Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 32 The veteran will never die, the warrior Gawain

Gawain, this place will be yours from now on.

Don't talk like I'm making a lot of money. If it weren't for Mr. Roy, I wouldn't have accepted this mess from you, and you haven't even said what compensation you want to give me!

Gawain rolled his eyes.

He turned around and was generally quite satisfied.

Becky didn't answer the question, and then said: Gawain, I know what happened to you. I also encountered similar things, and I was as silent as you.

Gawain was silent.

Twenty years ago, Gawain belonged to the Knights of Ahova.

It was a very elite knighthood of Loen, very powerful, but in a war it encountered the Intis Empire's army with the most advanced weapons.


Under fire from high-pressure steam rifles and six-barreled machine guns, they were defeated and only a few survived.

Gawain is one of them.

That battle shattered his faith.

After coming down, Gao Wen chose to retire.

Like Gawain, Becky also encountered a similar thing, the difference is——

Later I got a magic potion formula called warrior and became a real warrior before I found the direction of my efforts. Gawain, do you want to become a real warrior?


Gawain was a little moved.

He has deep contact with the police station and knows that there are some strange people who appear to be young but hold high positions.

As his thoughts changed, he realized what Becky meant: So, those people real warriors also have strange abilities?

Yes, we call it extraordinary ability, and people with extraordinary power are extraordinary people, and warriors are Sequence 9 potions.

Becky said.

Gawain was very moved.

Extraordinary abilities.

He quickly figured out many things——

The young people who came to the police station for training in the past were probably extraordinary people like Mr. Roy.

Fighting is not of much use among ordinary people, but it is very useful in extraordinary fields.

However, he hesitated for a while and said, I am already so old, can I still become an extraordinary person?

I can't guarantee this.

Becky hesitated for a moment, not daring to confirm.

He thought for a while and said, I can ask Mr. Hyde or Mr. Roy. They are very knowledgeable and should know if it is feasible.

Becky, thank you. Regardless of success or failure, I am very satisfied with the reward.

Roy was not free to come to the fighting club until noon.

He saw that Becky was still teaching the students, but Gawain was not here, and he couldn't help but be curious about yesterday's confrontation.

Logically speaking.

Gawain should have relaxed at that time.

Mr. Becky, your deal with Mr. Gawain failed?

No, it worked. He went out to buy extraordinary materials. I only have two main materials here and lack auxiliary materials.

Becky smiled.

Roy was a little surprised. The main material was the most difficult to find.

Those auxiliary materials can be collected with just a little shopping.

Are you going to sponsor Gawain as a warrior?

It's a deal. Don't look at me running a club. In fact, all my previous savings were used to buy formulas and extraordinary materials. Now I need to go to Backlund and need some money urgently. And I happen to have excess main materials that I need to get rid of.

Becky whispered, Of course, I think that as a heroic knight, he should not die at home depressed.

Roy nodded in agreement.

Gawain looked decadent, but that was because he didn't know the use of fighting, and he had lost his spirit.

Yesterday I aroused the other person's temper.

If there is a magic potion, he will soon become a real warrior.

You agree, right?

A battlefield veteran like him may be able to completely master the potion in just a period of time after taking it. Even if he is older, he will be completely competent.

Roy nodded.

Becky replied: Yes, Mr. Hyde said that too. In addition, I felt that I had control over the potion not long after taking it. Mr. Roy, I have one more request...

As long as Mr. Gawain collects all the materials, I will definitely help.

Roy knew what the other party's request was.

Becky thanked her gratefully, and then said: I have some books about fighting over there. I can't understand them myself, so I kept them all for you and Gawain.

Thank you, when are you leaving?

On the train three days later, Mr. Hyde said that he contacted an old friend in Backlund and found some ways to try to collect extraordinary materials.

Becky said, Mr. Roy, we are waiting for you in Backlund.

I may not necessarily go to Backlund. It all depends on the church's wishes. But if I can go there, I will definitely go to you.


In the next two or three days, Roy often exchanged fighting skills with Hyde, Becky and Gawain——

The next day, Gawain gathered enough materials and without Roy's help, Becky prepared the potion herself to help Gawain become a real warrior.

Now, all three of them are real fighting masters.

Especially Hyde.

His fighting skills and thinking are more suitable for Roy to learn and absorb.

Just three days of communication helped Roy a lot. He could clearly feel his potion being digested.

This shows that his idea is correct.

Fighting scholars should master and summarize more fighting knowledge through exchanges.

Seek knowledge and discover secrets.

This is the general direction of the Secret Peeper.

On the morning of the fourth day, outside the train.

Gawain, who was originally a bit old, became energetic in just a few days.

In just one day, this old knight's energy and spirit underwent earth-shaking changes, as if he was reborn all of a sudden. Through this transformation, he blocked the madness.

Not only that, after Gawain took the potion, it was basically completely digested.

He is a born warrior.

Roy smiled: You two, get on the bus. If you don't get on, you'll have to wait for the next bus.

Okay, let's go.

Hyde waved.

Roy nodded slightly.

The two sides said goodbye, and after a while, the train left Tingen.

After they left, Roy asked: Mr. Gawain, what did you put in Mr. Becky's pocket?

A bearer account.

Gawain smiled and said, I asked about it. The warrior main material is more popular in Sequence 9. One piece costs two hundred gold pounds. The price he gave me was low, so I put a hundred gold pounds in it.

You are an honorable gentleman.

Roy sincerely admires him.

Gawain shook his head: He tried every means to help me, and I certainly can't get it for nothing. By the way, I saw the materials you asked me to help you purchase on the black market yesterday. I have already ordered them for you and they will be delivered tomorrow.

Thank you Mr. Gawain.

Roy asked him to help him acquire materials for spiritual strengthening rituals.

I didn’t expect Gawain to finish it so quickly.

Just helping each other.

Gawain shook his head and pointed to the carriage coming over, Get in the carriage and go back. You won't be able to walk there for long, right?

If Mr. Gawain needs any help later, and I'm not at the club, you can send someone to the bar to leave a message. I will do my best.

Roy said.

Gawain's rosy face smiled slightly and waved his hand: I am an old man and I only study fighting. What do I need from you? Let's go and get in the car.

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