jiuding.

However, it was too late.

What she was calling was the time difference.

Cybertron's charged nuclear cannon was so powerful that the thick electric light instantly engulfed the huge plasma net flying towards her, directly hitting the boss's wife's body.

Lin Weier was hit by the blue orb and disappeared strangely, as if she was instantly transported into some space.

At this time, facing the overwhelming pink mist, all Lin Tianyi could do was to activate the 42 top-quality interdimensional cores on the [Magic Dimensional Shoes] to shine brightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

And the pink mist slowly scraped by, like a bone scraper, and the wall it touched directly melted into the outline of the mist.

Time is stagnant and lasts only one second!

Lin Tianyi appeared again, already behind Su Lixiu, and smashed the stick of six paths in his hand!

Eighty dozen gods and demons!

The terrifying shadows of sticks poured down like heavy rain.

Su Lixiu's body turned into a large number of flying bubbles in the shadow of the stick and disappeared strangely.

Being hit head-on by the Cybertron-charged nuclear magnetic cannon, Lin Tianyi originally thought that Jiuding might lose one person this time.

But what I didn't expect was that the energy as thick as a bucket was directly absorbed by Auntie.

A bright circuit pattern like a robot quickly appeared on her body, and her eyes were occupied by blue light.

lv29 super load·Ju Jing.

The next second, Su Lixiu, who was grasping the blue ball of light, appeared out of thin air outside the store with a large reality distortion barrier. The house destroyed by the earthquake ripples spread a large amount of smoke and dust. One of the three Jiuding members immediately tore apart Open an extremely precious scroll!

[Fantasy Killer·Super Invalid]

Su Lixiu was enveloped by the light erupting from the scroll, and his flying posture was instantly nullified, and all the power fluctuations in his body dissipated.

However, her movements did not stop at all. Her feet touched the ground, and her body was as light as if it had no weight at all. There was a long sword in her hand, like an ancient martial arts saint who jumped from the Yueyang Tower, tearing open the scroll with one sword. The evolver's eyebrows were pierced.

Ancient martial arts!

With light skill, you can cross the river with a reed.

Beside him, a man with a crew cut in a black jacket stretched out his hand and took the photo from the air.

A shadow appeared behind him, and a ferocious and strange shadow of a caracal cat appeared. In the sky, large nets from all directions were covering Zulixiu.

As a result, the opponent's almond-shaped eyes looked at the man who tore open the scroll. The latter suddenly took action and hit his companion with a huge fist seal, forcing the opponent to stop.

The scene was extremely chaotic, and the precious extraordinary power invalidation scroll disappeared during the fluctuations of the battle!

Su Liyao seized the opportunity and suddenly a Rubik's Cube fragment appeared in his hand. With a flick of his slender fingers, it flew out and hit the large reality distortion barrier. The surrounding space was instantly filled with glass-like cracks.

Outside the distorted space, at the position corresponding to the Rubik's Cube fragments, a one-meter-two-meter-long black honeycomb space generator was immediately covered with cracks.

Is the other party... going to escape?

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared beside Su Lixiu.

Lin Tianyi, who was holding a six-striped black stick, stabbed her neck with a pencil-thick black stick. On the other side, the middle-aged aunt, whose whole body was completely enveloped in energy, looked like Thor, the god of thunder, with blue eyes. The hair mixed with white and completely transformed into energy strands directly pinched Su Lixiu's shoulders.

He is a person with super powers.

Auntie's strength, in the Marvel world, is enough to be a protagonist and make a movie.

Su Lixiu swung his sword fiercely, blood spilled from the corners of his eyes and mouth, as if he wanted to force the two of them back. However, at this moment, the blue orb exploded, and Lin Weier, who reappeared, whipped out with a whip, hitting her on the head. On top of a long skirt.

The ancient white gauze dress with extraordinary defensive power exploded in an instant, revealing a large piece of white back.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Su Lixiu's neck, as white as a swan, had been pierced by six black sticks. His whole body was directly enveloped by blue energy, and he fell to the ground, but he could not use any of his abilities.

Lin Tianyi looked at the large reality distortion barrier. The location where a large number of space cracks had just been created by the Rubik's Cube fragments had been completely repaired. It seemed that the Jiuding members outside were not idle either. Even if a few people failed to stop her, the opponent hit her. Breaking the space barrier should be like entering another space in a matryoshka doll.

And... you really think highly of me.

In order to catch me, so many powerful characters were deployed, and many precious scrolls were even used.

Su Lixiu's peach blossom eyes were full of misery and ridicule, but the look he looked at Lin Tianyi was full of resentment.

Lin Tianyi suddenly felt a little ashamed when she saw him. At this moment, Lin Weier appeared next to Lin Tianyi and gently held Lin Tianyi's hand.

Suddenly the guilt faded away like a tide.

Only then did he realize that the fox girl was so powerful that she still didn't give up resistance at this moment, trying to give him psychological hints or even subconscious influence.

lv29 super load·Ju Jing squatted down, quickly took out a huge black stone collar with flashing red and green lights, and put it directly on Su Lixiu's neck. The flat-headed man in a black jacket also held down Su Lixiu's back. Put him on his back and put energy-binding handcuffs on him.

Sorry, we don't dare to take the famous White Lotus Saint lightly.

Just being at level 11 has caused so many of us to be in a hurry. Among the non-human evolvers I captured, you can be ranked in the top three.

Su Lixiu was lifted up, blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, she looked at Lin Tianyi and said:

Mountains and rivers meet each other, I will remember this.

The organization I created is not very big, but it is more than enough to kill you. Just hide! Don't let my people catch you...


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