Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 870 Long Haochen’s life experience? (Down)

Agares himself also has human blood, and after he became an adult, he was more and more influenced by human culture, and at the same time he became more and more disgusted with his identity as a demon. This is why his most beloved concubine is also a human. situation occurs. But even within the Moon Demon Clan, there are only one-third of Agares' true confidants, and even fewer know this secret. He had to be cautious! He wanted to overthrow the Demon God Emperor's rule, but he was deeply afraid of the Demon God Emperor. It was precisely because he was closest to the Demon God Emperor that he knew the terror of the Demon God Emperor best.

However, the Demon God Emperor and the Star Demon God were too cautious about Long Haochen's trap that time. Even Agares didn't know the final critical situation. When he returned to the Heart City with the Demon God Emperor, he already knew what was going to happen. Something went wrong, but at that time he had been with the Demon God Emperor, and no news could be spread at all, which led to Long Haochen's death in battle.

In the few years after Long Haochen's death, not only did Yue Ye disappear, but Agares also made his organization more secretive. He knew that he might never have the chance to start again.

But he didn't expect that Long Haochen was not dead and had become the chairman of the Temple Federation, which brought him new opportunities. At the same time, he also used Yue Ye as his contact person and began to make great efforts to fully support Long Haochen. If Agares hadn't been involved, how could the Demon God Emperor's news be so blocked, and all the key issues would be completely unclear.

But just as Demon God Emperor Fengxiu said, years of accumulated prestige made Agares dare not put all his efforts into truly resisting the Demon God Emperor on the battlefield. He must think about his people. Unless Long Haochen defeats the Demon God Emperor and the overall situation is decided, he will not attack easily.

Looking at Long Haochen's eyes under the mask, the Demon God Emperor said: You are very thoughtful, and one thing you judged is correct. For this war, the most critical point is between you and me. You If you can defeat me, then humanity will definitely win, and my race’s six thousand years of rule over the continent will probably end. On the contrary, if you lose, then everything will return to its original trajectory. Humanity will definitely be under my full strength. Suppress it, I will even make you humans no longer have professionals above level six.

Long Haochen said calmly: Your Majesty has told me so much nonsense, now it's time to tell you the reasons for what you did before.

The smile on the Demon God Emperor's face became even stronger, Of course I have to say it. Otherwise, how can I make you surrender to me?

Long Haochen said coldly: It's broad daylight, so stop dreaming.

The Demon God Emperor didn't care about Long Haochen's sarcasm, Actually, even if you depose A Bao, it can be regarded as paving the way for yourself. You are also very smart. In this holy war, mankind can fully win. It can be said that, You accounted for at least 30% of the credit. You even used your own strength to resist me and gave you humans enough opportunities. Very good. Unfortunately, a wise man will make mistakes after all his considerations. And where you failed, It's precisely the most important point. Why do I look at you differently? Why was I so painful and reluctant when I killed you? Of course it's not because of your talent. But because...

At this point, he paused for a moment, and then his eyes that had been slightly squinted suddenly opened wide, It's because, in you, my blood flows.

As soon as the Demon God Emperor said these words, Long Haochen felt as if a giant hammer had hit his chest, and he instantly retreated a hundred meters. The white light emitted by the Eternal Armor fluctuated extremely unsteadily, and his eyes were even more horrified.

Long Haochen never expected that the Demon God Emperor would say such words, and he subconsciously raised the Eternal Sword in his hand.

However, the Demon God Emperor did not take advantage of his mental shock to attack him. She still maintained her previous appearance, and the look she looked at him became gentler.

With his black hair flying, the Demon God Emperor looked at him with a smile, No matter how good you are and how hard you work for mankind. In my eyes, you are the one who proves your ability to me. Now you should understand why I do Say, when I first met you, I regarded you as my second heir. Of course it is no longer the case. In my heart, you are now the first heir of my family. You are very smart, You have wisdom and ability. But no matter how strong your ability is, you still have my blood in you. We are a family. Think about it, if you and I join forces, what force can resist on this continent? What? As long as it is what you want, I can help you get it. This land of saints and demons is originally ours. You are the saint, I am the devil, and we are originally a family.

Shut up. Long Haochen shouted, You're talking nonsense. I don't believe it.

