
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

However, compared to Saitama.

Vegeta’s expression is not so relaxed.

The blow he just used, he absolutely used all his strength!

Even if it was Naba, he got serious injury under that blow, but the bald head in front of him didn’t even break his clothes?

What are these two monsters?

“Don’t continue?” Saitama strode forward, “Then I will come.”

Saitama changed from walking to running, getting faster and faster, and rushed straight to Vegeta.

The battle is coming.

Even Vegeta doesn’t have the mind to think about being too meddlesome.

“Crappy way of running, you basically is layman!” Vegeta also read a lot of information from Saitama, gritting his teeth, “How could I lose to someone like you!”

He doesn’t even care about Chen Mo on the other side.

Usually rush towards Saitama fiercely.

Fist to fist, there was a violent collision in midair.


The blowing air turned up waves of dust.

So hard!

Vegeta can feel the strength of the other side, maybe it’s still above him.

However, if it is only at this level…

“hmph!” Vegeta’s face showed a smile again, “Sure enough, there is some strength, but unfortunately, your actions are too clumsy!”

The fist waved again.

The two are moving at high speed on the ground, and each collision brings a sound like thunder. Wherever they go, the earth cracks, just the aftermath of the battle, it blows up as violent wind pressure as a hurricane.

Bik and the others even had to cover them with their hands.

“Okay, really strong!” Xiaolin’s voice trembled a little, “I can’t see their movements at all, it’s just that they might be so far apart!”

The rest of the people don’t have any good looks.

This is actually the first time they have seen Saiyan fighting.

The other Saiyan before, died just in one face. It was so simple to die, and they would inevitably give birth to the idea of ​​”Saiyan maybe just this”.

But now.

They realized they were wrong.

And it was wrong.

This kind of battle scene can’t even be seen clearly. If they come to fight, I am afraid that they will lose if they meet each other. One year of hard training, the confidence before coming here, at this time becomes extremely ridiculous .

“Is this hit?” A voice suddenly appeared beside them.

Everyone looked back abruptly.

Chen Mo is very quietly floating among them.

When? ?

Everyone is in a state of high tension now, but they don’t even know when this person came.

“Neither of these two people have come up with real strength yet. This is just a warm-up.” Chen Mo looked at the same people, shaking one’s head, said with a smile, “However, there is a saying, Compared with them, your strength is indeed very weak.”

“Is it very weak?” Piccould squeezed the fist, turned his head and stared at Chen Mo, “Is it weak or not? You can only know if you are weak or not. Our training is not for standing here. Look.”

Bik is trying hard to calm himself until now.

But now, it’s almost at the limit.

Because he can’t see either!

I can’t see the movements of these two people clearly, and I don’t have the confidence to be able to match this strength, but this level is just a warm-up? What are they?

“Not reconciled?” Chen Mo took a look at him with interest and asked, “What can I do if I am not reconciled.”

“…” Piccolo dumbstruck and unable to reply.

“I have experienced many worlds and witnessed many experts. Your strength is naturally not the weakest in this, but it is indeed very weak.” Chen Mo refocused his attention on Saitama who was in battle. “If we don’t come, it’s just your strength, the Saiyan named Naba can easily kill you all alone. This is the fact.”

In the original plot, this is indeed the case.

These people still have strong strength at first.

But the more you get to the back, the more you are completely pulled apart by Son Goku, who is a protagonist, even more than one grade.

Even the routines are the same.

Son Goku was delayed by various things and arrived late. The others went up first and were tortured. After Son Goku arrived, he would fight alone until he won.

“Yes, hateful…”

Pick pinched the fist tightly, and his teeth made the sound of crack cracks.

The rest of the people are also unwilling.

Obviously such serious training, obviously strength has been making rapid progress, but still so weak.

Just at this time.

With a violent sound, Saitama’s figure seemed to be hit hard by fiercely, and a long ravine was drawn on the ground.


The clothes are still undamaged.

Even Vegeta on the other side, which was obviously specially made, has one after another obvious crack.

“What monster are you.” Vegeta panting slightly, looking Saitama.

In the short battle, he could actually be considered an advantage, because Saitama didn’t make a lot of shots at all, and he couldn’t fly. However, his fist didn’t seem to have any effect on Saitama.

“I am a human being.” Saitama stood up from the ground, patted the clothes on his face, but showed a disappointed expression on his face, “You are the most powerful person I have ever fought, but at this level, It’s not enough to make me serious.”

Yes, Saitama hasn’t really gotten serious until now.

Vegeta’s fist, hit him, it still hurts.

But that’s all.

If it’s only this level, then once he uses a serious punch, the other side should not be able to hold it.

“Human? You said you are human?” Vegeta pinched the fist tightly, and seemed to be stimulated to shout as loudly, “Don’t crack a joke, how could such a weak human being It is the opponent of the mighty Saiyan! In this case, let you see my true power!”

Furious, started to mobilize.

Vegeta seemed to be truly angry.

The muscles on his body bulged little by little, and the terrifying aura continued to condense on his body. The gravel on the ground flew up little by little under the terrifying aura, even the airflow high in the sky Everyone seemed to feel something. The dark clouds gathered together, and within a short period of time, thunder and lightning flashed.

Kobayashi and the others, who could feel the “qi”, were completely stunned.

“Here, what is this.”

“It’s so scary, I’ve never seen such a strong aura!”

“Is this the real strength of Saiyans?”

“Okay, really strong… Can that bald Uncle win?”

Little Gohan seems to be worried about Saitama.

Chen Mo looked towards him, lightly said with a smile, “Don’t worry, now, Saitama is better.”

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