Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 886 Brother Youyao’s Black Flame (Part 1)

Facing the nine huge black fireballs, no demon, including the demon god, was willing to face them or stand up to resist them. The tragedy of the Hidden Demon God Baimen was before their eyes, and the sudden acceleration of the fireball made them all want to escape quickly.

However, the speed of the black fireball floating in the air just now reached an appalling level. The fireball flying at the front crashed into the area where the demons were most densely packed in almost the blink of an eye. Of course, the demons dispersed after all, at least they were not hit by it.

From moving forward rapidly to standing still for a moment, every movement and stillness made the big fireball look even weirder. And the moment it stopped, a second black fireball caught up with it. The two fireballs collided violently.

The demons who were quickly dispersing couldn't help but startled in shock. They didn't care to run away anymore. They all turned around hurriedly and put on their strongest defensive posture. So how terrifying will the attack power of the two terrifying fireballs when they collide together be?

However, the two black fireballs that collided with each other did not explode. However, seeing their changes made the powerful demons feel a chill deep in their hearts. Almost all the nearby Demon Gods made the same choice and instantly used their own Demon God Pillars to teleport away and returned to the Demon God Pillars.

Yes, the two black fireballs did not explode after impact, but they merged. Two big guys turned into one bigger guy. And in just a moment, the seven fireballs behind him also caught up one after another, and they all became part of the huge size.

When all nine black fireballs merged together in a few breaths, they turned into a terrifying existence with a diameter of more than thirty meters. The powerful demon clan members all felt like they were suffocating. It actually felt a bit like facing the Demon God Emperor.

Ah! Goodbye, friends. Lin Xin smiled and waved the immortal dragon fire in his hand. The next moment, a strange cracking sound appeared at the center of the terrifying fireball.

A layer of strange black light suddenly opened up. The range it opened was not very large, only about 500 meters in diameter, which happened to be far away from the strong men of the Temple Federation. Moreover, this circle of black light appeared and disappeared very quickly. It's only about three to five seconds before and after.

Everyone saw that in the first second when the black light swept across, there were no matter whether they were eighth-level hell demons, demon clans, moon demon clans, or star demon clans within the range. It's still the ninth level Demon Dragon Team. Everything turned into illusory mist in an instant. The second the black light appeared, all these illusory mists rose up, just like water vapor dissipating in the air. Not even their magic crystals were left behind, they just disappeared out of thin air.

The demon gods can escape with the teleportation of the demon god pillar, but other demons cannot! The black mass of five hundred meters in diameter swept away more than a hundred eighth-level demons, and more than a dozen demon dragons were all covered in it and disappeared without a trace. Whether it is the heaven-defying demon dragon with astonishing defensive power, or the powerful star demon with great prophecy and the combination of magic and martial arts, the moon demon, there is no resistance in the weird black.

This blow was really terrible. Although the demon clan has lost several demon gods before, this is the first time such a huge loss has occurred since the beginning of this war.

Lin Xin said with a heartbroken look: Prodigal, such a waste. How much good material has been lost! What a pity. However, do you think this skill I just developed is very good? I think Think about it, how about calling it the Eclipse of Nine Lumins? Wow, haha, I am really a genius.

If it weren't for the fact that the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group behind him needed to continue conjoined soul enhancement for Lin Xin, they wouldn't be able to speak to avoid mistakes. They really wanted to beat this guy up.

Under the influence of the Conjoined Spirit Enhancement Pill, Lin Xin's emotions were completely ignited after his cultivation reached the peak of the ninth level. In an amazing state of excitement. The humor and hatred for the demons in his bones merged into a special emotion.

However, even though he was boasting, no one would deny that he was a genius. The power gained through conjoined spirit enhancement can create new skills adapted to this ability in a short period of time. This talent alone is already unique. He was the leader of the Dawn of Light Conjoined Spirit Enhancement, which was absolutely the right thing to do. Even if it were Cai'er or Chen Ying'er, it would be impossible to cause such a degree of damage to the demons in such a short period of time.

The destructive power of the Eclipse of Nine Lumins was so strong that both the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God noticed the changes here. Their people were also killed. Moreover, that one blow just now wiped out more than one-tenth of the strength of the demon army! Moreover, Lin Xin now gave them a sense of danger.

The immortal dragon fire swayed in his hand. Looking at the dragon crystal that had been rendered black by his own flames, Lin Xin smiled strangely and waved his staff towards the demons in the distance. He yelled, Change your position and do it again.

This time, a series of black fireballs roared out instantly and flew towards the demons on the other side.

