Lovia and the others managed to return to the safe Silver City before the lightning subsided.

Everyone cheered when they saw the prey they brought back.

Silver City burst into joy.

Lovia silently walked towards the dungeon.

After acting alone, she needs to be confined for a period of time in order to ensure that she has no problems.

Walked a while.

She looked up.

Chief Colin Iliad walked in front of her.

Your Excellency, I am ready to enter the dungeon.

Lovia said calmly.

Colin nodded: I have prepared it for you. You need to stay in it for seven days to receive the baptism of the crown of glory.

Lovia nodded calmly, but soon she remembered something and showed hesitation.

She stopped.

Before that, I need to borrow a quiet room as a prayer room and bring those two items.

no problem.

Colin knows.

She wanted to communicate with the great being and sacrifice what she had obtained.

He wanted to watch.


Such a secret existence may not want anyone to watch him.

Colin looked towards a special dungeon.

Come with me.

After a while, she was led by Colin to a completely isolated and secluded underground prison.

It's completely isolated from the surrounding area.

She began to arrange the sacrificial ceremony, but halfway through the preparation, she remembered that Mr. Hermit did not give her the specific arrangements for the sacrificial ceremony, only his honorable name.


Not likely.

Maybe Mr. Hermit doesn't care too much.

Lovia pondered for a moment and decided to slightly change the traditional ceremony.

Mr. Hermit is certainly not interested in blood food.


It is better to change it to books and knowledge.

She made her request.

Colin agreed.

Half an hour later, after everything was arranged, Lovia Tiffany solemnly sat in front of the altar and began to chant.

In the haze, Roy vaguely heard the voice of prayer, and instantly woke up.

He quickly ascended to the halls of mystery.

Then, he saw the twinkling stars in the star map, and opened it to take a look——

The stars belonging to Lovia sparkled.

Roy quickly connected the stars.

The next moment, a torrent of information swept away and turned into a stable channel, connecting the mysterious palace and the altar.

Lovia closed her eyes and waited for a response.

After waiting for a moment, she felt a terrifying spiritual energy sweeping over her, followed closely by——

Opening her eyes, Lovia was slightly sluggish.

The surrounding books turned into living words, building barriers one after another as if given life, including her and the altar.

Then, these words swept over her and the sacrifices, turning into a whirlpool and swept into the hall.

This was the first time she understood the rising process so clearly.

Grand and mysterious.

Lovia prayed devoutly in her heart, asking the hermit to protect herself and the City of Silver...

When she opened her eyes.

The mysterious palace appeared before us again.

The trader is not here?

Lovia bowed.

Thank you for your protection, dear Hermit.

If it weren't for your help, I might not be able to come back safely from the wilderness, and even bring unimaginable disaster to the people of Silver City.

The scariest thing about the wilderness is the unknown.

No one knew what was happening to them, even if she was already a powerful shepherd.

Roy smiled lightly.

A small thing, and you paid the price.

This is not an equal transaction. In any case, please allow me to express my indescribable gratitude.

Lovia was excited not only because she was rescued, but also because she received the honorific title of Mr. Hermit.

this means.

She has gone from entering by chance to becoming a true believer recognized by Mr. Hermit.

Also, about these...

I will convey it to you. He has already paid the price.

Roy said calmly.

I see.

Through the sacrifices and gifts of Mr. Hermit, the circulation of internal and external items is completed.

if so……

Couldn't I ask Mr. Hermit to help carry the food?


This is blasphemy.

Lovia apologized repeatedly in her heart.

not to mention.

Just helping with transportation can save you for a while, but how can you help for the rest of your life?

If Silver City wants to be saved, it must first have food that can survive on its own, instead of relying on black-faced grass derived from monsters or unknown things.

She presented all the materials from the Sage Tree, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and then asked: Dear Mr. Hermit, if I want to know the source of the whispers in the wilderness, what do I need to exchange for it?

The True Creator.

Roy replied calmly and did not ask for payment.

Lovia's expression froze, and then she said in disbelief: The Creator is still alive?

So why does He never respond to His people?

She couldn't believe it for a moment.

Roy sighed softly: I prefer to call Him now, the Fallen Creator.


Lovia looked dazed.

She vaguely guessed.

Something terrible happened to the Creator whom Silver City believed in, which resulted in no response for so many years.


Fortunately, the True Creator did not respond.

If such a corrupted evil god responded to Silver City, Silver City might have completely fallen into madness at this moment.

She couldn't help but feel chills all over just thinking about it.

If it weren't for Mr. Hermit, who returned to Silver City after being watched by the fallen Creator, he would probably have become the coordinates to bring the fallen Creator to Silver City.

That may be a more terrible catastrophe.


She also thought of another point——

Since the True Creator can spread rumors in the land abandoned by God, does it mean that the power of the True Creator is enough to affect this unknown and terrifying sealed land?

If this is the case……

For Silver City, unless we get out of this restricted land, disaster will come sooner or later.

