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They are also blue rare level skills, indicating that the prices in the system are all similar.

However, this blue is rare, and the blue just now is rare, for Piccolo, it is as different as heaven and earth.

One cannot break even Frieza’s shell.

The other one can increase Piccolo’s power to a terrifying level in a short time.

Because this skill is essentially just an introduction, what really brings power is the potential of Piccolo.

Chen Mo also realized.

When they have good power and potential, the value of the jar lies in them, which is completely different from those of junior members.

This is also a change.

At this moment, at the moment when he released his potential and continuously transformed life force into strength, Piccolo did not continue to waste time. For him every moment, he has to endure great pain, only anger. Only then can this pain be suppressed.


Pick’s figure left a burst of air in the same place.

He didn’t move as fast and silently as before.

Instead, let Aura explode, her body roughly moved towards the atmosphere, moved towards Frieza pounced.

“Is your brain burned out?” Frieza sneered and avoided, “Can this kind of crude action hit me?”

Although the people of this World fight, they are mainly competing against physical differences.

However, this is also because each of them has reached the limit of combat technically.

Now, even though Piccolo’s strength has skyrocketed, he can’t control it perfectly, behaving like a baby who has no strength but doesn’t know how to fight.

However, while the smile on Frieza’s face still remained, Piccolo, who interlaced with his figure, stretched out his hands suddenly, and fiercely hit Frieza’s in a way that completely violated the general race. On the face, even one hand grabbed his leg, leading a frantic attack from one hand to another.

The multiplied power and unreserved strikes are on Frieza’s body.

one after another The dull crash sound, like thunder, exploded in the sky.

Everyone can only look dumbfounded. Frieza was beaten again by Ruthless.

“This guy…” Vegeta squeezed the fist, “Really got an amazing skill.”

Or rather, a very suitable skill.

The uncontrollable strength skyrocketed, resulting in a decline in combat skills, but Piccolo could not be judged by a normal race. The powerful ethnic innate talent of the Nameks allowed him to vent strength freely.

Extend your legs, extend your arms, even your head, and spray air waves with your mouth, completely out of common sense.

No matter how reluctant, Vegeta had to admit it.

He may not be able to beat Piccolo in this state at all.

At the very least.

Frieza once again experienced the pain of being beaten up.


Frieza’s anger exploded suddenly, muscles bulged, fiercely broke free from Piccolo’s entire arm tied up, and the veins on his forehead violently, obviously he was angry to the extreme.

“The king is no longer ready to play with you! I feel honored, you are the first to see the third form of the king in decades…”


A hot light wave swallowed Frieza’s next words.

The huge energy even hit his body through the ground.

Deep into a huge bottomless hole.

Bik has no leisure time here and continues to listen to Frieza talking, he has already felt his limits.

If you don’t hurry up… you won’t be able to continue fighting.


Still okay?

“Frieza’s anger has changed again!” Son Goku said calmly.

“This, this is…” Vegeta’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Impossible.” Kobayashi backed away in fear.

Frieza’s subordinates are still worried about their king, but they have just been understood. Deep underground, Frieza’s aura is constantly rolling and growing, even stronger than the growth just now. .

To a completely different level!

Triple? Four times?

Always growing!


Huge dust exploded on the earth, and Frieza’s figure rushed directly up.

He is completely different now.

Unusually petite, the red muscle mass on the arms and thighs has been completely disappeared, replaced by the same white shell as the chest.

And his anger has risen to a level beyond everyone’s imagination.

Even let the sweat on Vegeta’s forehead flow like a waterfall, and let Bick’s mouth opened wide in a state of rage, and Kobayashi fell to the ground with a butt, and all the people who can observe “qi” are only Saitama still has a calm face.

“This, how is this possible!” Vegeta squeezed the fist tightly and opened his mouth wide, seeming not to accept it at all.

Too powerful!

Unbelievably powerful.

Only speaking, Frieza at this moment is even several times the Bik at this moment.

I don’t know how much stronger than Vegeta herself.

It is as if there is a heavy mountain that oppresses everyone on the top of the head. There is no despair of resistance except the falling of the looking mountain and squashing myself completely.


At this moment, Frieza, simply is not the third state of mind.

And go directly to the final form!

“You scoundrel.” Frieza squeezed the fist with a hideous expression, “You really made me angry, scared, at this moment, this is my original state, the real me If you can die in this form, you will be dead without regret!”

“Hurry up, scoundrel!”

Pick stretched out his hands, and the aura hot enough to destroy the planet converged on his hands, forming a huge ball of light.

This basically brought his last strength together.

However, Frieza didn’t even plan to stop him, but looked at him disdainfully, putting his hands around his chest.

“Go to hell!” Piccolo fiercely thrown out the Qi wave.

The expected explosion did not appear at all.

Frieza just stretched out a hand.

I easily grasped this wave of air that could destroy the planet in his hands.

Under the huge ball of light, is Frisana’s smile like a real Demon King-like.

“Give it back!”

The muscles on the arms violently violently, just like this, grasping the air wave, in a throwing posture, moved towards Pic Fiercely’s thrown out.

This is the split second.

Bik’s gas decayed rapidly.

He has reached his limit!

“Danger!” Son Goku’s figure violently moved, seeming to want to save Piccolo.

However, there are people who react faster than him.

It was a yellow silhouette that flashed by.

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