Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 874 Awakening! The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation (Part 1)

The power full of stars and light obviously does not belong to the Demon God Emperor! And the entire sky turned white, which only proved that Long Haochen's power had the absolute upper hand at this moment.

The incandescent color in the sky lasted for a full minute, and within this minute, the strong humans launched a counterattack with all their strength, suppressing the superior demons until they could not lift their heads. There were even seven ninth-level demon masters who fell in this round of strong human counterattack.

The white gradually faded, and high in the sky, Long Haochen and the Demon God Emperor reappeared.

The bright white light slowly receded, and Long Haochen panted slightly. The Eternal Heart beat violently, helping him recover a lot of consumed spiritual power. At the same time, he is also further improving the power he can explode at this time. However, there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

Long Haochen couldn't help but turn pale with horror. When he had a confrontation with the Demon God Emperor in the field, he had already thought of a strategy. In the confrontation between realms, he had indeed tried his best, and he was indeed no match for the Demon God Emperor. However, at the last critical moment, Long Haochen turned the situation around through the magic of the Sealed Throne of Eternity and Creation.

The ability to instantly redirect the black hole's attack comes from the Eternal Angel's control over the sky and stars, which is called Star Shift.

And when the Demon God Emperor had to let the body-protecting demon dragon fight against the power of the black hole, it was clearly his weakest moment. Long Haochen also used the last sword of the three eternal swords, the eternal star.

If he had to say where he succeeded, it would be that he successfully forced the Demon God Emperor to transform into a demon god, and finally saw the increase in power of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar against the Demon God Emperor.

However, he also saw how terrifying the Demon God Emperor was in his complete state.

The power of the eternal stars, in Long Haochen's opinion, was the strongest attack he had ever made in his life. Thousands of stars condensed into one point and were released with the sword of eternity. This terrifying power is enough to change the color of heaven and earth.

However, the Demon God Emperor just raised one hand. He didn't even use the giant sword behind him.

The light of the Eternal Star indeed occupied the entire sky, but only the area where the Demon God Emperor was located was not affected at all. Even the Black Gold Dragon that had converged the black hole quietly disappeared before the arrival of the Eternal Star. It was as if it had been directly integrated into the Demon God Emperor's heaven-defying Demon God Armor.

Slowly lowering his raised right hand, the Demon God Emperor nodded seriously to Long Haochen and said, You shocked me again. I didn't expect that the power of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation would be so powerful. It is worthy of being a super artifact level existence. Unfortunately, your strength is not enough to fully exert its power. Otherwise, you might really be able to fight me. But now, you are not good enough.

As he spoke, the Demon God Emperor suddenly moved, and his breath completely disappeared from Long Haochen's powerful perception the moment his body moved. And the moment he appeared, he was already in front of Long Haochen, and his right index finger pointed directly at the eternal stone on Long Haochen's chest.


Long Haochen also had a lot of combat experience. Facing the Demon God Emperor's sudden approach, he turned his body slightly to the side. At the same time, he let go of the King's Sword with his left hand and grabbed the Demon God Emperor's right index finger like lightning.

In such a close battle, the length of the weapon can only be an obstacle, but the intensity of the collision between the two sides is by no means inferior to that of a duel with artifacts.

What's more, the King's Sword released by Long Haochen instantly deflected in the air. The eight-colored light on the sword shone and slashed hard at the Demon God Emperor's neck.

The Demon God Emperor did not dodge, he allowed Long Haochen to grab the index finger of his right hand, and he also allowed Long Yating's King's Sword to cut on his neck guard.

The moment the two came into contact with his body, Long Haochen suddenly felt that the Demon God Emperor seemed to twist. Immediately afterwards, a terrifying power burst out from the index finger he held.

In just a moment, Long Haochen felt that his left hand was completely paralyzed, and the numbness spread all over his body along the palm of his hand.

The Eternal Armor had completely filtered this power, but his body was still temporarily paralyzed.

Then, under Long Haochen's grasp, the Demon God Emperor's finger still touched the eternal stone on his chest.

No sound came out, but it looked even scarier. Because, a layer of black instantly invaded the eternal stone, driving away the dark green color produced by the beating of the eternal heart. This black color spread instantly along the Eternal Divine Stone to Long Haochen's Eternal Armor.

As for Yating's sword, the moment she stood on the Demon God Emperor's neck guard, a low and even hoarse dragon roar suddenly sounded from the black giant sword behind the Demon God Emperor.

Immediately afterwards, a huge suction force pulled the giant sword that Yating transformed into, and it stuck tightly to the black giant sword.

