
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Yes, Orochimaru wants to shoot.

Although, with his strength, participating in this kind of power level battle is indeed extremely dangerous.

However, the receipt is also huge.

Orochimaru didn’t just come here. He lurked for a while, but it is basically certain that Son Goku Senior has a stronger power than this Sharu.

It is only for the people after body protection to fall into this stalemate.

And he only needs to break this stalemate slightly.

Son Goku Senior can definitely take the opportunity to defeat this artificial man who has been determined to be the mission target.

When the time comes, he is the only one who completes the character, and he is the only one who can get a hundred jars.

It is bound to lead the rest by a big margin!

Driven by this interest.

Orochimaru once again lurked in the shadows, and then moved closer.

From the ground, a small finger stretched out.

pu’ sound light sound.

A small, dark flame appeared on the finger.

It is the ultimate trick that Orochimaru has-Hellfire!

As long as you touch it, you can burn everything that exists. It can be called Orochimaru’s must-kill move, and it is most suitable for a sneak attack.

“Come on.” After Orochimaru released the hellfire, he was ready to retract his wrist and quickly withdraw.

But, it was just a moment when he couldn’t react at all.

Severe palm pain.

Orochimaru showed a shocked expression, widened his eyes in the shadows, and saw that his arm was pierced by a thick spike, which really came from Sharu’s tail.

“Do you think I didn’t see you? Little insect.” Sharu lowered his head, and in the carbonic eyes of the insect, he showed a joking expression, “I can hide under the ground? It is indeed a magical skill, yours. This kind of ability belongs to me!”

When the voice fell, Sharu directly began to absorb the flesh and blood evolution from Orochimaru.

Then, his eyes widened suddenly.

How is this possible?

He obviously felt that what he had absorbed was like dead carrion, but it also contained a magical power he had never seen before!

It is such a dumbfounded effort.


Son Goku furiously shouted, the muscles on his arms bulged up instantly, his hands supported the Qi wave of Turtle Qigong, and he suddenly raised it.

Shoot directly into the universe.

Become a brilliant rays of light in the universe.

“Oops!” Sharu couldn’t help but yelled.

That is at this time, Orochimaru seized the opportunity and cut off his arm directly, moving towards a certain place and fleeing lifelessly.

He also helped a little anyway.

For the rest, as long as Son Goku defeats the monster, he should be able to make an assist.

Of course.

The premise is that he can survive that time.

“Saru!” Son Goku’s figure suddenly moved towards Sharu and rushed, fircely’s punch knocked his whole body out with a bang, followed by the second and third punches.

In this short period of time, Sharu was beaten up without any backhand.

It’s really bad.

Saru felt the severe pain in his body and knew clearly that the situation was extremely bad.

His strength is even worse than Son Goku.

Escape! Must escape!

Then, I have to find the person just now, get used to him, and have a good experience for oneself, the kind of mysterious and powerful force that is completely different from qi.

“Son Goku!” A powerful imposing-manner burst out of Sharu’s body, “In that case, let you see my real tricks, and then destroy this World together!”

“What?” Son Goku startled.

With Sharu’s strength, he can indeed destroy the world, but is he crazy?

After destroying the world, even if you are still alive, you can only wander in outer space.

“Hah!” Seeing Son Goku’s count, Sharu put his hands directly in front of his forehead.

“This is…” Son Goku reacted sharply.

But it’s too late.

“Sun Fist!”

Saru’s forehead burst into rays of light that were even more dazzling than the sun, and even in this split second, he took away the eyes of Son Goku, a Super Saiyan.

Wait until he has opened his eyes again and regains his sight.

all around, Sharu’s figure has not been seen for a long time.

This man-made man, holding his aura, ran wildly on the ground.

“This is really bad.” Son Goku took out his badge, regretting not having just added a friend with the little girl who was able to find Sharu.

Now he can’t find Sharu’s position at all.

But, on the other hand.

Orochimaru feels that his soul is about to fly out of his phylogeny.

Because he was able to sense clearly that a person was behind him, chasing at speed.

There is no doubt that only Sharu!

“Why are you chasing me!” Orochimaru shouted in the heart, “And why let him escape, Son Goku Senior? Shouldn’t Senior have more power than this monster?”

Orochimaru is incomprehensible.

But anyway.

This is a fact before his eyes. At this moment, he has a feeling of lifting a rock and smashing himself in the foot. Even if he changes direction, it is useless. The monster behind him, named Sharu, is the ultimate boss of this mission. , It was obviously aimed at him, and there was even a way to lock his position.

Even if Sharu lowered his anger and speed in order not to be discovered by Son Goku.

It’s still much faster than Orochimaru.

The distance between the two sides is approaching quickly.

Orochimaru can’t control that much anymore. He is quite sure that if Sharu makes a fierce attack on him, he will definitely be destroyed along with his phylactery. At that time, his time mission will be complete. Failure, and will inevitably distance from the rest of the successful Hui Ayun.

“Blackbeard! Ainz Urgon!” Orochimaru ran wildly for his life while taking out his own members, contacting the two best friends with him, “Are you still with the rest of the members? Tell me. They, the mission target is moving towards me chasing, and then give me a coordinate, arrange the trap, call Son Goku Senior, and we will kill the mission together!”

Even at this critical time.

Orochimaru also tried to stay calm.

He knows his popularity.

The popularity among only a few members is very good, but there is no ability to mobilize most members.

So, he can only say that!

Use mission to seduce and believe that other members, as long as they are smart, will know what to do.

“Received!” Ainzurgon quickly replied.

Not much time has passed before a coordinate is sent to Orochimaru.

But Orochimaru almost vomited blood.

It’s too late! Before he can catch up, he will definitely be caught by Sharu behind him!

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