Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 892 Eight-Headed Purple Gold Bright Moon Sword (Part 2)

A red light instantly fell from the battlefield in the air. Falling next to Long Haochen and Bai Yue, he took Bai Yue from Long Haochen's hand, and at the same time pointed at the Demon God Emperor who fell to the ground with Agares, making a big hole in the ground. He yelled: Haochen, kill him, kill him quickly. Kill him, and we humans will be able to break out of the dark age and restore our great country.

The person who suddenly rushed over and hugged Bai Yue was Long Haochen's father, Long Xingyu, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment in the Knights Temple. However, at this time, Long Xingyu's face was a little distorted, and his expression was a little ferocious, as if he was enduring some great pain.

If it weren't for the words of the Demon God Emperor before the battle, Long Haochen would naturally not have thought about anything. But at this moment, his mother actually jumped off the Yulong Pass for the Demon God Emperor. At this moment, his heart was really filled with pain. .

No, don't - Bai Yue struggled in Long Xingyu's arms and shouted, Haochen, you can't. No matter who kills him, it can't be you. He is yours...

Pa— Long Xingyu slapped Bai Yue on the face, choking her words.

Father. Long Haochen hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed his father's hand.

Bai Yue was stunned by Long Xingyu's slap and fell to the ground, staring at him blankly, her whole body trembling. In her memory, Long Xingyu never said even a harsh word to her! Let alone doing it.

In the deep pit, the Demon God Emperor and the Moon Demon God both stood up, but the despair in their eyes had not dissipated at this time. Looking at the appearance of Long Haochen's family, the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu's eyes flickered and he said coldly: Long Xingyu, what qualifications do you have to hit her?

Long Xingyu suddenly turned around and looked at the Demon God Emperor. Deep in his eyes, there was extremely vicious hatred.

Why can't I hit her? No matter what happened to her in the past, I can not care or care about it, and even that barrier has been broken through in my heart. But why, why doesn't she think about her son. Haochen is the chairman of the Temple Federation. Everything Haochen does no longer represents himself, but the entire Temple Federation. In order to prevent Haochen from killing you, she actually chose to jump from the city and said that she should not If so, isn't she afraid that Haochen will be ruined because of this?

The Demon God Emperor said coldly: A ruined reputation? What a ruined reputation. Could it be that if she doesn't say it, I won't say it?

At this time, both sides on the battlefield had fallen from the sky. However, the powerful demons brought by the Demon God Emperor could only be described as withered.

In the battle just now, the black fire phoenix released by Lin Xin exploded with extremely terrifying attack power. Among the nineteen demon gods brought by the Demon God Emperor, except for him and the Moon Demon God Agares, there are only a few demon gods who are still alive. There were only six left, and no matter which tribe of powerful demons they were, there were a lot of casualties. It could be said that even if Long Haochen didn't defeat him, the demons had already damaged their roots.

Not to mention that in the high-altitude battle just now, Long Haochen also killed the Star Demon God Vasak.

The Federation Chairman who leads you to break through the darkness spread by our demon clan has the blood of my Demon God Emperor Fengxiu flowing through him. The cold voice of the Demon God Emperor reached the ears of every strong man on both sides.

The remaining powerful demons were all shocked by this. The same goes for the Temple Federation. If it weren't for the scene just now between Long Xingyu and his wife. No matter what, the strong men of the Temple Federation would not believe the Demon God Emperor as a hostile force. I will only think that he is sowing discord. But from the expressions of Long Xingyu, his wife, and Long Haochen themselves, they could tell that what the Demon God Emperor said might be true.

Long Xingyu's body trembled with anger, and he turned to Bai Yue fiercely. His emotions were finally uncontrollable due to the Demon God Emperor's words, Are you satisfied now? Are you satisfied seeing Haochen being questioned like this? Why? , why are you doing this? I obviously don’t care anymore. Why do you still want to say that Haochen is his son? Do you know that Fengxiu had already killed Haochen in the Star Demon Tower in the heart of the magic city? Once! Why? I have loved you for so many years. In my life, apart from my mother who has passed away long ago, you are the only woman I love deeply. No matter what wrong you have done, I can forgive you. But , in your heart, you always think about him, even sacrificing your own life for him. I don’t understand, I really don’t understand what I did wrong to make you so heartless. When Haochen returned from the demon clan to participate in the Holy Spirit During the palace competition, I even completely regarded him as my biological son, but why do you still want to hurt my heart like this? Why?

Bai Yue's eyes widened when she heard Long Xingyu's words. She struggled to get up from the ground, raised her right hand and pointed her index finger at Long Xingyu. Due to excessive excitement, her body was shaking uncontrollably, as if It seems like it might collapse at any time.

