Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 191 Go investigate and you will have the answer

Friday? Okay, I'll keep my appointment on time.

In the library, Roy received a more formal invitation letter.

It was an invitation to Friday's ball, bearing Earl Hall's name, and bearing Earl Hall's personal seal.

This kind of seal is difficult to reproduce and basically represents the person's identity.

Mr. Egger, will the situation you talked about yesterday really happen?

Is it important?


Audrey said sternly, If a war breaks out, many countries will be involved, which may lead to widespread disasters.

During the war, there will be terrible tragedies.

Roy didn't answer.

Audrey was very disappointed, but still politely said goodbye and left.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Roy was resting in a quiet room——

He told Jennifer in advance that he would take an hour's rest and would not take any orders.

Jennifer agreed.

As the front desk, she still has a certain guiding role.

At three o'clock, a crimson light enveloped Roy.

Roy is still holding on to this appearance. What on earth does he want to do?

Klein was curious.

It seems that Roy has his own plan, and this plan may be related to the Mother Earth.

He thought for a moment, then put aside his thoughts.

It’s time to pull people in!

Spiritually extending, one after another figures entered the gray mist.

Klein's spirituality is much stronger now than before, and he has digested a large part of the magic potion.


The price is——

Recently, Klein has become quite famous in places such as the East End, Bridge District and Dock District, and the name Rogue has gradually spread.

That was the reputation he left behind by working with Sherman to punish the gangs who smuggled people.

Occasionally, Klein would use tarot cards as a weapon, but there was no unified name like The Black Emperor like before.

Klein didn't know it was different from the original one.

He was still very worried——

Leonard had clearly seen his spiritual figure in the sewer before, and he might have gained some insight into it.

Leonard has a secret of his own, and he is by no means an ordinary person.

Good afternoon, Mr. Fool.

Klein came back to his senses.

He nodded slightly but did not respond verbally.

Since having his clone, Klein has rarely communicated in Tarot meetings, and even his responses were simple responses.

The members of the Tarot Society soon arrived.

Roy looked around and felt that there was not much difference——

The only difference may be that Forsi is no longer at the Tarot Conference, and may not appear in the future.

After all, she is now a classmate with Mr. Fool, and there is a high probability that Klein will not drag her into the Tarot Club.


If Klein knew in advance that he was a hermit or number 2, he would most likely not pay attention to him.

Roy raised the corner of his mouth slightly and responded in the same way when Justice said hello.

Good morning, Miss Justice.

After some greetings, everyone sat down.

The Hanged Man Alger took the lead and said, Mr. Fool, I collected two pages of diaries.

I also collected a page.

Audrey said.

Afterwards, Xio also took out a page of the diary.

Roy was by the side and still didn't say much -

He did not collect any diaries.

That was collected by the hermit and has nothing to do with him.

Klein took the four pages of the diary and read them carefully, one by one, until the fourth page, which was the justice page.

His movements suddenly stopped.

February 23rd, if it was still in the previous era, if you count the years and months, today is probably the time to celebrate the New Year.

I miss home.

Great Emperor...

Klein sighed inwardly.

He was homesick too.


I can’t go back!

Klein was silent for a few seconds, then continued, and then——

His eyes narrowed.

On February 24, something seemed to be wrong with me.

? ?

Is there something wrong with the Emperor?


This diary page does not come from the emperor, but from the person who had previously pretended to be the emperor's diary.

Did he notice something unusual about himself?


The emperor seemed to be in a crazy and abnormal state in his later years.

Klein frowned and looked down quickly, finally finding a clue in one of them.

It's still so cold here on March 1st, damn it! Those nobles in Backlund are not gentlemen at all, and they don't respect the opinions of ladies at all. Their wives are all of their own free will!

He is not the Great Emperor.

Klein was determined that the owner of the diary was another traveler who was also infected with some kind of madness to the point of becoming abnormal.

You may not be aware of it at ordinary times, but it will only be triggered at special times and places.


