Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 89 The possibility of spiritual furnace evolution (3)

Magic Temple Trial Ground.

When the two contestant numbers appeared on the dome light screen, the entire rest area of ​​the Magic Temple Trial Ground was silent.

Of the two numbers, the first one showed sixty-one, which was nothing surprising, but the second number was one.

Number one, number one is about to appear.

In the preliminary round of the Six Temple Selection Competition, the first ten numbers are reserved for contestants of level five or above. If there are not enough people, the single-digit numbers of other numbers will also be vacant. The appearance of No. 1 means that a fifth-level magician will appear in the first game of the third day's game.

A young girl stood up from the rest area and walked into the venue. She was the very unlucky contestant No. 61.

In the first row, Lin Xin, dressed in a fiery red magic robe, stood up slowly. Yes, that number one is him.

Lin Xin is already handsome, especially his long dark green hair that spreads to his waist, which has extremely distinctive features.

The fiery red magic robe on his body was rippling with extremely rich fire elements. The magicians present could even feel the faint fire element jumping happily on this magic robe.

Golden runes were densely covered on the magic robe, and with Lin Xin's movements, the brilliance of these golden lines flowed as if they came alive.

Lin Xin turned around, combed his long hair with both hands on the side of his face, and showed an elegant and calm smile to the contestants behind him. His confidence and calmness made the heartbeats of some female magicians accelerate significantly. potential.

Lin Xin walked out slowly. As he walked towards the competition venue, strong fire elements began to rise around his body. It was not because of any magic he used, but because of the magic robe on his body. It seems to have been stimulated to some effect.

He raised his right hand and made a move in the void. The rich fire element in the air seemed to have found its source. It instantly gathered in his hand. Drops of fiery red liquid dripped down, gradually forming a strange handle in the air. Red gold staff.

The staff was not big, but the moment it appeared, it seemed that the entire Magic Temple Trial Ground was filled with a thick layer of fire-attribute aura.

It's too strong. Is this the strength of a magician? The contestants couldn't help but hold their breath, looking at Lin Xin who walked proudly into the field. Some were envious, some were jealous, but most of them were afraid.

There is no doubt that this contestant No. 1 is a fire magician. Looking at him, it is clear that he has truly mastered the rules of fire.

Girl No. 61's face looked a little pale. She felt that her luck was really bad. Not only did she meet a fifth-level strong man, but the fifth-level contestant in front of her was probably the one participating in the Magic Temple. The strongest among the players. The fire-attribute aura that hit her face was so shocking that her mind was already very unstable.

The referee is an old man. According to the rules of the Demon Hunting Group Selection Competition, when there are fifth-level contestants competing, the referee must be a seventh-level strong person.

He glanced at Lin Xin and said, Stop showing off. Before I announce the start of the game, you are not allowed to use any skills, including the amplification ability of the equipment.

Yes, as you wish. Lin Xin smiled slightly, the golden-red light in his hand converged, sighed softly, and said to himself: I didn't want to use the staff at first, but in this case, I'll use it.

After hearing his words, the face of the girl opposite suddenly became even more ugly. He even cursed the referee for meddling in his own business. He is already so strong, how powerful will he be if he uses the staff again?

A red light flashed, and a staff quietly appeared in Lin Xin's hand. To be precise, this is not a staff at all, just a strange-shaped fiery red crystal.

The crystal is about half a foot long, and the thickest part is about a fist in diameter. The overall shape is slightly distorted, and it doesn't look like a staff at all, nor does it have any inlays.

However, the referee who had reprimanded Lin Xin just now opened his eyes wide and said in a voiceless voice: You want to use such a big fire cloud crystal as a staff?

Lin Xin smiled slightly, as if he was holding a very ordinary thing, I just bought it a few days ago, and I haven't had time to find a master to carve it. I'll just use it for the time being. Although Fire Cloud Crystal is not a top-notch material, But the effect of condensing the fire element is not bad.

The referee's expression changed continuously, and he cursed in his heart, It's too hot. This kid is really too hot.

Fire cloud crystal is not a magic crystal, but a natural mineral crystal that contains extremely pure and condensed fire elements. It can only be found deep in magma that has been soaked for more than a thousand years.

Even a piece of fire cloud crystal the size of an egg, embedded in any staff, can be turned into a spirit-level fire-attributed equipment at will. Lin Xin holds such a long staff in his hand. Even if it has not been carved and has not been engraved with any magic circle, this staff can double the power of his spiritual power. This is already the level of brilliant level equipment. If you can find a powerful magician to carve a magic circle for him, then this fire cloud crystal may even have a chance to become a legendary staff.

The entire staff is made of fire cloud crystal. What is the concept? Even if you have money, you can't buy this thing. Its market value is at least 500,000 gold coins.

Girl No. 61 opposite Lin Xin, her eyes were dull at this time. She is a dual-system magician who specializes in wind and fire magic. The staff in her hand also had Fire Cloud Crystal, but it was only the size of a fingernail. The other side was inlaid with a Wind Spirit Crystal the size of a fingernail.

Looking at the other person's hand, and then looking at her own hand, Girl No. 61 really wanted to hide her staff.

The game begins. The referee shouted in a deep voice, suppressing the desire for the fire cloud crystal in his heart.

Lin Xin smiled at the girl opposite and said: Beauty, how about we discuss it. Magic has no eyes, and I am not very good at controlling some fifth- and sixth-level magic. It would be bad if I hurt you. We are all members of the Magic Temple. As a male, I always have to be a bit gentlemanly. Well, I think you should also be able to do fire magic. I will give you a simple fire control demonstration. If you can get close to it , even if you win, it will save us from fighting and hurting our harmony, what do you think?

Hearing what he said, the girl opposite was obviously relieved. Everyone could see that the gap between her and Lin Xin was really too big.

He nodded quickly and said with a hint of gratitude: Please give me some advice, senior brother.

Lin Xin was calm and calm, with a faint magical halo undulating softly around his body, quite like everyone else.

Glancing at the girl opposite him, Lin Xin showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He raised the Fire Cloud Crystal in his hand and slowly drew a fiery red halo in front of him.

Although the aperture was fiery red, there was no flame coming out, and it was like being branded in the air, with the fiery red light never breaking out.

Liquid spiritual power, only liquid spiritual power can achieve such wonders. And looking at him like that, it was clear that he had already controlled the liquid spiritual power like an arm and a finger, and he was definitely not a newcomer who had just entered the fifth level.

The fire cloud crystal returned to the starting point, and the fiery red aperture was completely formed, floating so quietly in front of Lin Xin. Suddenly, all the fire attribute aura was completely restrained, and not a single bit escaped. The color of the fiery red aperture remained unchanged.

The face of the girl opposite was already pale, and she would never be able to complete the scene in front of her. Is it so easy to control one's own aura? What's more, he has to control the spiritual power he releases so that it doesn't collapse. You know, Lin Xin is nowhere in contact with the aperture now.

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