Sequential Evolution

Chapter 105 Mother

Lilith Weir's fingertips did not leave Lin Tianyi's body.

She seemed to have accepted the arrangement of the potion, lying on Lin Tianyi's hot chest like a lazy cat.

Listening to the other party's strong heartbeat, the blush on his face spread to his earlobes, spread to his swan-like neck, and then dyed his perfect collarbone pink.

The corpse poison was forcibly extracted by her!

Witch, instigating people to commit crimes.

Witches can play with people's hearts.

Witch, enjoy the pleasure as much as you want.

Witch, spread despair and spread disease!

The smelly black blood, wrapped in corpse poison, flowed out of the wound opened by Lilith Weir's nails. It was as obedient as a pool of living liquid monster. It immediately sputtered out with a flick of the opponent's fingertips, It melted directly into the rain along the leaky door crack and disappeared without a trace.

However, this seemingly indifferent action caused her head to explode with pain.

She went against the will of the potion!

The price of failure in acting and digestion is rejection from the magic potion.

More severe pain hit her whole body, and her originally smooth hair began to squirm like a python, as if it was alive. It was no longer under her control, and began to become thick and unscrupulous.

Not only the hair, but also the originally perfect body and the muscles covered by the delicate skin began to twist and tremble, as if under this beautiful and goddess-like skin, there were vicious snakes that wanted to break through. Physical restraint!

The hair that first became thick gradually evolved into black tentacles. The tops of those tentacles began to crack, and eyes that were either closed or opened grew out.

All the opened eyes looked at Lilith, cold and without any emotion, as if they were overlooking the gods in the world and had no interest in the worship of any living being.

out of control!

Lilith Weir took the magic potion, but her attempt to save people failed!

In the large number of collected classics, Lilithweir has seen too many cases of failure in taking potions.

In a few more minutes, or maybe not that long, she will turn into a completely irrational monster!

With difficulty she got up from Lin Tianyi's body and wanted to rush out of the house, at least not to lose control here.

However, just as she stumbled to the door of the house and violently pulled it open, a strong light burst out from her body!

That's soft moonlight!

It symbolizes tranquility and sleep.

The black tentacles on her hair danced more violently, and the twisted and squirming muscles under her skin were about to break Lilith's skin.

All the distortion and loss of control seemed to gradually melt under the rays of light.

There seems to be another force helping Lilith Weir to survive!


Lilith Weir, wrapped in the moonlight, felt that familiar feeling.

It seems like my mother's warm embrace in the quiet night when I wake up from countless nightmares.

Two completely opposite forces collided in Lilith Weir's body.

The resistance to the potion became more intense, and Lilithweir's eyelashes began to turn as white as Princess Sharon.

The left eye began to become dark, like a cold and silent mercury mirror in the dark night. It seemed to hide countless things and layers of space, becoming a passage to the mirror world.

The moonlight on the body began to dim, and the fluttering hair was once again injected with power, and began to crack a second gap, seeming to grow fangs like venomous snakes.


A second murmur came from Lilith Weir's mouth, this time clearer and more certain.

The moonlight that was originally like an ember seemed to be ignited again by this voice with endless nostalgia and longing. The stronger light completely enveloped Lilith Weir's body, as if there was a shadow in the dark that spread out its arms and embraced her. Her, hold her tight.

Lilithweir's torn skirt began to change. The originally gorgeous palace retro dress began to become layered but not complicated, and the hollow part shone with stars, like the sky in the middle of the night.

Deep black as the base and bright embellishments.

The extremely powerful boiling moonlight swept almost everything, completely crushing the abnormal anomalies that were not holy parts.

The tentacles dissipated, the skin became tender and smooth again, the weird feeling of creeping in the body disappeared directly, and the slender eyelashes turned into pure black again, and the mercury curved mirror directly reflected a figure and an outline.

It was a dignified woman wearing a long white dress with a soft face and layers of gauze covering her face. Although her face could not be seen clearly, the hazy feeling revealed an unusual beauty.

The moment he saw the phantom, the mercury mirror exploded. The [Witch] potion, which exuded a strong sense of evil and depravity, was as submissive as a cat that had been raised for many years!

A voice came from the broken mercury mirror, with unwillingness, roar, and anger!


Even the incomplete real name caused huge shocks in the world.

Heavy rain, clouds, and thunder were directly shaken away.

The originally muddle-headed living corpses in the cemetery seemed to have smelled the sweetest blood food in the world. Their stiff bodies began to become flexible, staggering, and began to adopt strange postures, ignoring the sluggish bones and fractures, using flesh and blood as a smoothing agent. , quickly and crazily, rushing towards the location of this cabin!

After the mutation on Lilith Weir's body completely disappeared, the face that could not be seen clearly turned to look at Lin Tianyi. She raised her palm and let the last bit of power in the figure that was rapidly dissipating turn into a ball. Tiny starlight penetrated Lin Tianyi's nasal cavity.

In an instant, all visions disappeared completely.

Lilith Weir fell to the ground silently, the layers of gorgeous dresses on her body returned to their original state, and the changes caused by the witch potion were completely eliminated. She still retained her consciousness, and tears continued to flow from the corners of her eyes.

The ground outside was shaking, and the remaining corpses were rushing over quickly, in terrifying numbers.

Lilith turned around and looked at the countless living corpses rushing toward her in the moonless cemetery. She struggled several times, but could not get up.


Lilith thought in a daze that her wish had been fulfilled. She had just seen her mother. It was a pity that even with such efforts, she and he would still die here.

But... dying with him doesn't seem too bad...

The muddy water splashed under the feet, and the fishy smell spread again as the living corpses approached.

Because she successfully contained the [Witch] potion, her eyesight was enhanced, and she could easily see clearly the living corpses with rotten flesh hanging on them and swollen bodies.

How disgusting.

It would be great if I could complete the final coming-of-age ceremony before dying.

With this thought in mind, the scurrying zombies had already rushed closer, less than five meters away!

Lilith Weir closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

However, just as she resigned herself to waiting for the verdict, a powerful mystical wave erupted from behind her...

Thanks to book friend Lian Hensong for the reward of 700 starting coins, thank you to Blue Ocean for the reward of 500 starting coins, thank you to book friend 20210201 for the reward of 200 starting coins, and thank you for the sour, vegetable and stupid 500 starting coins!

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