Who is the one?

Green who hasn't been mentioned since the Sea of ​​Mist?

What happened to him?

Klein was thinking a lot, summarizing the previous diary, then sighed and did not continue to dwell on it.

He noticed——

I have too few missing diaries to piece together the complete truth.

The Hermit is also collecting diaries.

If I could obtain all the diaries from the hermit and exchange information, I might be able to piece together the truth.


The hermit does not understand Chinese, so even if he gives the diary to the other party, he will not get anything.


It could also be that the hermit is pretending to be stupid. He actually knows, but just didn't mention it...

You can start.

There's no point in dwelling on this.

Klein abandoned his thoughts, extended his spirituality, and focused on controlling his puppet clone.

After the Fool finished reading, Alger immediately said: Mr. Hermit, did your elder respond?

Roy shook his head and said: The extraordinary characteristics of the Wind Blessed One cannot be retrieved for the time being. If you are in a hurry, I know the names of the two main materials from the Hidden Sage.


Alger's tone was a little higher, I can pay for it!

Yes, if the extraordinary properties can be extracted, this part can be used as part of the material price.

Roy smiled.

Azik did respond to him, saying that he couldn't take it out for the time being.

It's not that Azik has a problem, it's that Dunn is not in a good state to break at this time, and he finally maintained the balance...

Once disturbed, it may cause his condition to change.

Okay. If I get the materials myself, I will tell you too.

Alger breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he hasn't completely digested Navigator yet, he's basically done it. If there's no follow-up whereabouts, it would be really sad.

Although it is only the whereabouts of the main material, it is worth pursuing.

Roy imagined and embodied the names of the main ingredients of the formula.

Main materials: six crystalline feathers of the Blue Shadow Falcon, and a pair of eyes of the Longan Sea Eagle.

After handing it over, Alger showed a hint of joy in his eyes.

He knows the whereabouts of one of the main materials!

If you know the whereabouts of the main material, you can use the rest of it to deduct gold pounds.

Roy reminded, As a wizard, I'm interested in all the material.

Okay, I'll pay attention.

Alger nodded.

For him, it was just a matter of cleaning up the corpses more, and the result was a win-win situation for both parties.

Why not?


If he receives the formula for the auxiliary material part later, he will suffer a big loss.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Alger sighed inwardly.

Afterwards, Audrey looked around and saw that no one was speaking before she spoke.

Gentlemen and ladies, do you think there is a possibility of war between Lemberg and Feneport?

Why do you ask?

Alger looked at Audrey in surprise.

This tone...

It sounds like Miss Justice knows something inside.

Klein was also surprised.

Is there any great grudge between Lundborg and Fenebaud?

He has not paid attention to this information.

A believer from the Church of Knowledge said that there is a possibility of war between Lundberg and Feneport, and Roen needs to make plans in advance.

Audrey didn't hide it.

Everyone fell into silence.

Xio really wanted to play some role to show her presence, but unfortunately, she really didn't understand.

In the end, it was Alger who answered.

There is indeed some enmity between Lundborg and Feneport. Lundborg split from Feneport back then, and the Church of Knowledge and the Church of the Earth had a feud because of this, which has not been resolved until now.

There are rumors that they will have a big war sooner or later.

Alger then talked about some old things from back then.

The Church of Knowledge played a not-so-good role in it, making the Earth Church feel betrayed.


No one here is from the Knowledge Church, and no one has any mood swings.

Thank you for your answer, Mr. Hanged Man, Mr. Hermit, do you know any more secret information or have any conjectures in this regard?

Audrey finally couldn't help but look at the person she really wanted to ask.

I'm not sure, could you describe it in detail?

Roy replied.

Audrey nodded and revealed all of Ige's guesses.

Everyone fell into deep thought.

Klein couldn't help but glance at Roy.

He recently went to investigate.

Roy now goes by the pseudonym Egg White, a scholar from Lemberg.

