
You can search for “Selling Jars from Hokage (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“After absorbing my energy, Sharu should have almost reached the limit.” Orochimaru said in a hoarse voice, “So, he will go to the 17th and the 18th soon. We must rush to Before them.”

“Well, don’t worry.” Son Goku was very confident about this. “Just tell me where the 17th and the 18th are.”

This mission was placed on Jean’s body.

This Saintess has a unique ability to find people.

The reason lies in the skills and enlightenment.

Jane opened the eyes soon after closing the eyes.

Give the direction directly.

Son Goku passed in split second.

The distance is not too far. After the previous battle, the 17th and the 18th came to a city. The 18th went directly to the clothes shop for an interview and wore a lot of clothes, as it should be By rights, he left with large and small bags without paying, even if he was surrounded by the police, he didn’t care at all.

A group of police officers were easily dismissed.

But Son Goku appeared in front of her.

“Son Goku, when will you do police work?” On the 18th, he thought that Son Goku was also here to arrest them.

“I didn’t come for this, wait, did you rob?” Son Goku seemed to react to what happened and opened his eyes wide, “This is not good, robbery is wrong.”

“If you don’t rob, do you still have to go to work?” On the 18th, sneered, “Don’t crack a joke, how can someone of strength like us go back to work.”

“…” Son Goku opened his mouth slightly, with an expression of not knowing what to say and so on.

This expression made the seventeenth and eighteenth see something.

“hey hey hey.” On the 18th, it was like seeing something extremely interesting, incredibly looked Son Goku, “You shouldn’t really have to go to work.”

“Because Kiki keeps letting me go to work…” Son Goku touched the back of his head.

“Qiqi, is your wife? hahahaha!” On the 18th, he clutched his stomach and laughed, “You let the Super Saiyan go to work, hahaha, how come there is such a person, hahaha.”

“Don’t say that, Kiki is also for the good of our family.” Son Goku showed some embarrassment.

Since his son Gohan died in that battle, Kiki has always blamed him, so he is very meddlesome, and Son Goku has been brought by her own wife.

For example, working to save money, working to save money, and working to save money…

“Son Goku Senior, now is not the time for small talk.” A voice appeared along with the opening Transmission Gate, and the figure of Anzurgung came out first, and then the rest of the members.

Soon, the members who came one after another filled this place.

Standing on the ground, flying in the sky.

The policemen looked away from the station who only trembling with fear.

“It’s you weirdos.” The face somewhat gloomy on the 17th came down, “Why, do you still want to fight?”

“Not so.” Namikaze Minato walked up with a sunny smile, “It is not us who wants to fight, but someone else.”

“Yes, yes!” Son Goku seemed to have realized what he wanted to say. He looked at the two seriously, “There is an artificial man named Sharu whose goal is to devour you two. He should be Find your way.”

“Artificial man?” No.17 hands and chest, coldly snorted, “Impossible, there are only a few of us made by Gro Court Academecian, even more how, devour us? Huh, come if you have the courage! “

When the 17th awakened, she always thought she was the number one expert of the universe.

Although he was slapped in the face by the 16th and Son Goku.

However, he also has sufficient confidence in his strength.

So I don’t believe Son Goku at all.

“We have no reason to deceive you.” Namikaze Minato tried to convince them, “The Sharu, as long as he swallows you, he can become stronger, and even now, he has successfully escaped from Son Goku Senior’s hands. , Once he succeeds, your planet will be dangerous.”

“I said, if you have the courage, let him come.” The seventeenth is still noncommittal.

He is the most proud of this time.

How could he let go of his pride and run away from a man-made man whom he had never seen before because of a few words that seemed to be a weird person?

It was the eighteenth. After Namikaze Minato finished speaking, he seemed to have discovered something keenly.

“You said, our planet?” On the 18th, he walked up from behind, still with his hands around his chest, “from the very beginning, I am very curious, you are who, and the aura on your body is various All kinds of abilities in battle are also various.”

The members looked at each other.

Obviously, I didn’t expect that this question would be raised suddenly on the 18th.

“This is not important, right.” Konan pale-gold’s eyes fixed on the 18th, “It will be difficult to explain our history for a while.”

“Then explain it slowly.” The corner of the eighteenth’s mouth curled up, “Anyway, we want to find something interesting. If your origins are interesting enough, maybe we will play with you. “

From the beginning on the 18th, I was curious about these people.

It’s fine now anyway.

For the artificial people who have given up killing Son Goku and lost their goals, there is indeed plenty of time to find “interesting.”

“Then briefly explain.” Konan sighed then said, “We come from all kinds of worlds, and we belong to an organization. We came to your world to organize the mission-victory The android who is chasing you.”

This is indeed very simple.

However, the amount of information contained therein makes the seventeenth and eighteenth suddenly open their eyes.

From various perspectives of the world? Does the rate belong to an organization?

“Wait.” On the 18th, she couldn’t help but put her hands down, “You talked about various worlds… do you mean different planets?”

“Of course not.” Konan said sternly, “It’s a different universe, or even a different multidimensional universe. You should see that some of us are obviously not humans, or even life. “

As if to confirm her words.

Ainzurgon, who stood by, took off his mask.

“Wa.” The 18th even exclaimed.

This skull of Ainz Urgon still has a certain shock in the world of doesn’t exist undying creatures.

The eighteenth even appeared in front of Ainzurgon at split second.

extend the hand stroking his skull.

Depth the fingers into the eye sockets.

Ainzur retreated a few steps in fright, Senbai’s jaw moved up and down.

“I’m just an undead race, Young Lady No. 18.”

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