Sequential Evolution

Chapter 217 The Tragic Orphan Dickens

Lin Tianyi watched the crack open again, grabbed a large number of [Crack Repair Balls] and threw them in again.

The space rift is closed again!

However, the instability of the entire space has become more intense, even squeezing some of the mine tunnel stone walls, making cracking sounds.

No wonder……

No wonder the garrison in the mining area usually waits for the dimensional cracks to become stable after cleaning up the monsters before using the space repair ball.

Under the unstable situation of space, forcibly using the space crack repair ball is enough to cause a small area of ​​​​space to be directly shattered!

But Lin Tianyi no longer cares about much.

Once such a powerful monster comes out, it will most likely be destroyed after a few rounds.

Now, he can only hope to keep this lord-level monster out of the space before it shatters.

While the main body was doing this, Lin Tianyi's clone was also not idle.

A large number of six-striped black sticks were taken in the hand and tried to be inserted into the thick fingers of the lord-level monster that spanned the space.

However, the opponent's skin was astonishingly hard. Lin Tianyi's clone used all his strength, using the laser gun to continuously shoot at one point, and using the skull crusher to hit, to barely create a wound and insert the six black sticks. go.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tianyi couldn't help but miss the days when Xuanwei and Yuehua Tuna could be used.

As the first six-striped black stick pierced into the finger of the lord monster, the huge 30-meter-high lord on the other side of the dimensional rift let out an earth-shattering roar.

He could clearly feel that something was stealing his power quickly.

At this time, Lin Tianyi also felt the influence of the six black sticks on the lord-level BOSS.

He immediately made a decisive decision and killed himself personally.

Using two dragon horn boning knives, using the piercing function of the dragon horn, combined with the strong impact from the brake propeller shoes, round holes were made on the fingers of the lord-level BOSS, and then the clones were used to plant rice seedlings. Like, poke the six black sticks in.

It's like nails hammered into your fingers.

Fingers connected to the heart.

This process is simply torture for Olephan Dickens, the lord BOSS on the other side of the dimension.

What is that thing on the other side of space?

Every time he activates his power and transfers it to his hand, a huge suction force will appear on his fingers, stealing part of the power away!

Moreover, this trend is unstoppable and even steals more and more power!

He seemed to have broken his wrist dozens of times with a being of the same level, and his strength was consumed quickly.

At this time, Lin Tianyi had already discovered that his plan was effective.

His rice-planting plan moved very quickly. In order to survive and speed up the insertion of the six black sticks, Lin Tianyi directly added the two free points he had reserved to the strength attribute!

As the strength increased to 12 points, combined with the piercing capabilities of the epic dragon horn boning knives Xuan Zhen and Xi Mu, the main body moved faster on the fingers.

Six black tubes were inserted into the fingers of the lord-level BOSS regardless of the cost, and the number exceeded 80 in an instant.

Power is being taken away faster and faster.

Orphan Dickens's expression became more ferocious, and his wriggling fat meat continued to shrink, rapidly consuming the space power accumulated from the last time he devoured the [different-dimensional core].

He is bound to win this crystal tide.

If he could get out of the dimensional cracks, maybe by absorbing the dimensional power in the crystal tide veins, he could grow into a being close to the level of a king!

At that time, he will become one of the hundreds of king-level lords of monsters in the entire dimensional star!

I thought so in my heart.

Orphan Dickens began to overdraw his whole body's strength, and the power was transmitted layer by layer like a worm, and the tearing force was strengthened again toward the cracks in space.

Like a crystal oscillator coming.

There are a large number of stone walls around, and because the Lord-level BOSS exerts power again, the space distortion becomes more and more intense.

The rock structure, which had taken on more twisting power, turned directly into powder. Dust fell like snow throughout the space, and the surrounding mining caves more than doubled in size.

[Crack Repair Ball] Throw!

Either way, he will die. What Lin Tianyi has to do now is to continuously consume the lord BOSS on the other side.

Now, one person and one demon are in a state of tug of war.

The advantage Lin Tianyi occupies is similar to defending on the other side of the stone gate.

A strong man was struggling to pull the giant door upwards, trying to get into the space here.

Lin Tianyi, on the other hand, kept putting weight on the giant door, and then messed with his fingers to absorb his power.

The small dimensional cracks that appeared around him directly cut through Lin Tianyi's neck and almost tore a hole in his artery.

Lin Tianyi was so frightened that he quickly put away the [Chameleon Mask].

The wounds are small. If the mask is damaged, it will not be beautiful.

As he swallowed the potion and quickly healed the wound, his speed became faster and faster.

The consumption of six black sticks has exceeded one hundred, and each thick red finger has more than ten black sticks stuck in it.

You must know that two black sticks have already caused the inheritor of the ancient beast, the inherited monster [Black Taotie] of the tenth-level fallen [Plunder·Fenghuaxueye Sword] to lose most of its power.

The power absorbed by these more than one hundred six-path black sticks is too much for even a lord-level BOSS. The power in the body is like a water balloon with more than a hundred small holes poked into it, pouring out continuously.

His eyes gradually turned blood red, and when the crack of the ten-meter light door opened again, Olephon Dickens was ready to stick his head out to see what it was that dared to offend the majesty of the lord in this way.

Lin Tianyi had already felt that the third time he threw the crack repair ball, the entire space barrier had become so thin that it seemed that it would tear out a crack if he applied force.

If it continues, I am afraid that before the lord arrives, the space on his side will be the first to break like glass.

At that time, he will be directly torn into countless pieces by the space rift.

This... must be the last time, use [Crack Repair Ball]!

Therefore, Lin Tianyi was already ready for the challenge. He began to use the evil storybook to summon his most powerful summoning object, the Dread Lord - Stupid Jack.

A huge head stuck out from the colorful black cracks.

This is a fat and bloated face with huge eyes, flaring nostrils, and a huge mouth.

Under the nose, there are two rows of thick black beards that are more than three meters long. The four outward-turned fangs are covered with a large number of gaps. The black smoke coming out of them carries deadly space-like toxins.

However, he had just poked his head out, and before he could see what the insect that attacked him looked like, a lava fist the size of a truck was stamped hard on his face...

The third update today, all subscriptions today, and new sales are particularly important to the author. I hope everyone will support me.

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