If the guess was correct, the Knowledge Church believer mentioned by Audrey was probably Roy.

In addition, he also saw Essinger enter the library with his own eyes.

They may also know each other.

Then, he couldn't help but wonder.

Why did Roy do this?

He definitely has no connection with the Church of Knowledge, but has a very deep relationship with the Church of the Earth.

If a war does happen, then the Earth Church will suffer a loss later, right?

How would he answer?

Klein was curious.

In the end, it was Derrick who spoke first: I think we must control the food ourselves. No one understands the pain of food shortage better than us.

He paused for a few seconds to collect his emotions.

None of you have ever experienced extreme hunger, right? Hunger can lead to terrible madness!

Audrey opened her mouth slightly and finally fell silent.

She really hadn't experienced it.

The Hanged Man Alger sighed and said, I agree. On the sea, what we fear most is not sea beasts or pirates, but the destruction of food and fresh water.

Audrey listened and vaguely grasped something, but she felt that it was all smoke and mirrors.

I don't think you want to ask whether war is possible, but what your class should do?

Roy said.

Audrey was stunned for a moment, then nodded shyly: Yes.

There is no doubt that growing more and cheaper food will be beneficial to you and the Loen people.

Roy said, The factory cannot accommodate all the farmers, and it would be terrible to allow the factory to expand without limit, as Mr. Fool said...

The factory is also a breeding ground for evil spirits.

He lowered his head to the front as he spoke, and nodded slightly to show respect.

Klein knew he had to say something.


What to say?

He was thinking quickly in his mind.

After a few seconds, Klein had an answer.

The Fool chuckled.

“Someone is pushing the wave of the times.”

Audrey didn't expect the Fool to speak, and was a little shocked at this moment. Then she said in surprise: You mean, the former Qilingos, the current Apostle of Desire...


The Fool didn't answer, just chuckled, and then let them discuss on their own.

Alger took a deep breath, and then said: It's really surprising. They were hired to assassinate Duke Negan just to achieve one goal...

The Corn Bill.

Roy continued what Alger said.

Audrey nodded heavily.

She also understood.

Duke Negan represents the Conservative Party and has been fighting against the repeal of the Corn Bill, but now that Duke Negan is dead...

The repeal of the Corn Bills was a certainty.

It suddenly occurred to me that there is actually another group that has received invisible benefits after the Corn Bills.

Roy smiled and said, Military.


Hugh couldn't sit still.

She feels...

You should show off yourself.

Otherwise, you will be just like a bystander, just trying to show off, but you really can’t lose your face.

She thought for a while.

You mean conscription?

Well, if they can survive, I don't think many people are willing to fight for it. To grow the army, war is needed.

Roy said this...

Audrey said bitterly: In the end, we will still return to the war.


I have another question. If the worst happens, is it possible for the nobles to stay out of it?

Audrey sighed, I hate to say this, but sometimes, the minds of some nobles are indeed not much smarter than curly baboons, or even stupider.

I know an old fisherman on the river. He said that any changes in the river will affect the fishermen.

Roy smiled and said, Whether you nobles think you are fish or fishermen, once the storm comes, who can stay out of it?

Audrey actually already had the answer.

The words of the hermit only shattered the last illusion in her heart.

If that day comes...

It is absolutely impossible for the nobles to stay away from this.

It's just a matter of time.


Most nobles are short-sighted.

Audrey was silent.

Why don't you go and have a look?

At this moment, the world that had been silent until now spoke.

He smiled lowly: Go and see it, experience it, and maybe you will naturally have an answer in your heart.

I agree.

Roy nodded.

Audrey stood up solemnly: Thank you for your suggestions, I will go and have a look.

Perhaps the answer you get will be contrary to your own identity. Miss Justice, you must be fully mentally prepared.

Roy reminded.

Audrey nodded slightly.

Quinn breathed out.

no doubt.

Audrey is a kind-hearted noble, but the problems of the common people cannot be solved by her alone.


She was happy to help.

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