
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In order to ensure fairness and give latecomers a chance to catch up, the benefits of mission will be determined based on various factors such as difficulty and strength.

But in general.

The greater the reward, the greater the difficulty!

And these one hundred Level 4 jars are Mission Difficulty they have never seen before.

Just make a comparison.

The bee-eater exercises the mission to become the queen in that Marvel time. It took several years to get the qualification for a forty-fifty Level 4 jar.

And this mission is one hundred Level 4 cans!

“Will it really be so strong?” All members looked at each other in blank dismay.

“mission is defeat.” Orochimaru’s hoarse voice came, “not at all said it was a kill. This also means that we may be able to work together, and we will not be able to defeat even one.”

“Yes!” Some people also reacted, looking towards Son Goku, “Even if our strength really can’t beat the cyborgs, there is still Senior.”

Many people’s eyes lit up immediately.

Speaking like this…

Don’t you just need to follow this Senior to complete this mission?

It doesn’t look too difficult, they have a strong and powerful existence, plus hundreds of members!

Is this mission a welfare?

“It looks like we have to prepare well.”

“How do you call Senior?”

“In this battle, we will definitely help!”

Suddenly, many people crowded in front of Son Goku.

Obviously, in their view, the key to completing this mission is to hug your thighs.

However, if you take a closer look, you can find out.

The people who go to Son Goku to hold thighs are mostly just relatively little characters. Those who have a certain status in this group of members, as well as their guild members, are not immediately forward .

Perhaps dignity.

Maybe… have other ideas.

“Toni Young Lady, do we want to get acquainted with it too?” Suizumi Tonioka asked, floating in front of Toni.

“Heh.” Toni chuckled, turned his head, looked at Yoya Shiki, the former Master of the ghost killing team, and asked, “What do you think.”

Yoshiya Shiki seems to be thinking for a while, then shaking one’s head.

“The mission of Chamber of Commerce will not have such obvious loopholes. Although I haven’t thought of the difficulty, but I want to come, it will not be so simple.”

“Yes.” Toni was satisfied and nodded, patted her chest, Zhan Kinoe continued to spread on her body, “One hundred Level 4 cans mission, if it is so easy, I will eat my Zhan Kinoe !”

This is the simplest logic.

Look at the rest.

White Beard, Namikaze Minato, Roger, and even Orochimaru, who started to talk, did not get in.

Hold your thigh? Everyone go together?

If it is so simple, where is the value of a hundred Level 4 jars.

Son Goku was surrounded by a lot of people, and he seemed helpless. He was obviously not very good at dealing with so many people, but in a short period of time, these members figured it out. character.

Another “simple” protagonist character.

Similar to Roger, Luffy, and Naruto.

Such people are best to get along with.

You don’t need too much plot against, as long as you show sincerity, you can get sincerity.

And when people are thinking about how to get closer to this Senior.

Among a group of people, two people came in unconsciously.

A tall and thin old man with a hat and full skin on his face.

A short fat man also wears a hat, and his whole face looks like a ball.

“There are so many people here, on the 20th.” The short, fat man started to talk first.

“There are no such people in the record. It seems that this period of time has undergone a change we don’t know, the 19th.” The person called the 20th finished speaking, paused, and then went on Said, “However, they all have a high energy response. It seems that we can absorb more energy.”

“That’s right.” On the nineteenth, there was a cruel smile on the funny round face.

There is no doubt that these two people are artificial people.

Finally, someone found them.

“Who are you?” Raikage stared at the two of them, her pupils contracted slightly, “Not a member?”

There was Raikage’s voice, and many people suddenly moved their eyes.

They noticed suddenly.

There are actually two people who are not members, mixed in with them.


split second, everyone became vigilant and completely surrounded these two people.

Even Son Goku is startled.

“I can’t feel the qi at all, how come.”

“hmph hmph.” No. 20 sneered twice, with his hands around his chest, “It is normal for people who can’t feel breath. It seems, Son Goku, you already know that we will be here, and a large group People, it’s weird, how did you know?”

On the 20th, these people are regarded as helpers brought by Son Goku.

After all, the production of these humanoids is based on all the battles of Son Goku through childhood.

It even included the fight with Frieza in the sky too.

Extract genes and numbers.

However, although they knew Chen Mo’s existence, they didn’t know that some of their cognition was distorted by Chen Mo. Therefore, only if Chen Mo was a person who trained them, they didn’t know about Chamber of Commerce. exist.

“It seems that you are enemies.” Raikage put down his hands and looked at the two artificial people in front of him.

peng sound.

A lightning emerged from his body, like a dense armor Kinoe, constantly surging on his body.

Thunder Witch!

Raikage’s job transfer is the same as Misaka Mikoto’s job transfer.

However, he still inherited his usual battle method, continued to exercise his fleshy body, and turned Ninjutsu and magic into melee methods.

At this moment, the warrior, who has always been rough-tempered, doesn’t intend to say anything at all.

“Let the old man try your strength first!”

The lightning on the body once again released the rays of light, the muscles bulged, and Chakra and Wuli surged wildly.

As soon as you came up, you had already used all your strength!

“Let me help you.” Third-Tsuchikage also flew up, with his hands in a row, one after another magic array appeared behind his thin body, constantly overlapping, deforming, and expanding, many members All complexion slightly changed and moved away.

Earth mage.

Tsuchikage’s profession, in conjunction with his Particle-Style, is a skill that can be equated with Tearing Space for members of the overwhelming majority.

However, it seems that I am afraid I will miss the mission.

A considerable number of people are beginning to surging with energy, even Konan has already pinched a talisman in his hand.

Roger and the others be eager to have a try.

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