
You can search for “Selling Jars from Hokage (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

However, it is a pity.

How much is the money of undocumented Knight not at all.

Although he always worked hard to conduct hero missions, after all, strength was not enough, and the Heroes Association was not a profitable platform, so the money saved by undocumented Knight painstakingly was just ordinary.

It’s not even enough to buy to transfer.

In the end, only dozens of second-level pots were opened, which almost consumed all his savings.

But even so.

Unlicensed Knight, also felt that he was far stronger than before.

“Now you, if you talk about strength alone, you should barely be able to become a B-Rank hero.” Chen Mo roughly estimated, then said, “However, I think you should first exercise in C-Rank. , Even if you go to B-Rank, I’m afraid it’s the bottom, you take this one.”

Chen Mo handed him a badge.

“This is…” Undocumented Knight respectfully took it, and then looked Chen Mo asked.

“There is my power on this. You can use this to buy the jar with Ryo anytime, without worrying about being robbed, because this belongs to you only.” Chen Mo explained.

After the badge is sent out, he doesn’t need to pay much attention to the rest.

Unlicensed Knight will work hard to make money and buy jars.

Moreover, after he starts to change the timeline of this World, the undocumented Knight will still get enough exercise, at least not much weaker than the rest of the current members.

After all, this World is “predecessor”.

“Yes!” Undocumented Knight heard that he would still be able to obtain these magical jars. The whole person got excited, stood up and bowed deeply, “I will definitely live up to the high hopes of the predecessors, and I will not let down the predecessors. Help!”

He doesn’t think about why there is such a magical jar. Senior is who again.

Because, this is truly an opportunity he wants to change his destiny.

Moreover, only those who have experienced a beating will understand.

How precious is such an opportunity.

Just make money. This is a huge gift for ordinary people.

“Keep it up.” Chen Mo also smiled and said a word of encouragement.

Undocumented Knight finally left after thanking him again and again.

While leaving.

His back figure stopped, his eyes full of hope and longing for the way forward.

This reminds Saitama of when he first started exercising.

No, even when he first started exercising, he didn’t seem to be as full of passion as the undocumented Knight. At that time, he didn’t think that he would become so strong, more, or a kind of The feeling of setting goals and sticking to them.

Looking back.

Gazed over there seems to be Chen Mo teasing a cat.

“Is this what you are going to do?” Saitama asked.

“What do you mean?” Chen Mo teased Feiju, lifting the head looked him.

“It’s like this…” Saitama raised his hand and gestured a few times, but he got stuck. It seemed that he couldn’t find any suitable words to describe this feeling.

“Like this, bring hope to the rest?” Chen Mo said in his place.

“Yes.” Saitama nodded vigorously, “It’s hope.”

He witnessed this scene with his own eyes and witnessed the changes of undocumented Knight, so he had a strange feeling.

Just think.

In terms of meaning alone, this seems to have more special significance than simply saving the rest of the people.

“In fact, I prefer to call it—giving qualified people an opportunity to change destiny.” Chen Mo said the last sentence word by word, and then lightly said with a smile, “I seem to be just In giving, but in fact, I have also gained a lot. A long time ago, I was just traveling and doing what I wanted to do, but later, I realized that the power I have can easily Changing the destiny of others, and what I have been doing, is the same thing. In your words, it’s just interest.”

Although the true purpose was concealed, Chen Mo was not at all wrong about the core motivation.

As a matter of interest.

He has enjoyed this kind of work since he was just an ordinary person.

Bring others happiness that is hard to feel in reality.

“That’s great.” Saitama’s face was full of envy.

It’s not that I envy this feeling, but that Chen Mo can do what he wants to do with interest.

“That’s why I asked you if you really understand the meaning of traveling with me.” Chen Mo spread his hands together, “Although simple travel can also find happiness, I think the focus of travel is still different. The place is doing what it wants to do.”

“So, what I have to do is to go to the rest of the world in front of the heroes I am interested in?” Saitama this time, this sentence seems to have an extraordinary meaning again,

“That’s right.” Chen Mo nodded, continued to play the cat, “Your current lifespan, and the tenacity of life, may have exceeded your imagination, and what is waiting for you next is hundreds, thousands of years , And even tens of thousands of years of life and time, if you can’t find what you want to do and can always feel the emotions, you will soon be in the midst of doing nothing, completely lose human emotions and change Success is like a walking corpse, and many worlds call this kind of existence-rules.”

There are indeed many experts in the world that look like this.

No emotions, no companions.

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