The Demon God Emperor smiled indifferently, Believe it or not, this is all true. Think back to the situation every time we have met. If it weren't for my blood flowing in you, you would have died many times. In the exorcism pass, The first time I saw you. The second time I saw you, you were in the Moon Demon Palace. At that time, you made up to look like the Moon Night Maid. At that time, I knew that your relationship with her was extraordinary. . However, I have never made a move on you, nor have I taken you back to the palace, because I am waiting, waiting for you to grow up. When you are capable enough to get my attention, then your identity as the second heir will also It’s time to settle down. But I didn’t expect that you would grow so fast and have such amazing talents. It seems that the bloodline of humans and demons is indeed better!

No, no, I don't believe it. Long Haochen's heart was already filled with turmoil. He began to aspire to become a knight when he was less than ten years old. In the past twenty years, he has gone through many hardships, falling down and getting up countless times. Wandering on the edge of life and death, growing up in war. Step by step, I have reached today, and finally become a generation of genius, the chairman of the Temple Federation, the glorious and leader of the Divine Seal Knight. It can be said that his life was achieved through his own hard work and enough luck to get where he is today.

But at this moment, when the demons and humans finally collided, and he, who thought he was upright, was about to fight the demon emperor, he learned that he actually had the blood of the demons flowing in his body, belonging to the blood of the heaven-defying demon dragon clan. . This blow was too heavy, too heavy for him.

No matter how determined Long Haochen was, he could no longer control his emotions at this time. If everything the Demon God Emperor said is true, then why has he worked so hard for so many years? The demon in front of me, who has brought many disasters to mankind and launched holy wars twice, turned out to be his...

Long Haochen didn't dare to think about it anymore. He just felt like he had a splitting headache. Looking at the Demon God Emperor, the fighting spirit in his heart had completely turned into unstable emotions. The aura of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation was even somewhat unable to suppress the change in his mentality at this time.

Looking at his look, the Demon God Emperor was very satisfied, You have done a lot of things, and I did make a lot of mistakes. However, as long as one thing is right, then all the previous efforts of mankind will be in vain. I know You don’t want to believe it, but it’s true whether you believe it or not.”

I have carefully investigated your origins. You did not grow up in the Holy City or Yulong Pass, right? You come from Odin Town, probably a human town near Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. You have been with me since you were a child. Mother Bai Yue depends on each other for life. But your father Long Xingyu has been separated from you for ten years. Only later did he find you and recognize each other. I remember that my subordinates once sent news that the knight Long Xing of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment Yu once appeared near Odin Town and killed a group of strong men from our clan. At that time, he should have found you and started teaching you knight skills. Then have you ever thought about why your parents Want to separate? Your mother knows that Long Xingyu is a divine seal knight and is at Yulong Pass. Why doesn't she take you to find him?

Listening to the Demon God Emperor's words, Long Haochen's face became increasingly pale.

About thirty years ago, just about a year before you were born. I accidentally discovered your mother and brought her back to the Demon Palace to live with me for a while. She later died to make peace with her. What did she say? I didn't want to continue living in the demon clan, so I had no choice but to send her back to the Temple Alliance. Your mother is one of the women I love most in my life, even more than my feelings for Leng Xiao. If I guessed correctly, after she returned to the Temple Alliance, she probably didn’t know how to face your father, so she lived in seclusion in Odin Town until the day Long Xingyu found you. The reason why Bai Yue The reason why I can't face Long Xingyu is because of me and partly because of you. If you still don't believe it, let's verify the bloodline. Blood is thicker than water. There is no closer relationship than bloodline.

As he spoke, Fengxiu raised his hand, and a drop of dark purple blood slowly seeped out from the scar on the back of his hand. He deliberately did not let the wound heal. The blood flew slowly, and during the flight, traces of black aura and blue aura penetrated and peeled off from inside. When this drop of blood flew in front of Long Haochen, only the crystal clear purple remained.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu stripped away all the attributes in his blood, leaving only the purest blood power.

Long Haochen brought his index finger to his mouth in a daze and bit it. A drop of bright red blood that shimmered in light gold dripped out, and slowly flew up like the Demon God Emperor, stripping away the light attribute.

When the bright red blood and the crystal purple blood came into contact, the two drops of blood simultaneously bloomed with a layer of strange brilliance, and then slowly merged.

Long Haochen was stunned. He knew very well what the blood fusion meant. Could it be...


Ahem, I didn’t want to end it at the critical moment, the word count was just enough. Long live understanding!

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