With the lesson just learned, no one dares to be covered by his attack! For a moment, even the Dragon Warriors became panicked. Moon Demon God Agares's eyes flashed with purple light, and a purple moon lit up behind him. In a blink of an eye, he was freed from Shu Yongxiao's entanglement. At the same time, a purple armor instantly covered his whole body, and between his eyes, a mark of a purple crescent moon appeared. Twelve purple wings sprouted from behind, and the next moment they appeared in front of Lin Xin's string of black fireballs. He put his hands together in front of his chest, and a purple crescent moon shot out, hitting Lin Xin's fireballs head-on.

Since the beginning of the war, Moon Demon God Agares has been letting off steam. Until this time, he couldn't help but take action with all his strength. He did not hesitate to use his demonic transformation, which shows how great a threat Lin Xin is to the demons now.

However, a scene soon appeared that made the Moon Demon God Agares become extremely angry. The terrifying-looking black fireballs shattered like bubbles under the attack of his purple crescent moon. Not to mention the terrifying power as before, it has no attack power at all. It's just an illusion.

Lin Xin smiled at Moon Demon God Agares, I'm sorry! I disappoint everyone. I'm just teasing you, don't be so serious.

As he spoke, the immortal dragon fire in his hand flicked to both sides, sending black lines of fire flying in all directions. These black lines of fire seemed to be thrown out at will, but they seemed to have eyes, specifically looking for the demons who were fighting against the powerful men of the Temple Federation. Not only was it incredibly fast, it also locked onto these demonic opponents.

In just a moment, seven or eight demons were attacked and disappeared into mist.

The face of Moon Demon God Agares became serious. He did not expect that the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group would have such a way to increase their strength. At this time, after receiving the enhanced spiritual power from others, Lin Xin was like a monster, definitely the most powerful fire magician in human history. The temperature of the black flame was so high that even he felt a great threat. Because of his outburst, the fighting spirit of the demons on the battlefield was extremely suppressed. The original advantage was suddenly suppressed. Even the Demon Gods were hiding behind the Demon God Pillar, afraid to come out for fear of becoming the target of Lin Xin's attack.

If Agares had followed his original plan, he would only be happy when encountering this situation, and at most he would be distressed for the death of his own people. However, just now, under the reminder of Star Demon God Vasak, he had other thoughts about Long Haochen in the sky, so he could not watch the demons being defeated like this.

The hands were spread apart on both sides of the body, and each had a moon blade that was one meter long and one foot wide. The moon blade was bright purple, and the purple light flashing on it was rippling like water waves.

At this time, the full strength of the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God were revealed. Agares escaped from the battlefield with Shu Yongxiao, but the Star Demon God Vasak instantly enveloped Shu Yongxiao within his attack range, preventing her from leaving the battlefield. Even in this case, Star Demon God Vasak still did not use demon transformation.

If the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God had used all their strength as soon as the war began, I am afraid that the strong men of the Temple Federation would have been unable to stop them.

Agares's eyes flashed with cold light, and the twelve wings spread out behind his back. His twelve wings were not exactly the same. After they were all stretched out behind his back, they formed a huge circle, with purple light flashing, like It's like a bright purple moon.

The moon blades in his hands are on both sides of his body. He stared at Lin Xin intently.

The Moon Demon God's gaze did not have a strong sense of oppression, but it made Lin Xin feel a crisis like a thorn in his back. To stop him from attacking other demons, the immortal dragon fire pointed at the Moon Demon God Agares and hooked him provocatively.

Agares snorted coldly, and the twelve wings on his back lit up at the same time. Suddenly, with his body as the diameter, a huge purple light shined like a full moon, and went straight towards Lin Xin to bombard him.

The black holy sun above Lin Xin's head also lit up almost at the same time, and the huge black pillar of fire faced Agares' attack.

Black and purple instantly met in the air, bursting out with terrifying explosive power.

Lin Xin was suspended in place. What surprised him was that Moon Demon God Agares still swayed his shoulders and was not at a much disadvantage.


I have good news for everyone. Douluo Dalu II has been finally named Peerless Tang Sect and has been registered. ISBN: 2517792.

Updates will begin next Monday. Throne of the Divine Seal is coming to the end, and it is also the most exciting content. Don’t miss it.

At the same time, I would also like to trouble everyone to collect and recommend our Dou II Peerless Tang Sect. At least cast a few recommendation votes, let's get on the new book list first, right? hey-hey.

I have been brewing this new book for so long, so long. The reason why it is named Peerless Tang Sect is that it was created for our brothers and sisters of Tang Sect. The same Douluo Continent, different excitement, nine years later, the seamless connection continues! I love you all.

I’m asking for monthly votes for Divine Seal and recommended votes for Peerless Tang Sect. Thanks.

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