Long Haochen stepped forward, supported his mother, and injected his soft natural life force into her body, which helped Bai Yue's physical condition stabilize. He really didn't want to face everything in front of him, but everything had already happened, and he couldn't help but face it. He had already thought about it. No matter what, he couldn't let go of the Demon God Emperor. Thousands of people were at stake. Thousands of human futures! If he doesn't kill him at this opportunity today, I'm afraid he will be even more unable to kill him the second time. He kept telling himself in his heart that the bloodline belonging to the Demon God Emperor in his body had already been extinguished when the Star Demon Tower was killed by the Demon God Emperor. Now, he is just his own enemy, just an enemy!

Pa— What everyone didn't expect was that after Bai Yue stood up, he pointed at Long Xingyu and was speechless for a long time, then suddenly raised his hand and slapped him.

You bastard... Because of her anger, Bai Yue's beautiful face was even a little distorted, and there was a palm print left by Long Xingyu on one side of her pretty face.

Am I a bastard? Long Xingyu was also a little stunned. He had thought countless times about how she would react when he and Bai Yue had a showdown, but he never thought it would be such a result. She actually slapped herself.

Why are you not a bastard? You insist on saying that your wife is incest and your son is someone else's son. Is there anyone in this world who is more of a bastard than you? After hearing what Long Xingyu said before, the Demon God Emperor After appearing dull for a moment, he became furious and scolded Long Xingyu.

Long Xingyu was stunned for a moment, and his mind went blank. The Demon God Emperor said that Long Haochen was his son? Also, what does incest mean? what happened? what on earth is it? As smart as he is, his brain is completely unable to turn around at this time.

Bai Yue suddenly cried loudly, I am willing to die for him because I have half of his blood in my body. He is my father! Haochen is your biological son. How can you doubt me like this? Do you still doubt me? I’ve had it for decades.”

Not to mention Long Xingyu was confused, even Long Haochen and all the powerful humans were also confused. This is really a bit confusing, so much so that today's top beings are dumbfounded. Many people don't understand what is going on.

Mom, what is going on? What is going on? Long Haochen asked his mother eagerly.

Bai Yue looked up at Long Haochen, tears flowing freely, Haochen, I didn't expect, I never expected that your father would think like this. No wonder, no wonder he was so cruel and insisted on keeping you here. In Odin Town, he said he wanted to cultivate your abilities. I don’t know how many times I asked him, but he still refused to pick you up. He even disappeared for a long, long time. It turned out that he actually thought I was betraying Without him, even you are not his child.

Long Xingyu stood there blankly, unable to utter a single word of rebuttal. He only felt as if there was a huge stone pressing on his chest, which was so oppressive that he couldn't breathe.

In his heart, what had been painful for more than twenty years seemed to be just a misunderstanding. This was a really big blow to him. In his heart, he couldn't accept this fact at all.

The Demon God Emperor looked at Long Haochen with a gloomy face, and his heart was filled with strange emotions at this time. The battle is actually almost over now. He knew very well that with the help of Austin and Griffin, he could no longer defeat Long Haochen. At this time, while listening to Bai Yue's tearful voice, his brain was running at high speed, thinking about how to change the situation in front of him.

Bai Yue stood up straight with Long Haochen's help. She said in a slightly trembling voice: Long Xingyu, was it me who tarnished Haochen's reputation or you? Why do you say that he is not your son?

Long Xingyu said subconsciously: His innate mental power is different from ordinary people. This is clearly a symbol of the heaven-defying demon dragon clan. Moreover, he doesn't look like me.

Bai Yue said coldly: My son looks like his mother, what's wrong with that? Then why don't you tell me where the light attribute in his body comes from? Does it come from the Demon God Emperor? Your heart has been blinded by jealousy, and you have been When your son is the child of an enemy, you actually think that your wife is unfaithful. You don't trust me so much.

Long Xingyu said solemnly: At first, when you were captured by the demons for a year, I thought you were dead. But when I found you in Odin Town, I found that you already had Haochen. I You can’t help but doubt it.”

Bai Yue took a deep breath, but tears burst out again, crying tremblingly: You, you bastard, since you have doubts, why don't you ask me? Why?

Long Xingyu's voice was also choked, How should I ask? How do you want me to ask? I love you so much that I don't want you to be hurt even in the slightest. How could I ask you such a hurtful question? Question. And you never had any intention of revealing it to me. I...

Long Haochen's mood at this time was like being thrown to the ground and then lifted up into the clouds. He finally understood vaguely. This seems to be a misunderstanding. He is not the son of the Demon God Emperor, but the grandson of the Demon God Emperor. His mother is the daughter of the Demon God Emperor, and Abao, who was severely injured by him, turned out to be his uncle.


At this critical moment, I decided not to advertise the new book. The Seal of Gods is coming to an end. Guess what plot will unfold next? Hey hey hey. Very exciting.

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