
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Son Goku is, to a certain extent, a simple person.

He doesn’t have too many complicated ideas.

When you see a powerful opponent, you want to fight and defeat it. When you see your friend injured and killed, you will get angry. In addition, you will let the opponent go, and even heal the opponent for the delighted battle.

So, Son Goku at this moment only knows the strength of Frieza, but doesn’t care about the gap between them.

Perhaps it is this simplicity that has allowed Son Goku to be at the forefront of everyone with a not-so-excellent innate talent.

And now.

Everyone’s dissuasion did not dampen his confidence in fighting.

Fly alone.

“Let me be your opponent! Frieza!” Son Goku made his own statement to Frieza.

“It’s amazing courage.” Frieza put his arms around his chest and looked jokingly on Son Goku flying up, “I am a little touched. Do you think the King would say that? Hahaha, die. You can only say that your courage is just a stupid, or are you unaware of the huge gap between us?”

Frieza, who has entered the final form, wants to torture those who dare to challenge him in a brutal way.

The expression of despair always brings him pleasure.

But it’s a pity.

No matter how hard the battle is, Son Goku has never felt despair at any time, or in other words, he doesn’t exist despair and timidity in his mind.

“In my normal form, I am indeed not your opponent, so—” Son Goku gritted his teeth, clenched the fist, and squatted his own roar from deep in his throat, “Ten times, Jie Wang Fist !”


The visible air currents of naked eye gathered on his body, and the majestic pressure even swept the entire Heaven and Earth. The atmosphere was roaring, the ground was shaking, and pieces of rubble flew slowly under the impact of the invisible imposing-manner Up.

Son Goku’s anger grew wildly.

Million, two million, ten million!

If there is a detector capable of detecting his strength, it can be clearly discovered that Son Goku’s fighting strength has jumped tenfold!

However, although Son Goku at this time has become unprecedentedly powerful, it is still not enough!

“This idiot.” Vegeta gritted his teeth. “Even if it is the Ten Times Realm King Fist, the gap is too big, the Ten Times Realm King Fist will not be Frieza’s opponent at all! Not to mention that he can’t maintain this state for too long!”

As a small partner who has been training together for a month, everyone knows Son Goku’s trick called Jie Wang Quan.

It is indeed possible to raise the strength to a terrifying level in a short time.

However, this change will also bring a lot of stress to the body.

Moreover, Frieza is still twice as angry as Son Goku at this moment!

This gap is so big that even people who can’t feel breath can detect it.

“It looks good.” Although Frieza was a little surprised by the outbreak of Son Goku, he still didn’t feel any threat, and the smile on his face became more and more rampant. “But is this the confidence you dare to die? That’s it? Even if you don’t have to fight, you should be able to feel the gap between us.”

“Yes, it’s not enough!” Son Goku could certainly feel it.

This level, basically is not enough.

In this case.

“Twenty times–!”

Son Goku gritted his teeth, his breath leaping sharply like a fire, swelling again.

“Is he crazy?” Vegeta said blurt out.

“Goku, don’t mess around!” The Realm King’s anxious voice also rang in Son Goku’s mind, “Now you absolutely can’t bear twenty times the Realm King’s fist! Without waiting for you to use it, your body, Your blood vessels will burst open directly!”

Even the Ten Times Realm King Boxing was trained for this period of time, plus the effects of the light groups that enhance physical fitness.

Directly to twenty times.

Breakout seems to be the only result!

The words of the world king seemed to be confirmed by Son Goku. With the explosion of the world king’s fist, Son Goku’s skin has become red, one after another thick blood vessels spread all over his whole body like a curved earthworm , Has even turned dark brown.


Some blood vessels exploded suddenly.

Blood splattered.

Then the second place, the third place…

Son Goku’s body burst into sound continuously, and within a short period of time, he has become a blood man.

“Hey hey hey, what is this kind of? It’s a laugh.” Frieza grinned, “You are not committing suicide, right?”

Frieza’s subordinates also laughed loudly.

“hahaha, laugh to death.”

“This guy is about to explode and commit suicide.”

“Even if you are scared by King Frieza, you don’t have to do self-harm.”

“It’s so pitiful, self-harm is not worthy of being King Frieza’s opponent.”

After seeing Frieza seemingly occupying absolute power, these people are considered fiercely sighed in relief, one by one, as if they didn’t put Son Goku and the others in their eyes.

“What is this guy Kakarot doing?” Vegeta gritted his teeth, looking incomprehensibly.

Will you die if you fail to fight?

He didn’t know whether he was ashamed of his fear of Bifrieza or angry at Son Goku’s stupid behavior, but he felt that he was almost reaching his limit, and his strong emotions were agitated in his heart.

And Kobayashi even closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to look at Son Goku who looked miserable at the moment.


Just when everyone was puzzled by Son Goku’s decision, a smile suddenly appeared on Son Goku’s face.

Skills and vitality!

The burst of qi in the body turned into a surging vitality in a strange form, rapidly repairing Son Goku’s body that had been mad and serious injury due to the rupture of blood vessels. Who knew it came, and it continued to move forward. Twenty times the advance of the Realm King Fist.

“What is…what?” Kobayashi suddenly eyes opened.

He felt Son Goku’s already weakened aura, and once again broke out, it seemed incredible that Son Goku looked in midair.

Can’t be wrong.

Although Son Goku still looks drenched with blood, his aura continues to move towards Twenty Times Realm King’s Fist and the degree of his rapid growth.

Even stronger!

“Kakarot, what the hell did you do?” Vegeta also had an unbelievable expression with a mouth opened wide.

He can also feel the changes in Son Goku.

Obviously I was still dying from a serious injury just now, why did it suddenly recover?

Eat fairy beans?

It’s not like it.

“It’s a skill.” Piccolo raised his eyes and said with certainty, “I can’t go wrong, it was taken out of the jar, which allows him to break through his own skills.”

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