Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 93 Punishment Knight Long Haochen (3)

With Long Haochen's current strength, it is extremely difficult, even close to impossible, to defeat a fifth-level knight with a mount. No matter how talented he is, his opponent has practiced for more than five years more than him. Therefore, he can only use Only by planning can you bring yourself opportunities.

Strength is always the key to victory, but it is not the only one. A child may kill an adult through trickery. What's more, the gap between Long Haochen and No. 4 is far from that huge.

Although the Holy Light Mask is already a fourth-level skill of the Guardian Knight, it still cannot block the fifth-level liquid spiritual power. However, there is no doubt that the combination of the Ascension Array and the Holy Light Mask has bought Long Haochen enough time.

The lightsaber inserted on the ground suddenly rose up, bringing with it a strong golden light. At the same time, Long Haochen swung his left hand horizontally, and another fiery red light swept out like a horse, matching the golden light of the lightsaber. The light formed a criss-cross slash.

At this time, Knight No. 4 and Long Haochen were close at hand. He never expected that Long Haochen, who seemed to have no ability to resist, would counterattack so violently.

At this time, he had no time to use any skills, so he could only barely move his shield horizontally in front of him.


A cross-cut composed of one light and one fire struck the shield fiercely. Knight No. 4 was truly remarkable and worthy of being a fifth-level warrior. In such an unfavorable situation, he was only knocked back two steps by Long Haochen. This is the advantage of liquid spiritual power.

But this is just the beginning. A cross cut caused the heavy sword of Knight No. 4 to lose its attack effect as he retreated. Long Haochen did not pause for a moment after slashing out the two swords in his hands, and immediately followed up with another slash. However, this time, a fierce light erupted from his swords.

A ball of dazzling golden light and another ball of dazzling golden red, the two swords actually fired the Sunshine Slash at the same time, the strongest attack skill of the fourth level of the Punishment Knight.

Just after blocking the blow, Knight No. 4 was still shocked and angry when Long Haochen's double swords struck back with a sharp light.


This time, Knight No. 4 was not able to resist so easily. Under the tyrannical bombardment of the Yaori Slash, the shield in his hand was smashed and the golden light flew away. At the same time, it sank diagonally downwards, exposing nearly half of his body. At the same time, he fell back one after another. Almost fell.

Long Haochen was unyielding. He pointed the fire sword in his left hand forward, bringing out more than a dozen golden-red rays of lightning, pointing directly at the chest of Knight No. 4. The lightsaber in his right hand did not follow the attack, but was raised high above his head. On the lightsaber, an incandescent brilliance shines instantly, but unlike Yao Hiruzhan, the light on his lightsaber does not appear scattered, but is completely converged on the sword. It seemed as if the lightsaber itself had become transparent, and a strong holy aura rose from the lightsaber.

Long Haochen's mouth resounded with a low spell. The changes in his lightsaber looked a bit like a pure white blade at first glance. However, compared with the pure white blade, the lightsaber at this time had no spiritual power. The degree of purity, the concentration of the sacred aura, and the sense of oppression generated by itself are all much more powerful.

On the rostrum, the paladin captain sitting in the center said in surprise: Good boy, he actually has such a trump card. It turns out that he is not a guardian knight at all. No wonder he has only used momentum and divine block before. It's actually a disciplinary knight. My dear, this is an advanced disciplinary skill of being distracted, and I've even learned the fifth-level holy sword.

Knight No. 4 was filled with depression at this time. Long Haochen's sudden attack was beyond his expectation. More importantly, Long Haochen's attack after the explosion did not give him a chance to breathe.

The combination of the Ascension Array, Holy Light Shield, Double Sun Slash and Lightning Sting meant that he didn't even have time to mobilize all his inner spiritual power, let alone use skills and summon mounts. A moment of carelessness made him completely passive. He had to completely resist Long Haochen's attack and wait for a buffering opportunity before he could launch a counterattack.

The broad sword blocked back, trying to protect his front as much as possible. A series of clanging sounds exploded in the trial field. Long Haochen's lightning thrust was extremely fast. Coupled with the opportunity obtained by Yaori Slash before, Knight No. 4 After all, he couldn't completely prevent it. A golden-red light passed by the side of his left arm, leaving a black mark immediately.

A truly strong man will never let himself feel proud in battle. Knight No. 4 obviously violated this point. Without armor to protect him, although he was only brushed by the fire sword, the burning pain also made his left arm suddenly less flexible.

However, until this moment, Knight No. 4 never thought that he would lose. Even if Long Haochen was a disciplinary knight, he had already used so many skills. There had to be a pause, right? As long as he was given a chance to fight back, he was still confident that he could defeat Long Haochen with his absolute advantage in cultivation.

But at this moment, a dazzling golden-red light suddenly burst out from the fire sword that had completed the lightning stab. It was still the Yaori Slash, but this time it was not slashed, but stabbed.

It doesn't have the speed of the Lightning Sting, but it has the power of the Sunrise Slash. Knight No. 4 had no choice but to put up his shield again to resist. Amidst the roar, he was pushed back five steps again, and the golden light on both the shield and the broadsword dimmed.

Taking a deep breath and retreating, Knight No. 4's eyes were filled with anger, and his liquid inner spiritual power was fully mobilized. Although retreating was unstable, it was still an opportunity for him. After just a little mobilization of inner spiritual power, a golden holy light shield was released. While treating the injury on his left arm, he formed a strong defense.

Charging, Long Haochen followed the sword. In an instant, only a white light could be seen shooting out of the trial ground, but his figure was lost.

The body and sword merge into one, and this sword is a lightsaber rather than a fire sword.

The crystal clear pure white lightsaber arrived in an instant with twisted and rippling air.


The holy light shield set up by the fifth-level guardian knight could not withstand the stab of the lightsaber. With a harsh friction sound, the lightsaber pierced into the holy light shield.

Holy Sword is the powerful fifth-level attack skill of the Punishment Knight. While it has powerful attack power, this skill also has a special bonus effect on all dark attribute creatures. Can produce double attack power.

Knight No. 4 was horrified and quickly raised his shield to win. Long Haochen's attacks connected too quickly. After he used the Holy Light Shield, he only had time to add another Holy Light Qin Shield to his own shield to assist defense.

At this time, a white sword light came out from the lightsaber and hit Knight No. 4's shield hard, and then the lightsaber body struck.


In the shocked eyes of the spectators, the shield in Knight No. 4's hand instantly fell apart, but he finally shook the lightsaber away. However, the huge impact made him unable to stabilize his body any longer, and he fell to the ground.

The fiery red light came quietly and fell quietly on his shoulders. The scorching temperature stimulated Knight No. 4's neck to feel weak.

The lightsaber was propped on the ground and the fire sword was placed on the side of No. 4's neck. Long Haochen gasped for breath, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. But the determination in his eyes remained unchanged.

The load on his body when he performs his skills at such a density while injured can be imagined. But it was this series of storm-like attacks that brought him victory.

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