
You can search for “Selling Jars from Hokage (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Hateful!” Tornado couldn’t understand Chen Mo’s words at all.

She has never encountered such a situation.

In normal times, no one would refuse her.

However, she also understands that the person in front of him is different from any existence she usually meets. If he wants to refuse, then she can do nothing.

I don’t know how to communicate, and military force has no effect.

Tornado finally gave up.

“If you don’t help, you won’t help.” She stood up, a faint green light appeared on her body, as if she was planning to leave.

But she soon discovered that her superability seemed to have lost its effect.

Usually, the power that can fly easily with a single thought has no effect at this moment. Her power that can easily destroy an entire city can’t even leave within-the-body at this moment.

No doubt.

Here, there is only one who can do this.

“Are you trying to fight?” Tornado’s gaze became dangerous, and even his voice became cold, “You still want to imprison me?”

It’s not the usual anger of a little girl. Under this deadly expression, the real anger is hidden.

For Tornado, the biggest shadow is probably the experience of being imprisoned in childhood.

But Chen Mo gently shaking ones head.

“Don’t worry, I just want to show you something, your younger sister is coming here.”

“My younger sister? Blowing the snow?” Tornado exclaimed.

She obviously didn’t see the silhouette of Fuxue just now.

“In the understood, my elder sister swaggered to find trouble with the’God’. Your younger sister would naturally worry about her elder sister who is not understanding, stubborn, smelly and arrogant and pampered There will be danger.” Chen Mo chuckled twice.

“She, worry about me?” Tornado opened his eyes wide, biting his lip, “hateful, basically is acting unnecessarily, if even me is in danger, what is the use of her!”

The Tornado really thinks so.

It’s as if she has always opposed Fuxue’s establishment of such a group.

The reason is also very simple.

It’s no use.

The Tornado lacks true communication with people, does not understand the connections and emotions between people, and cannot understand the younger sister’s intentions. He just blindly thinks from the perspective of results, and finally comes to the The connection between the two is worthless conclusion.


In the immediately after learning that her younger sister was coming, her reaction was that it was useless and might be dangerous.

Bite clenched the teeth.

The tornado turned over, planning to jump off the window sill when the superability failed.

The result can be imagined.

Her figure is directly fixed in midair.

“Reassure, I don’t intend to hurt you, I just want to review and see which of your sisters is eligible to be my guest.” Chen Mo gently waved his hand, “So, please Be honest.”

Although Dragon Roll is an elder sister, and its strength is strong.

However, according to Chen Mo’s standards.

Actually, younger sister Fuxue might be more suitable for membership.

However, Tornado is a full-fledged sister-in-law. If Chuuxue is used, she might become mature.

The only pity for Chen Mo is that Saitama is not here. He ran to a supermarket a hundred kilometers away to rush to buy, and probably won’t come back before night.

The tornado was restrained by a soft and invisible force.

Invisible at the same time.

Soon, a group of people leaned in huddly, but stopped when there was still some distance.

In the end, only Chuuxue, Bangu, Atomic Samurai and metal bats came forward.

Buixue is very nervous.

She is a small B-Rank, but she is playing all S-Rank between her palms. The code name is the terrifying character of “God”.

Don’t say it is stronger than the elder sister. In the entire planet, there may be no more powerful existence than the one in front of you.

However, I thought of my elder sister.

Buxue came up still trembling with fear, stood downstairs in the apartment, raised his head, didn’t even dare to look directly at Chen Mo’s eyes, and asked with a trembling voice:

“Excuse me… my elder sister, has Tornado already been here?”

She can’t see the tornado struggling hard while invisible.

“Well, I’ve been here.” Chen Mo drank the tea leisurely and glanced down, but his eyes were on the metal bat, “We met again.”

“I didn’t know that you were such a great person last time.” The sound of the metal bat had a bitterness that had never been felt before. “How did you do it? This is the first time I met imposing-manner. An irresistible force.”

He’s basically here these days.

Even the most passionate people.

I also had to recognize a fact in the struggle again and again.

He can’t beat that power.

This makes the metal bat very unwilling, and even a sense of frustration that has never been experienced before.

“Is it the first time you met?” Chen Mo chuckled lightly, “It’s not the first time, or is it possible for you to deal with your younger sister crying?”

Metal bat, super sister control.

Don’t be afraid of any enemy, no matter how many times you are defeated, you can stand up stronger.

However, Dudu has nothing to do with the younger sister.

Especially when the younger sister is crying.

At this moment, Chen Mo was pierced by Chen Mo. The metal bat did not show any sorry, but he continued calmly and said: “That’s totally different, the tears of the younger sister… the big brother thing, that can be considered admit-defeat Right?”

“No, it’s the same.” Chen Mo looked back and looked at the exquisite teacup in his hand. “You are relying on the imposing-manner to fight until now, thinking that as long as there is an imposing-manner, you don’t exist. Conquered enemy, but do you remember the words I said to you three years ago? After you have experienced a battle that you can’t win no matter how hard you struggle, maybe, at that time you are qualified to get my approval .”

Three years ago for metal bats, Chen Mo did say this.

It’s just that, he didn’t take seriously.

But at this time, Chen Mo re-speaking of which, the metal bat seemed to understand what Chen Mo said.

“Get your approval? I didn’t fight for this thing.” The metal bat put his bat on his shoulder and looked up Chen Mo, “I admit that you are indeed very strong, relying only on imposing -manner, I may never be your opponent, but so what, except for younger sister, in this world doesn’t exist anyone can allow me to admit-defeat.”

It’s like a metal bat fighting again and again with the power exerted on the metal Knight.

Even if he knew it long ago, he might not be able to beat it at all.

It’s just that, in his dictionary, simply didn’t give up two words.

The so-called imposing-manner.

In fact, it just doesn’t give up until the end.

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