One group, 631803245

Second group, 1035524810

I saw readers asking about the group number, both of which are above, but both are common group.

Then I have been busy recently. I have forgotten many things. I forgot what I wanted to say. Then I will pick the things I still remember.

First of all, the results are beyond my expectations. The at first editor said that it was around 1300, and the editor would not be wrong, because they could see accurate data, such as how many people were following the new chapter. As a result, the first order was 2,400, which was an extra 1,000 people!

In the comments, that many said that watching advertisements nurture me is not just casual talk, I am really touched! I was moved to the hip and kowtow or2, because this is really raising me, and the manuscript fee income directly depends on how much money you use to watch the VIP chapter.

Some people watched the advertisement and rewarded me with the qidian coins they earned. Today, I also received several rewards of 1 RMB (Sorry, I have been too busy lately, I don’t have time to sort out the thank you list), grateful.

Here I would like to say that I don’t need to watch advertisements to give me rewards. It is enough to subscribe to me. I understand that it will be very tiring to brush dozens of advertisements, and I will be content to subscribe to me.

I still feel incredible now, only 20,000 collections. For the first time in so many years of writing a book, there is such a high subscription ratio. Before, it was 100, 40, 30, and 20 collections. I have 1 subscription, but now it is 10 to 1. I am so happy that the codewords have exploded. Today, I have coded 8,000 words a day, but now I have handed it in o(╥﹏╥)o.

I think it’s like a brush, like a group of people give the first order and run, but it should be true...

Thank you again!

If there are more orders 24 hours later, I will also fulfill what I have said before. Re-subscription is how many people subscribe (buy) the genuine latest VIP chapter within 24 hours. If you don’t want to follow-up, open automatic subscription every day as re-subscription.

Now the new chapter does not have the first booking that many, only 1500. When it stabilizes to 2000, I will try to update it three times a day. I also build a V group on the whole point. Thank you for your support, when the time comes watch fans It's worth entering the group, so if you watch the ads to support me, you will also have fan value, and you can join in the future!

Where else is it badly written or when it comes to poisonous spots, don’t run away! Because sometimes it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes in rushing to the manuscript, you can make comments first, if everyone says that it is poisoned, I will fix it. Reading is the most important thing to be happy and relaxing. It is not my intention to poison the reader, such as the previous An Ling setting...

If you really want to support this book, you can take a look at the following methods. I have been looking for it for a long time! Earning qidian coins for free supports my method, earning qidian coins for nothing, and reading my books, I can get real money.

1. At the end of the chapter, there will be advertisements popping up the first few times a day, one 15-second advertisement is 10 coins, 4000 words are 20 coins, and 2 per day is enough

2 .After the first few subscriptions, there will be a yellow "dot" in the middle of the bottom. The dot is real money again.

3. Click the red envelope at the end of the chapter to watch the video. The number of refreshes per day is 7- per day. There are so many 8 times, and there is a red envelope square.

4. Every day after signing in to lottery, there will be today's benefits. The longer you sign in, the more you will get, and you can also lottery and have a chance to draw 500 coins

5. After reading for a long time, there are also advertisements to give coins.

6. Invite friends, friends will receive 200 when they log in for the first time, and friends will sign in 800

7. Qidian promotes games and has benefits. Download some games and get hundreds of coins for a few days.

There is also a recent starting point for activities. They are all Silver Alliance Leaders. You can open treasure chests directly, and there are coins in them.

People say that you can watch up to 27 ads a day, and 270 qidians. The currency is enough to subscribe to the 27 VIP chapters, and it is completely enough to use the white ticket.

I know I’m very upset when watching ads, but I support me. I can only watch two or three ads a day, which can make me last longer, update more in the future, and be able to join the V group in the future

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