She thought about the prophecy.

Lovia put away her initial excitement and joy and said worriedly: Your Excellency the Great Hermit, how can I save Silver City?

This problem does not lie with me, but with you in Silver City.

Roy replied with a low smile, In addition, someone has proposed to hold a weekly gathering to learn mysterious knowledge. If you are interested, you may be able to join and find answers among them.

Thank you, Your Majesty the Great Hermit!

Lovia was extremely excited.

Mr. Hermit can not only bring her into the temple, but also bring many people up at the same time to communicate together.

She has realized it.

There are completely different conditions inside and outside the God's Abandoned Land, and Mr. Hermit once said that the God's Abandoned Land can actually be entered.

So if relying on the people of Silver City alone doesn't work, you have to look for outside help.


It's an opportunity!

I only provide a platform for communication and do not participate in the exchange.

Roy smiled lightly and said, Since you are willing to join, considering the special nature of Silver City, I will notify you one day and one hour in advance. If you are in an inconvenient situation, you can directly ask for leave.

Yes, I understand.

Lovia answered respectfully.

Then, she hesitated for a moment and said, Mr. Hermit, Mr. Cultivator, how is he doing now?

I haven't paid attention to him. If you want to know more, I can help you contact him now.

Roy smiled lightly.

Lovia lowered her head: No need to trouble you. I will ask you to help me contact you when I have prepared the relevant knowledge about Druid next time.


Thank you for your mercy.

Lovia bowed.

The next moment, the torrent of information collapsed in front of him.

She returned to reality.

The basement of Silver City.

Lovia stood up with a smile on her face, but then it quickly turned into deep worry.

Fallen Creator…

Fortunately, He had not responded before, otherwise, it would have been unimaginable.

Lovia took a deep breath, cleaned up the scene, then opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door, Colin personally guarded the door.

He had weapons on his belt and was fully armed, looking particularly solemn.

Seeing Lovia coming out, Colin squinted his eyes and looked at it. After a few seconds, he said: Is it over?

Yes, Your Excellency.

Lovia showed a gentle and worried expression. After hesitating for a moment, she said, Your Excellency, the situation in our Silver City is not optimistic.

How to say?

Colin looked serious.

Lovia thought about what to say, and after a few seconds, she continued: Your Excellency, when I was hunting the crazy tree spirit in the wilderness, the clip of the crazy tree spirit attracted the attention of the Creator.


Colin raised his eyebrows and locked his gaze on her.

Lovia breathed out and continued: The great being said that some accidents happened to Him, and now He has fallen, which is very different from before. Fortunately, the great being protected me.

Colin's face was solemn.

He understood what Lovia meant.


In other words, the fallen Creator, who can influence this dark land.

If the other party is not crazy, why hasn't he responded for so many years?

If the other party is already crazy...


If Silver City wants to leave the Land Abandoned by God, it may have to face obstacles from that side.

He looked into the distance in silence.

Your Excellency, my path is controlled by the current Creator. If my existence will bring disaster to Silver City, I will leave Silver City after I finish what I want to do.

Lovia spoke firmly.

Colin looked back at her, and then uttered: Will you betray Silver City?

of course not.

She didn't hesitate.

Then Silver City will not betray you.

After Colin finished speaking, he left with his sword, We still have to go to the dungeon. This is a necessary process.


Silver City.

Hey, there's only so much I can do.

Roy looked at the thick pile of gibbering and yelling. The words and information above must be extremely terrifying.

He retrieved an amethyst that had no recorded knowledge.

After cutting out half of it, he thought about it...

Another half of it was intercepted.

This was the most intense and high-pitched part from what he heard roughly. It was not a good word, so he didn't distinguish it in detail.

Intercept and load.

Cracks appeared on the amethyst.

Any more and it won't be able to carry it.

Roy played with it, and then temporarily sealed it in the mysterious palace.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you can use it on the Aurora Society to let their believers feel the greetings of the true Creator.


The opportunity to use it will come soon.

Then, he looked at the bark, sap, and a thick branch of the crazy tree spirit on the table.

These are all parts brought back by Lovia, and the spiritual power on them is very strong.

If Roy had mastered the knowledge of the craftsman, he even thought he could try to transform the branch into a witchcraft wand to assist in casting spells.


At present, he does not have such knowledge, and even the Hidden Sage may not have it——

It is impossible to teach him.

Roy sighed regretfully, and then carefully studied the bark of the crazy tree spirit. After some research...

He understood why Silver City called it that.

The bark of this tree has very simple and peculiar lines. It can record information and transform information and knowledge into magic-like effects.

This is similar to scroll.

In other words, most of Professor Scroll's scroll abilities continue from the characteristics of tree bark, while the brain of the deep-sea octopus further enhances spell conception, creation and other abilities.

Probably because of the special nature of the God's Abandoned Land, it was stained with so much pollution that you could feel the madness exuding from it just by holding it in your hand.

This is still a dead thing.

