Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 22 Extraordinary Characteristics of the Wizard, Poison Powder Bottle

Roy was panting and stopped at the intersection to catch his breath.

Do you want me to take action?

Azik walked out from the edge.

Roy took a few breaths, shook his head and said, You didn't take action before because you didn't want to be exposed. And I know who the other party is. Even if I'm in the Church of Steam later, I'm not afraid of him snitching.


He recognized the other person.


Not through the face, but through the conditions of the astral body, mental body, etheric body, and a little habit of the other party——

This soldier's right wrist is not very good.


Some actions and moves will be different from normal fighters.

There is one who fits the bill.

He's Becky!

Roy had mixed feelings.

Becky had tried her best to teach him fighting skills, and she was not necessarily a member of the Morse Trappist Order. She might have made some kind of deal.

He walked back.

Hyde was lying on the ground, unconscious.

Roy walked over.

Mr. Azik, how is he?

He was poisoned and fell into a coma, but the poison only made him sick. Normally he would be sent to the hospital, but now we can find out if there is an antidote.


Roy hesitated for a moment and looked at the body again.

With a move of Azik's hand, several spirits emerged and took out all the valuable things on the opponent's body.

An extraordinary attribute.

A medicine bottle.

A bag, and several pieces of extraordinary materials.

He searched in the bag and pulled out a small bag.

This should be the antidote.

Is there any basis for this?

Roy was curious.

Azik said: There happens to be a spirit that can identify medicinal materials, and that extraordinary item can emit poisonous powder, but it is disordered. Even with the cooperation of witchcraft, it may still be poisoned, so some antidotes are usually prepared.

Roy took the medicine bag and opened it. There were about three pills inside.

He fed Hyde one.

Through the effect of the Secret Eye of Sequence 8, Roy saw that Hyde's etheric body was developing in a better direction.

The right antidote.

Roy couldn't help but envy——

How convenient it is to be able to directly control spirits!

However, the other party is an angel, so he can command these spirits easily and freely. If it were a normal gravedigger or psychic, it would be impossible to do this.

Azik walked to the body.

His spirit is completely insane and broken, and he cannot channel information.

I reorganized the indoctrination and ravings of the Hidden Sage into the Secret Sage's Knowledge Spell. I tried it more than a dozen times and succeeded just once.

Roy's face looked painful.

Azik thought thoughtfully, then nodded: It's very useful against the Secret Peeper sequence. In addition, you are also very talented. Most people don't dare to try this.

Roy smiled.

The more explanations there are, the more mistakes are made.

He took the spoils.

There were some materials that Roy had never seen before, but he could vaguely tell that most of them were materials used to cast spells.


The most valuable thing is the bottle and its extraordinary properties——

Extraordinary characteristics of wizards.

Roy put it in his pocket and felt excited.

This is equivalent to that he has already mastered the main materials, and then only needs to collect auxiliary materials, and auxiliary materials are often relatively easy to obtain.

As for the magic potion formula, he can get it from Element Dawn, and there is no problem.

Mr. Azik, what ability does the bottle have?

It can release poisonous powder that makes people sick. The negative effect is that you will also be poisoned, so it needs to be used in conjunction with other methods.

Azik said.

Then, he glanced at Hyde: He's about to wake up. I'll leave first. If you need anything, you can come to me.

Thank you Mr. Azik.

Roy nodded.

Although Azik didn't take action, he was a great guarantee by his side——

If he can't sneak attack and assassinate the opponent, Azik can guarantee that nothing will happen to them.

That's why he came to college.

Azik left, and Hyde struggled to get up, panting.

Seeing Roy counting the loot, he stood up weakly: Thank you, you saved me!

We agreed to hunt together, and I will definitely help. Unfortunately, the knowledge charm I worked so hard to create is a crystal charm that I tried more than a dozen times before I succeeded.

Roy was heartbroken.

Hyde suddenly realized.

Knowledge charm.

It is a spell that can only be learned by those who spy on secrets, but it is very unpopular and expensive, and generally no one will make it.

Roy actually made a knowledge charm.

Later, he couldn't help but wonder: What knowledge did you record?

The ravings of the sage are concealed, and I jumbled together many passages to make it appear crazier.


Hyde opened his mouth and finally praised sincerely, You are a genius!

Roy shrugged.

Then, he said: Someone may be here soon. Let's go quickly and talk about the loot in a safe place.

No, the spoils are yours.

Hyde bent down and picked up the rope.

Let's talk about it later.

After a while, two people hurried over in the street.

Ms. Dai Li, this is the jurisdiction of the Heart of Machinery. Let's hurry up.

We just happened to meet them. Don't rush me, I'm communicating with them.

Dai Li frowned.

After a moment, she shook her head: The spirit here has never seen the battlefield, and his condition is very bad. The spirit in his body has been completely dismembered.

Then it seems there's nothing we can do.

Leonard squatted down and carefully inspected the injuries. He was killed with one shot. It should have been a sneak attack when he was fighting with others. In addition, there were traces of a big sword at the scene.

For a battle involving more than four people, judging by his style, he should be a wizard. Although all the materials on his body have been taken away, his clothes are very suitable for bottling bottles.

Dailey explained.

Leonard nodded with deep understanding.

He turned over and over to check, then squatted and said, Could it be the one on the Alfalfa?

Maybe he's one of them.

Dai Li looked at the muzzle, body, and fragmented spirit, and couldn't help but frown.

In such a situation, what is the strength of the sneak attacker?


Something special and extraordinary.

In today's Tingen, the forces are becoming more and more complex, and there is more and more chaos. I used to be a fighting scholar, but now I am a wizard...

Daley sighed.

Leonard looked around, feeling increasingly anxious.

The current situation——

Sequence 8 is indeed not enough.

He must improve the sequence as quickly and reasonably as possible.

Leonard, it seems that Klein recently went to the Fortune Teller Club and tried to be a fortune teller. Maybe you can try that too.

Well, I tried reading poetry in the middle of the night.

He was still pointed out by me.

Leonard thought to himself.


He thought so, but in fact, Klein going to be a fortune teller had little to do with him.

It's a pity that I have no talent for poetry.

Leonard laughed to himself.

Let's go.

Dai Li couldn't give too many hints——

She was bound by an oath, and her insinuations were her limit.

Leonard thought secretly.

The news this time should count, right? However, to be on the safe side, I need to collect some more inquiries. Then I can try to exchange new poems from Mr. Hermit.

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