A trace of black air flow gathered from the giant sword, forcibly imprisoning Yating on the black sword body. What's even more frightening is that the black sword body is starting to show signs of melting, and the sword of the king transformed by Yating is slowly integrating into the sword body. It looks like this black giant sword is going to swallow Yating up. As if.

However, at this time, Long Haochen was completely unable to help Yating. He only felt that his body was completely paralyzed. At the same time, there was an indescribable coldness spreading into his body. Even his left hand holding the Demon God Emperor's index finger loosened and slipped unconsciously.

The Eternal Divine Stone had completely turned black, and they were looking at each other so close.

The eyes of the Demon God Emperor released cruelty and coldness, and there was even more determination. However, the jet-black light on his body did not turn into ink color. Only the two dark blue gems on his forehead and chest still maintained their original luster.

Do you think that you can compete with me after being recognized by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation? No, you are wrong. Although your cultivation is not weak, it is not at the same level as mine. Above. I have already become a demigod. With the assistance of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar, I am a real god. Super artifacts are called weapons of gods, but in fact, they are only in the hands of a real god. Super artifacts. And you are not qualified to possess them.

I will deprive you of the divine throne of eternity and creation and separate it from your body. Although I cannot completely destroy a super artifact with my power, I can send it into time and space. In the turbulence, let it go to another world.

Have you felt that coldness? This is the invasion of darkness on you. No matter how pure your light is, its light will be covered in the face of absolute darkness.

But don't worry, I won't let you die. When I completely transform your light into darkness, the goddess of nature's curse will also become my possession. And you will have your memory wiped away by me. Become a demon again. I will still support you to become my successor, even to become the successor of this heaven-defying demonic dragon pillar. And a brand new you will replace me to rule this continent, and also rule the friends you are familiar with. With humans.”

Saying this, the Demon God Emperor's expression gradually became more and more ferocious, and in the coldness, his eyes became even more crazy.

The black color has spread from the Eternal Divine Stone to the entire chest armor. And that cold feeling was stimulating Long Haochen's body crazily, and even the beating of the Eternal Heart seemed to have stopped at this moment.

The power of God, is this really the power of God?

The persistence in Long Haochen's heart did not make him despair, but he mobilized all his strength to try to resist.

However, the Demon God Emperor is simply too powerful. The Heaven-defying Demon God Armor has completely gained the upper hand over the Eternal Armor. The rhombus-shaped gem that shines with dark blue light on the Demon God Emperor's chest seems to be mocking the Eternal Armor, mocking it for choosing the wrong successor. And Long Haochen's aura became weaker and weaker under the pressure of the Demon God Emperor.

Slowly, Long Haochen closed his eyes. Has he given up? The Demon God Emperor was slightly startled. He suddenly found that as the power of darkness continued to invade him, he seemed to have encountered some obstacle, which was strong and stubborn. He also has an unyielding will.

what happened? A stern look flashed in the eyes of the Demon God Emperor, and the black giant sword behind him paused in devouring Yating. However, the diamond-shaped gem on his chest shone brightly, and a diamond-shaped dark blue thunder instantly struck the eternal sacred stone on Long Haochen's chest. Above, Long Haochen's whole body trembled violently.

Absolute suppression of power. This is the difference in strength. The Demon God Emperor knew clearly that Long Haochen was wearing a super artifact, but he wanted to separate the super artifact directly from Long Haochen's body in this way. But once he lost the protection of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, Long Haochen was like a lamb to be slaughtered to him and could only be left to his disposal.

From beginning to end, no matter what changes the Demon God Emperor encountered, he was able to regain his composure after a brief shock or anger. This is because he has absolute strength and has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Every hero who can dominate the world will have his own absolute pride. Electrolux, who claims to hold the sun, moon and stars in his hands, has it, and so does Fengxiu, who is the Demon God Emperor.

Long Haochen's body, illuminated by the dark blue tears, looked like it might collapse at any moment, but it became stable the next moment. The trembling stopped, but the spread of black in the eternal armor accelerated. But the nine jewels in the crown on his forehead lit up at the same time.


Today I'm going to advertise a friend's new book.

As everyone knows, I rarely recommend books to others because I am afraid that the unstable quality of their books will affect everyone’s reading pleasure.

But today, I have to give this friend’s chapter a thumbs up. Because she used to be the boss of our BJ gang, a girl who could drink six and a half kilograms of liquor. Don’t dare not give it!

She is the true Dionysus.

ISBN: 2496093, book title: Starry Sky Evolution. Author: Tun Tun Slime.

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