
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage, Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Tsunade thought clearly.

With her grandfather here, I’m afraid it’s difficult to kill Uchiha Madara, unless you can do a top secret, but Uchiha Madara is not a fool.

Now Uchiha Madara brings it up by himself.

As long as she is in front of one’s eyes, the operable space is much larger. It is better than letting him do things that no one knows outside, let alone let him go to Orochimaru’s side.

even more how.

If Uchiha Madara really cares about his younger brother so much, then it is also a point that can control him.

So, Tsunade agreed directly, which seems to be the best result so far.

“Then the agreement is established.” Uchiha Madara nodded, and then said nothing, as if he was really just a follower of Tsunade.

This change caused a lot of talk in whispers inside Konoha.

Especially Uchiha Clan.

Although Uchiha Madara is called a “traitor” in Uchiha Clan, but after all, he is the ancestor of there clan, or hehe’s famous ancestor. Now he is obedient to Tsunade, which makes them all feel complex. Matt.

Many people’s faces are already ugly at the moment.

Includes Uchiha Sasuke.

However, since the rest of the members were present, and even Chen Mo was present, no one stood up at this time.

“This is your badge.” Chen Mo raised his hand and three badges with pale-gold rays of light appeared in the hands of the three people. “The functions have been told to you, and the badges represent I don’t need to say more about the identity of your members and the rest.”

The smile on Chen Mo’s face is a bit playful no matter how you look at it.

In the presence, perhaps only he can see the most clearly.

Orochimaru can also guess some.

This wave seems to be Tsunade’s big profit.

But actually.

Uchiha Madara knows very well that he is weakling now, and he is weakling without a trusted companion. He doesn’t trust Orochimaru, let alone the others. If he stays with the others with this kind of strength, that’s Be completely constrained.

At this moment, this body is completely controlled by Orochimaru.

It looks like this.

It turned out to be Senju Hashirama’s side. It was the safest for him and the most suitable for him to develop.

However, Senju Hashirama is not the God of Ninja World in the past after all. He also has no power now. So in the end, Uchiha Madara chose Tsunade. There is a bloodline relationship between Tsunade and Senju Hashirama. She will not casually Ignoring Senju Hashirama’s Willpower, staying by her side is the safest, and even able to resurrect my younger brother.

In this wave, Tsunade is only in Second Layer.

And Uchiha Madara, at least on the 5th floor.

worthy-of is one of the secret mastermind of Naruto World.

The smile on Chen Mo’s face has widened even more.

That’s it, plot against each other and struggle with each other. No matter how the members compete or compare, the money will eventually be sent to the Chamber of Commerce.

And him.

It will take root in the entire Chamber of Commerce and become more and more powerful.

“The first mission I gave you was…”

“Talk to me and drink.” Senju Hashirama grabbed Uchiha Madara’s shoulders and said to Tsunade acting-cute, “I don’t know anyone. I finally got a good friend, Little Tsunade. You won’t have the heart to interrupt my gathering with old friends.”

“Big brother…” Senju Tobirama has a black line on his face.

What is meant by not knowing a person, as if he did not have this younger brother who was resurrected together.

I always feel that since Uchiha Madara’s resurrection, his position has immediately retreated to the second line.

Just the same as before!

Tsunade also looked helpless. When someone else talked to her like this, he had already let go of the no trace of politeness, but in the face of his grandfather who was like a child, he could only be nodded in the end.

So Senju Hashirama happily hugged Uchiha Madara and drank.

Senju Tobirama also went to Namikaze Minato to understand the current form.

Chen Mo glanced at the others and waved his hand with a smile.

“Don’t worry about me, I just stop by to join in the fun, do whatever you want.”

So, some noisy sounds were restored during the banquet.

But compared to just now, I have obviously restrained a lot.

Tsunade picked up a bottle of wine and slapped it in front of Chen Mo.

“Orochimaru will suddenly take out the Uchiha Madara badge…it should be something you said.” Tsunade squeezed out a smile, and even a part of his thin lips was still bitten by a slightly pointed tiger tooth.

“Not bad.” Chen Mo picked up the wine bottle and poured himself a glass. “I said something, just because of interest.”

“Huh—”Tsunade’s long exhales one breath saying, and then went on, “Forget it, for you, these are just insignificant small things, you are happy.”

“Little things are really little things.” Chen Mo took a sip of wine, “It’s just that I am quite boring now.”

“Huh?” Tsunade seemed to be a little surprised, and then reacted, “After all, there are no traveling merchants anymore.”

She clearly remembers that Chen Mo once said that becoming a traveling merchant was his own choice.

Also, he enjoys this job.

But now, the Chamber of Commerce reforms do not require traveling merchants. They even don’t exist different batches of members. Those newcomers who have just become members in the Mission Limit are now with them. People in this group compete together.

“So, in order to make my long life not so boring, I decided to have some fun.” Chen Mo slightly smiled.

“What?” Tsunade was really surprised this time.

What has changed?

However, Chen Mo is just shaking one’s head and does not seem to be going to talk about it anymore.

Tsunade also understands.

No matter how familiar she looks, she is a member, and Chen Mo impossible will reveal some information to her in advance.

I don’t care about it anymore.

The two chatted casually. After a while, some of the other members also approached here, just like an ordinary banquet.

Actually, Chen Mo does have a new idea.

Still the previous reviewer.

He intends to expand the official staff of Chamber of Commerce. In other words, he intends to start recruiting some reviewers, firstly to stimulate members to continue their efforts, and then, Chamber of Commerce is almost one step further and needs to be selected. Get a branch member to try something.

Therefore, it is necessary to hold a competition for reviewers. I believe there must be a lot of interested members.

Now Chen Mo is troubled, what should be done about this event, and which worlds should it be held in.

Until the end of the banquet, Chen Mo has been thinking about this issue after returning to his home.

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