
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chen Mo appeared here, mainly focusing on two potential Namek stars.

But now, he suddenly doesn’t want to leave.

Compared to watching a movie alone, there are obviously more people and more atmosphere, even more how, this war is about destiny with these people in front of you, just like watching a football game and watching with the people who placed the bet. More atmosphere.

And expand with each screen.

These Namekians all showed nervous and angry expressions.

They saw the destroyed villages, the corpses everywhere, and the planet that became messy in the constant battle.

But in the end.

Anger turned into helplessness and silence.

Chen Mo noticed this emotional change.

“Namekians will become so weak and small, but they have a lot to do with you.” Chen Mo shaking one’s head, no trace of politeness, said to Great Elder, “You are too much advocating peace, the whole There are only nearly a thousand Namekians left on the planet, and there is only one battle-type. To be better, it is mild, but actually weak.”


Great Elder doesn’t seem to have any plans to refute, but nodded.

“This is indeed my reason.”

Namek people are naturally not at first. On the contrary, the inner heart of this race also hides evil.

The original Piccolo Great Devil King is an example.

And this race, just like the Super Saiyans, there are Super Nameks, but the so-called Super Nameks are more like a kind of evil thought to the aggregate, the more powerful, the more evil.

This is why the Great Elder did not move towards the development of the fighting nation.

Chen Mo glanced at him.

The reason is not explained.

This World, in Chen Mo’s view, is a bit black and white.

Evil people are evil for no reason, kind-hearted and kind-hearted are unreasonable, just as if they have established their personality, and there is no special reason for impossible change. In this case, let him It’s hard to find the followers of Frieza and become members. The ambition that can’t reach the level is not as strong as the guardian heart of the positive camp.

As the scene became quiet, a real battle in the screen finally began.

Kobayashi, who did not hide his divinity, met his first goal.


It’s a man with light green skin and black long hair, looking very handsome.

Chen Mo fine-tune the brows.

Luck is really bad.

But he didn’t say anything, but what he did.

“Is the dragon ball in your hand?” Sabo stood in front of Kobayashi with his arms around his chest, eyes narrowed and looked at it, “500 battle strength? so that’s how it is, you are sneak attack repel Go with that person from Qiu Yi, huh, dare to come over and defeat a loser, have you erected your confidence?”

Xiao Lin’s palms still sweat a little.

There is only one dragon ball in his hand.

The other one was hidden in a cave that was difficult to find.

As Sabo said, he came here deliberately because he felt a single person, and this person didn’t seem to be very angry.

“Less, less nonsense.” Kobayashi placed the dragon ball in his hand on the ground and directly assumed an attacking posture, “Don’t delay time, just do it quickly.”

“do it quickly?” Sabo sneered, “just to my liking!”

Naked eye’s split second is imperceptible. Sabo’s figure appeared behind Kobayashi. A standard side kick brought huge wind pressure like a gust of wind. If it hits, Kobayashi’s head might look like a watermelon. The same burst open.

However, the Kobayashi at this moment is not the Kobayashi just now.

His figure also disappeared in an instant.

“En?” Sabo raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

The detector kept issuing warning sounds, telling him the location of Kobayashi, which was flashing at high speed, and gave him the rising battle strength amount.

“Seven thousand seven, eighteen thousand, nineteen thousand…so that’s how it is, your actual battle strength is much stronger than Qiu Yi’s loser.” Sabo avoided the vitality cut from Xiaolin. , While sneered said with a smile, “That loser would only lose if he was attacked by your sneak attack. What a loser.”

In just such a short time, Kobayashi’s fighting strength has risen to the highest level.

It has a battle strength of 22,000.

This has surpassed Vegeta’s battle strength when he first came to Earth, and Sabo in front of him had only 24,000 battle strength at this time.

“There is indeed the power to fight me, but why don’t you get close to me, what are you afraid of?” Sabo’s figure is moving fast, and the two people are constantly flashing high in the sky. The bombing brought violent noises.

Kobayashi noticed it suddenly.

Someone is already approaching.

Too bad!

If it is too long, the rest of Frieza’s subordinates will come over soon.

“Only close combat!” Xiao Lin’s hands once again appeared Yuan Qi Zhan, but this time, he did not throw the Yuan Qi Zhan out, instead, with the help of his own speed, he rushed directly to Sabo.


Vital energy cut is like a sharp sword in his hand. At a melee distance, it easily tore apart Sabo’s Kinoe, marking a long trace on the symmetrical body.

“How dare you hurt my beautiful body!”

This time, it seemed to stir Sabo’s inner anger.

But next moment.

There was a smile on his face.

“You were fooled and survived, do you think that only you can control your battle strength?”

“What?” Xiao Lin Da startled.

An unpleasant feeling surged up in a flash.

And this bad feeling quickly became a reality.

Sabo’s body suddenly bulged up after taking a deep breath, lumps appeared on his skin, and his handsome face became like a toad.

How handsome he looked just now, but how ugly he looks now.

But Kobayashi is not in the mood to pay attention to the appearance of the other side.

This person’s anger has soared in this split second!

Not good!

Kobayashi’s figure paused abruptly, turning around without thinking.

Absolutely, absolutely can’t win!

This breath has far surpassed him.

Why is this?

“Want to run? Make this Sir look ugly, do you still want to run?” Sabo’s figure rushed up at the split second and hit Xiaolin’s stomach with a hard punch.

“wa ——!”

Xiao Lin screamed.

He felt like he was overwhelmed in his stomach, his eyes bursting, and the intense pain almost made him dizzy.

In melee defense, Kinoe is simply not as powerful as long-range defense!

And… the power is so powerful!

Xiao Lin desperately moved towards the enemy, but was easily avoided.

It’s dangerous, it’s really dangerous this time!

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