Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 9 Destiny Control in Graduation Season


Klein hesitated for a moment and said, What should I do?

Roy waved his hand, and a blank book appeared in front of Klein.

As long as you think about the content, you can reproduce it.


Klein did as he was told.

After a while, he saw words floating on the paper.


Roy took it over and looked at it briefly.

Ancient Fussac language.

Unfortunately, he won't.


Roy couldn't understand it yet.


The Black Iron Bar has this language, and you can understand it once you learn it.

Secondly, this is a very good collection that can greatly enhance your knowledge base.

Roy put it on the bookshelf.

Mr. Hermit, may I ask, what is written in the book?

Klein mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation with this humanoid creature composed of strange torrents, and demanded his reward.

Roy smiled lightly and said: Your book comes from a member of the Antigonus family, and Antigonus is a secret god, so this book also has some mysterious power.

So that's what it is-

Books of the gods.

The moment Klein got the answer, he was extremely excited.

Roy said: There is a certain curse on it, and the knowledge is poisonous and may make you face death. I suggest you give up deciphering it, so that you still have a chance to survive.

in reality.

Curse, knowledge is poisonous.

Klein pursed his lips and looked at the notes in his hand. Thinking of the mysterious and terrifying Mr. Hermit just now, he felt an even stronger yearning.

The hand he held the note turned white from the exertion.

Welch is right.

My destiny will change because of it. Benson will no longer have to work so hard, and Melissa will be able to get a better education and go to work without graduating.

I didn't expect that Klein would participate in the interpretation of the notes in advance.

Roy sat on the chair with mixed emotions.


Klein's destiny was changed by him, but not completely. He still participated in the interpretation. Even if he advised the other party to give up, it is estimated that Klein would not choose that way.

Once you fall into a story, it’s difficult to get out.

Roy leaves the Mystic Hall.

He no longer thinks about the things above, nor does he pay attention to the blocked and lost memories. Instead, he practices boxing over and over again in the room, understanding the situation when punching.

the next day.

He went to the Black Iron Bar and took out the ancient Fussac language book, but after thinking about it——

Language classes can be borrowed.

Use your precious time to read books on witchcraft and magic first.

Roy picked out two books.

Basics of Witchcraft

Basics of Magic

Two basic books of knowledge.

He opened it and took a few glances, then sighed softly.


I was so naive to have such expectations for this thing.

The reason why foundations are foundations is because they provide basically theoretical foundations and have no practical value.

For example, this is the basics of witchcraft.

Witches are usually natural demons that require materials and spells to be unleashed.

Different materials and spells release completely different witchcraft.

However, some sequences of magic, such as pyromancers and magicians, do not require casting materials to use spells. It is more of an extension of spiritual power.

This is the difference between the two.

But if you think about it carefully, the wizard is the enhancement and extension of witchcraft, the scroll professor is the extension of magic, and the astrologer is the combination of magic, astrology and other aspects.

The foundation of Sequence 9 will actually be used in the future.

Roy mused.

Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 both lay the foundation for subsequent sequences. The more knowledge you accumulate, the stronger your subsequent strength will be.

Read a book!

Fighting and shooting practice in the afternoon.

Klein seems to be still touching that notebook.

Roy shook his head.


The star that represents him appears lavender, and with a little sensitivity, he can see the figure he summoned before, which can confirm his identity.

The star representing Forsi still disappeared without a trace.


The stars should represent knowledge and mysterious connections, while the light represents the amount of knowledge and mystery that can be obtained.

Roy secretly guessed.

According to the situation of the Lord of Mysteries, generally speaking, the more knowledge and mysteries he masters, the stronger the opponent may be.

Recruiting people requires spirituality.

Maintaining the other party in the mysterious palace requires more spirituality.

He is still not sure whether the opponent's strength will affect the duration of his pull, so hastily pulling in bright stars will cause a lot of burden on himself.

Dim stars.

After thinking about it, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​recruiting people again.

Not everyone is Forsi or Klein.

Recently, he needs spirituality to digest and absorb knowledge. It is unwise to use it to attract people to chat.

Let's learn the ancient Fusak language.

Roy copied the Basics of Witchcraft memorized in his mind into the palace, then consumed his spiritual energy to completely master it, then returned to reality and sacrificed the ancient Fusac language to the mysterious palace.

After doing this, he quickly learned the ancient Fusac language and could understand the contents of the Antigonus family notes.

He took it off the shelf.

Roy actually knew most of the content described above from the original work, and even more, so he browsed through it casually, just to watch the fun.

Speaking of which, I can reproduce all the recipes I know.

Thinking of this, Roy quickly copied the recipe memories in his mind and merged them into books. The names of the books used the corresponding Sequence 9 names.

The path of the Lord of Mysteries is comprehensive, and most of the others are lacking.

Even so, wherever they are placed, they are very precious treasures that cannot be measured with ordinary money.

in particular--

Several of them are about sequence 0.

Even if it's just a ritual and some secrets, it's still of great value.

This is my book of peace.

He smiled with satisfaction, then returned the book to reality, and his consciousness returned to the reality.

After a while, he followed a fixed rhythm.

Learn and practice fighting and marksmanship.

After receiving two more weekly wages, Roy's marksmanship and fighting skills have finally made some progress, especially his marksmanship, which is barely adequate at the moment.

Old Ryan was happy.

June 18th.

Roy went to school.

This is their graduation day, and most of them are here, but——

Welch, Naya, and Klein didn't arrive.

He said nothing.

The entire Tingen was under the influence of that thing, and everything he did might have been corrected by the other party.

Unless he intervenes personally, Roy is not that good with them yet.

“After graduation, everyone went their separate ways.”

I don't know what job to look for yet.

I plan to go to Backlund to find a job. It's more prosperous and has greater opportunities there.


Roy left silently amid these discussions.

Just when he walked to the school gate, he suddenly felt a spiritual warning. He stopped suddenly, and then patted his forehead, as if he remembered something.


Why did I forget to say goodbye to the teacher!

He turned and walked towards school.

Roy turned and walked back to school.

After walking a few steps, a series of rapid footsteps suddenly sounded behind him.

He no longer hesitated——

Just run away!

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