Sequential Evolution

Chapter 224 Upgraded two levels in a row! Dimensional Secrets

As soon as Lin Tian opened his eyes, a large amount of mission completion information immediately poured into his mind.

[The task of guarding the underground mining area has been completed. 】

The task rewards are being settled for you.

[Task Rating: S]

[You have obtained the golden shining recognition of the Fruit Master and obtained the highest personal rating of SS+ for the task]

[Personal rating: SS+]

[Fruit owner’s evaluation: If I am worthy of being a C-level hunter, I can single-handedly challenge Lord-level BOSS at level 7, saving me a lot of property losses—Golden Shine]

[Evolved Mist Light Jin, you completed the kill of the lord-level BOSS alone, and received the special Dimension Star (Dimension Secret Treasure) reward x7]

[Remarks: You have completed ten times of defeating the weak against the strong and obtained the inherent status (evil star shining). 】

[Note: No matter how strong any creature is, it must be careful when encountering you. 】

[Evil star shines: Facing a strong person who is far stronger than yourself, you can overdraw a certain price in exchange for a certain amount of power. 】

Special effect: Evil spirit +5, obtain [Shock] special effect.

[Note: He has killed evil gods, fought fallen ones, and singled out lords. Who do you think he is? 】

[Remarks: After the shock effect is activated, there is a chance that powerful enemies will be in a state of fear, and all attributes will be -1]

mission rewards:

[Reward 1: Main mission experience 1500x2] x200% personal rating = 6000 trial experience.

[Kill experience 1580+1800] = 3380 trial experience.

[Reward 2: Mainline evolution coins 1500x2] x200% personal rating = 6000 evolution coins.

[Reward 3: Enlightenment tea x1, strikeout x1, dimensional gate x2, space teleportation beacon x2]

The current evolution experience is seriously overflowed. Do you want to upgrade?

Lin Tianyi looked at the upgrade slot, his eyes shining brightly.

No wonder all the hunters were so excited when they encountered the offline fruit recruitment mission.

The generous reward obtained in one mission is enough to be worth more than three times that of a normal mission!

At this time, Lin Tianyi’s experience slot is: [Level lv7 (1740+9380/2800)]

【upgrade! 】

As the light flashed, Lin Tianyi's level immediately entered the lv8 experience slot and changed to [level lv8 (8320/4000)]

Without hesitation, Lin Tianyi chose to upgrade again.

[Level lv9 (4320/6000)]

So cool, it’s enough to upgrade to level nine!

The reward from this mission actually allowed Lin Tianyi to advance to two levels in a row, and even brought a large amount of experience surplus, allowing him to easily climb to level 10 by just doing another mission! No longer so conspicuous among C-level hunters.

After gaining two free attribute points again, Lin Tianyi was very excited to see the [Dimensional Secret] reward x7 that [Golden Shine] specially reserved for him for killing the Lord BOSS alone!

Just for this reason, in order to increase the probability of the team distributing BOSS rewards, that Li Kai chose to kick me out of the team directly.

As soon as Lin Tian checked the information of [Dimensional Secrets], his eyes suddenly lit up.

【Dimensional Secrets】

[Category: Fruit Secrets]

[Attribute: Divine Treasure]

[Description: The secret treasure of the fruit contains the hidden treasures in the fruit world. It is the most precious product in the fruit world. The fruit cache cannot be traded before it is opened. 】

[Remarks: Alchemy scrolls, enchanted orbs, weapon enhancement coupons]

Lin Tianyi took a breath.

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff!

He took a deep breath and randomly clicked on a sparkling ball of light.

As the light ball changed and emitted a strong light, a small house as exquisite as a music box immediately appeared in front of Lin Tianyi's eyes.

【Logicus's Forge】

[Category: Alchemy Workshop]

[Attribute: Excellent]

[Description: Logicus, an alchemist who has traveled to the Middle-earth region of the Dimension Star, is good at the latest alchemy and cannot make objects that are too ancient. 】

[Note: You can tell whether it is a finished product with a half-hearted attitude or a finished product made casually. ——Logicus]

Is it such a good thing right from the start?

Alchemy workshop?

Oh my god, this is really a lucky break. As soon as you come up, you can find such a good thing? This fruit secret treasure is really a huge treasure!

Looking at the matchbox-sized alchemy workshop in his hand, the excitement on Lin Tianyi's face was palpable.

However, Lin Tianyi did not play with the mini house immediately.

Instead, continue to open other [Dimensional Secrets].

He took a deep breath, rubbed his hands excitedly, and selected the secret to open again.

This feeling couldn't be better. He used to play games at Gu Xiaochao's house and help each other draw cards or open boxes. It was the best feeling. The joy of harvest and the anticipation after getting the box made him very excited.

With the opening of the second [Dimensional Secret], Huaguang shines again.

Lin Tian felt his eyes light up. The thing that appeared this time was actually a piece of equipment that he had not seen for a long time.

【Diamond Dance Shoes】

[Category: Equipment]

[Attribute: Rare]

[Description: The highest wisdom of goblin craftsmen is gathered together to create exquisite dancing shoes. After wearing them, the charm is +10]

[Note: Any woman will be fascinated by it. 】

When Lin Tian saw the dazzling diamond dancing shoes, he immediately thought of Lin Weier.

Weier would be more beautiful if she wore these shoes, right?

However, then I thought about it.

Lin Weier herself is already the only sexual holder of the original witch. She usually hides her appearance in order not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Wearing these dancing shoes on her feet is likely to enhance the witch's unique activity.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyi hesitated and thought about the value of this pair of shoes. How about... give them to the evil storybook!

Now Lin Tianyi's evil story book, in the second half of the catalog, there are five stories: The Red Queen's Wonderland, Ghost Mother, Cinderella Princess, Pan's Labyrinth and The Wishing Lantern.

I don’t know what skills this item can unlock if I give it to Cinderella.

My luck is average, but the thing should actually improve my combat effectiveness.

Keep it.

Continue to unbox.

After firing out two useful items in a row, Lin Tianyi took advantage of the victory and pursued it. As the third light shined, the next item appeared directly.

【Dimensional core】

[Category: Space Stone]

[Quality: Medium]

[Description: Raw ore for making space items. 】


Lin Tian showed no expression and turned it on again.

【Dimensional Core】Medium quality...

Lin Tianyi felt a little unhappy after two medium-quality ores were opened one after another.

There are still three chances left for the [Dimensional Treasure] in his hand.

Lin Tianyi rubbed his hands, hesitating whether to find Lin Weier or Gu Xiaochao to get some European energy before continuing.

After thinking briefly, Lin Tianyi, whose hands were extremely itchy, decided to continue driving.

With a snap, the light shone, and the fifth [Dimensional Secret] was opened directly.

This time, it was finally not an ore, but a long-lost scroll!

[Magic Technological Transformation Technique]

[Category: Consuming Scrolls]

[Quality: perfect]

[Description: Magical technology from the ancient goblin civilization can enchant technological items! 】

[Remarks: We discovered the secret of metal refining and can finally enchant ordinary metal creations! 】

Delivered at the fifth update!

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