Sequential Evolution

Chapter 107 Three Awards

Watch the future?

Peeping into destiny?

Is this possible?

Lin Tianyi and Xuantian disciples were shocked at the same time.

At this time, they could hardly suppress their beating hearts. The amount of information given by the oracle... His Majesty Greg was really too great.

The latter seemed to like seeing the shocked expressions of the two people. He picked up the water glass on the table. There was obviously no water in the glass, but when he put it to Greg's mouth, steam was already coming out of the glass.

The old man took a sip of hot water and said slowly:

Although the picture of fate I saw was quite blurry, the oracle explained everything quite clearly.

You are the key to Intis escaping the disaster.

Lin Tianyi finally plucked up the courage at this time. He looked up at Greg and asked:

Your Majesty, can fate really be seen?

The wrinkles on the old man's face were piled together. He squinted and smiled:

Yes and no.

Destiny is very complicated and can be seen as a long river.

The fragments I saw do not represent the whole story. A small move by anyone can trigger a complete change in the entire destiny. To give an inappropriate example, a person bought two on a whim even though he was not hungry. Hot potatoes and the world is doomed.”

Lin Tianyi thought for a moment and asked tentatively:

It's like a butterfly flapping its wings tens of thousands of kilometers away, eventually forming a huge storm?

Hahahahaha, this metaphor is more appropriate.

You are very understanding.

Hearing Greg's praise of Lin Tianyi, Xuantian's disciple looked at him with contempt in his heart.

Who doesn’t know about the butterfly effect?

In short, the entire river of destiny is vaster than the starry sky. What I can do is not to do anything superfluous. When I see that fragment, I only need to follow my heart.

Try not to destroy the original trajectory of destiny.

As Taoist priests, Xuantian's disciples can completely understand the meaning of Greg's words. Isn't this what the sage Lao Tzu said about treating by doing nothing.

Lin Tianyi is not a player who likes to fight Xuanji. Since Mr. Greg in front of him has seen everything, he simply stops pretending and directly shows his cards.

So, he said shamelessly:

Your Majesty, since the God of Storms has given the oracle, are we two the children of destiny?

Old man, can you give me some tips on what we should do next?

Greg shook his head and said:

No, this is an act of destroying the trajectory.

Then...can you give us some powerful sealed objects, potions, spell scrolls, etc., so that we can better deal with the unknown future?

Lao Mianxia shook his head with a smile and said:

No, it's equivalent to... a potato seller, forcibly giving you potatoes that should have been given to others, which will also change your destiny.

This won’t work, and that won’t work either!

The old magic stick is really difficult to deal with!

To put it bluntly, this is simply to make the horse run faster and stop eating grass!

It’s exactly the same as the way company leaders motivate employees, ‘You are the future of the company, let’s work hard together to create a new tomorrow! ’

Lin Tianyi, who was struggling in society, going to school and working part-time, knew how to deal with this, so he said:

Your Majesty, let me put it another way.

This time, we saved Princess Sharon and Miss Lilith. Should we be rewarded?

Greg was stunned and said without hesitation:

It really should be rewarded.

Lin Tian nodded and said again:

I went to investigate the missing girl case and uncovered the collusion between Prince Petrov and Turners at Chatsworth Manor. Should I be rewarded?

It deserves a commendation.

I was chased by Tenas, the King of the Seven Seas, and accidentally escaped to Saiyan Island. I killed Jango Hody Jones, saved the people of the empire, protected the navy's supply depot, and destroyed the Death Ship. Shouldn't I Deserves an award?

This doesn't count. You should have received a reward from the military. His Majesty Greg said immediately.

Lin Tianyi did not argue, but changed his mind and said:

So... we discovered the hidden dangers of the Holy Innocents Cemetery and saved the entire Intis from a natural disaster. Should we be rewarded?


You are such a naughty little boy.

Greg laughed heartily, and actually showed a rather appreciative expression. He looked at Lin Tianyi approvingly and said:

Not bad, little Ryan.

Then I will give you three awards.

As he said that, he didn't ask what the other party wanted at all, but took the initiative to take out a few things.

The thing broke away from Greg's old hands, and was immediately supported by the breeze and flew in front of the two of them.

The first thing is the affinity of the wind.

When you use it, the extraordinary power in the air will be at your disposal in all directions within half an hour.

You can quickly recover your mental power so that the enemy cannot draw power from the outside world. You can turn into a breeze to avoid attacks that are below the power of gods. You can also suffocate the enemy.

So strong!

As expected of the Archbishop of Storms, he is always good when he takes action!

This second thing was obtained when I took an adventure at sea and broke into a ruins when I was young. I call it [Spring of Wisdom].

After drinking it, you can permanently learn a power that is not your own, but be careful that this power cannot be too strong, otherwise the fountain of wisdom may be wasted.

The third item is a treasure used by the church to reward those who have made significant contributions as punishment. It comes from a holy place overseas in our Church of Storms.

As he spoke, Greg pointed at a golden apple floating in front of the two of them and said with a smile:

Eat it, your body will become stronger, and you will feel a lot of power that does not belong to you.

Looking at the detailed descriptions of the three items given in the Evolution Palace, Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples' eyes widened.


This old man is simply a mobile treasure house!

Lin Tianyi quickly put away the three top treasures, and then spoke again:

Oh, by the way! Your Majesty Greg, I have also accomplished a great feat!

This time, the indifferent smile on Greg's old face gradually turned stiff...

Not enough?

Isn't this almost a violation of the oracle?

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but he still said:

Tell me.

I went to the Black Goat and saw the hairless black sheep in Mr. K's living room.

This information is of no value.

Also! I used my identity as Jango Hody Jones to instigate the relationship between Princess Sharon and Mr. K. I spent a full 40,000 pounds to buy the scroll that Princess Sharon wanted!

With that said, Lin Tiansheng was afraid that His Majesty Greg would kick them both out, so he directly took out the [Legendary] quality [Ancient Contract]!

The third update arrived, and the subscription ratio is not high. Brothers, support the original version. Don’t let me save the manuscript and not finish it. The book will be cold! Who is raising pigs? I update five times a day and you told me that you raise pigs?

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