If this Sage Tree was still alive, you can imagine what kind of state it would be in. No wonder Silver City would call it crazy.


Only the core piece of a tree is suitable for use as a scroll to teach extraordinary properties, and the rest cannot be used as the main material.

Otherwise, you can give one to Mr. Hyde.

Roy took out the core piece.

It is a complete piece of bark near the root of the Sage Tree, and it is also the source of its extraordinary power.

It is unrealistic to let Lovia go again.

The wilderness outside Silver City is very dangerous, including this time, Lovia hunted the crazy tree spirit, and the information recorded by the tree spirit caught the attention of the true creator, which caused a lot of trouble.

If we go out hunting again...

What if Amon is attracted?

One cannot rely on Amon's mercy.

While thinking, Roy used the ability of the Mysterious Palace to strip away the pollution from the extraordinary material and return it to its original state.

After a while, the bark was no longer so twisted, but calm and peaceful. The lines on it were simple and natural, recording a period of time.

Then he looked at the other materials.

He hasn't figured out what to do with the rest of the bark yet, but there is no doubt about one thing -

There is no absolutely useless material for a wizard.

Returning to reality, Roy turned on the lamp and thought about one thing through the light and the dim light outside.

Do I want to ask Bernadette now for the rest of the materials for promotion?

From being promoted to wizard to now, it only takes a month to complete the calculation. This speed is certainly not impossible, but it does seem very shocking...

After thinking for a moment, Roy no longer hesitated.


Time waits for no one.

Waiting a month longer may make you feel safer and more natural, but what about the future?

Have Sequence 5 and Sequence 4 been done step by step?


Roy's goal is not to be a demigod, but to become a sequence 0, or even hit a higher sequence. He cannot wait step by step.

That way...

Maybe even though Klein has become a god, he is still just a saint.

In the second half of the journey, Klein's promotion speed was simply terrifying.

Roy picked up a pen and paper and started writing without hesitation.

Dear Queen of Mystery, I have completed the wizard's digestion and collected the 'Bark of the Sage's Tree' through a party.

I hope to buy the rest of the materials you have...

He finished writing the letter, then thought about it for a moment, and waited until dawn before chanting a spell and summoning the invisible messenger.

After the letter disappeared, Roy leaned back in his chair and thought about his subsequent plans.

Sequence 6 can also be obtained through Element Dawn.


Starting from Sequence 5, the difficulty of obtaining the magic potion will rise linearly with each sequence, and it is impossible to rely on the element Dawn all the time.

Apart from the element Dawn, only Moss Ascetic Order possesses the extraordinary characteristics of this high-sequence path, so——

Roy could only attack them.


There is another way.

Bernadette gave herself her Sequence 2 Extraordinary Characteristics, and she was able to peel off all the Sequence 3 and beyond Extraordinary Characteristics from it.


This will expose Roy's biggest secret, and it cannot be described as putting aside the basics to eliminate the last.

This is also the reason why Roy trained Tilly and Gary.

Only by training your subordinates and developing your own eyeliner can you help yourself catch more traces of the Moss Ascetic Society.

The Moss Ascetic Society is the target he wants to target.


If they can become stronger and help themselves in future battles, that would definitely be the best.


At present, the master leads you in, and your cultivation level depends on the individual.

How far they can go is up to them.

Roy took out a pen and wrote a name on the paper——


The condition for obtaining the other Sequence 6 materials except Sage's Tree Bark is to help Bernadette bring a message to Cattleya.


He must go to the sea to find the Star Admiral and convey those words to him——

The trajectory of your destiny has changed.

To be honest, Roy was curious.

What exactly did Bernadette see that made her think of letting herself convey this sentence.

Could it be——

Did he replace the Hermit in the Tarot Club, causing Cattleya's fate to change?

I'm so curious.

Roy sighed.


His curiosity is destined to be unsatisfied——

According to his understanding of Bernadette's prophecy ability, it is very likely that Bernadette herself does not know it.

Roy was about to get up and wash up, then go out to find food, when suddenly a gust of wind blew...

A letter appeared on the table.

He picked it up.

It's not so much a letter as it is a piece of paper with a sentence written on it.

Afternoon, your home.

Short and direct.

Roy burned the paper and got up to wash up.

He needs to adjust his mental state to prepare for his Sequence 6 magic medicine.

Bernadette's high efficiency also brought herself a convenience——

Having completely digested the wizard himself, in a sense, he is fully capable of bearing the spiritual loss caused by Lovia joining the study group.


One more Frank might not be able to hold on.

Because the improvement brought by the wizard is much greater than Sequence 9 and Sequence 8. This is the key sequence for the secret peeper to truly show his strength.

Even so.

Starting a study session after being promoted can allow Roy to leave more margin to meet unexpected needs.


The status has been adjusted.

In the early morning of November 7th, you will definitely see me updating twice in one go! I swear!

[Chapter 2 today is still at 12 o’clock, so don’t wait for those who are early in the morning]

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