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Although Saitama’s power is strong, it is just a pure amount of physical strength.

Therefore, it is not like Chen Mo, who can clearly sense the difference to the world.

“Don’t worry.” Chen Mo shaking one’s head, looked towards outer space, “Soon there will be a battle of barely enough specifications.”

There, two small single-person spaceships are rapidly approaching.

Yes, that is the spaceship of the Saiyan.

The current timeline is the time when the Saiyans Vegeta and Napa just arrived on Earth. In other words, there is no Super Saiyan at this time.

The reason for choosing this time point is because Chen Mo wants to know the battle strength of this World.

His information about this World only comes from the manga he has seen.

However, the degree of difference between manga’s performance and the real situation is not a little bit.

Dragon Ball is also known for its fighting strength collapse.

In a certain period of plot before Vegeta’s arrival in Earth, only a luminous cannon destroyed a planet. Therefore, even in this period, Vegeta has at least the power to destroy the planet.

“Fight.” Saitama also moved his shoulder a little, “I’m already impatient.”

“Wait, and someone is coming.” Chen Mo looked towards a certain direction.

As soon as they appeared, they were immediately discovered.

Naturally, it will not exist at this level of the world king.

They are just some “characters” on this planet.

“Someone is coming.” Saitama also noticed.

There are several existences rushing to the horizon, and everyone is surrounded by waves of tumbling air.

Sky dance.

is a technique unique to this World.

The biggest effect is to be able to fly extremely fast.

Just a moment.

one after another silhouette, came in front of the two.

Chen Mo’s eyes swept one by one.

The green-skinned Pic, Kobayashi without a nose, and a little one, obviously Son Goku’s son, Sun Gohan.

Currently only these three people have arrived.

“Who are you?” Piccolo said solemnly, his eyes shifted to Saitama.

really strong, really strong, so big!

Even Piccolo can feel the power of Saitama.

As for Chen Mo on another side.

It looks like just an ordinary person.

“Are you Saiyans?” Gohan squeezed fist tightly.

“Saiyan, what is that?” Saitama touched his bald head, and suddenly looked towards Kobayashi, nodded, “If I read correctly, you are the strongest one.”

“What?” Xiaolin was a little confused, and a little trembling with fear.

Of these three people, only Piccolo was the most calm.

“Calm down, Gohan, they don’t have tails.”

Saiyans have tails, and this almost becomes their symbol.

A person with such a strong strength who has no tail but suddenly appeared?

Chen Mo retracted his gaze and looked towards Saitama.

“Exactly.” Chen Mo seemed to have thought of something. “Although the strength of these people is very weak, but you should fight to see and understand the battle method of this World, but don’t make heavy moves, they are tentatively It is also on the side of’guardian’.”

“Really?” Saitama’s eyes shone slightly.

He is very fighting intent now.

This fighting intent, but the anticipation accumulated over the past month.

What Chen Mo said, not at all covered it up to several others.

Bik’s expression suddenly became gloomy.

“Very weak? Boast shamelessly!”

“When you come for a fight, you will be understood.” Saitama walked up, the two subordinates hanging down, looked loose, “rest assured, I will start off leniently.”

Saitama said start off leniently, that is the real start off leniently.

But listening to Piccolo’s ears is pure provocation.

“In that case, I accept your challenge.” Piccolo took off his hat and the white cloak, and slammed it heavily on the ground.

This is the weight item he used for training.

“Gohan, stand back.”

Out of caution, Piccolo not at all asked Gohan to come up too.

Although I don’t know who these two are.

However, you can never go wrong in a fight.

“Well, Piccolo, be careful.”

Gohan is nodded, and Kobayashi also retreats far away.

“What’s the matter with those two people.” Kobayashi said somewhat trembling with fear, “obviously not a Saiyan, why do you want to fight, and it sounds like a very powerful person.”

“It’s very powerful.” Gohan’s immature face has a seriousness that doesn’t match his age. “I can feel that this person with a bald head like Kobayashi Uncle is very powerful!”

This can be regarded as the intuition brought by the Saiyan bloodline.

After all, at this time, Gohan has also undergone three years of brutal training in Piccolo.

“Let’s start.” Piccolo raised his hand, “Hah!”

A light cannon ruthless moved towards Saitama blasted away.


With the violent explosion, the dust was flying.

Chen Mo raised his brow slightly.

There is an inexplicable sense of joy.

Here comes.

The classic light cannon, the classic dust-free law.

As the flying dust gradually dissipated, Saitama inside and a huge pit about ten meters in diameter were exposed.

as it should be by rights, unscathed!

The clothes on Saitama are not the ordinary clothes before, but Chen Mo specially prepared for him. It is one of the benefits of high-level members. As long as he is not really hurt, this clothes will There will be no breakage.

No doubt.

Bick looked shocked.

Naturally, he did not use his full strength, and guessed that this simple attack would not have much effect, but he was unharmed?

“Okay, really strong.” Xiaolin started to tremble again, swallowed saliva.

“Is this kind of light cannon?” Saitama looked at her all around for a while, then suddenly realized, “It’s a little different from what I imagined, but the dazzling is real.”

“Hateful! In this case, I won’t start off leniently anymore!”

Bick’s figure came to Saitama’s side at split second.

He intends to use his hands to personally measure the power of the existence in front of him!

Exhausted the strength of the whole body, fist, hit Saitama’s stomach!


There was a dull crash.

Saitama was slammed back without any resistance, but everyone in the room could clearly see that Saitama’s expression had not changed at all.

The people here are all Martial Dao masters. Naturally, I know what it looks like when a fist hits a person’s stomach.

The eyes are bloodshot, the mouth is open, and the internal organs are ruptured.

It should be.

However, seeing Saitama’s reaction, there was no injury at all!

“Not finished yet!”

Pick’s figure caught up with the flying away Saitama in an instant, fist, kicking, countless attacks hit Saitama’s body in extreme time.

Almost phantom appears.

Then I can’t see any movement at all.

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