Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 866 The Wrath of the Demon God Emperor (Part 2)

As soon as Long Haochen said this, the soldiers at the head of Yulongguan City were stunned for a moment, and then cheered.

Before today, most of them didn't actually know the situation of the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. Long Haochen blocked the news as soon as possible. If humanity loses in the battle between Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass, he must not let the news spread and affect morale. But things are different now. News of a big victory has come. What could be more inspiring than this?

It's a bit unbelievable, right? Here, I would like to pay the highest respect to our eternal heroic ancestors. It is precisely because of their help that we can obtain these two decisive victories. As for the southeastern fortress, the demon clan Falling into a magic trap set by the ancestors of the Eternal Heroes, the entire army was annihilated. Vice Chairman Cai'er personally took action and killed Samikina, the Spiritual Demon God, outside the southeast fortress. The Arcane Demon God Jiabo was defeated by the Eternal Hero Ye Sanmi, the senior god. The bow shot down. At the end of the war, the demon army of 500,000 could only escape with only 200,000 defeated soldiers, and could no longer threaten the safety of my southeastern fortress.

At the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass, under the command of Palace Master Chen, more than twenty eternal heroes joined the battle. Palace Master Chen opened the super forbidden curse hell gate, summoned 3,000 eighth-level hell dogs, and just broke through the hell demons and bears. The strongest combination of the demons. In the battle that lasted for two days and two nights, nine eternal heroes died on the battlefield, but they also killed five demons. Malbus and Wariver were seriously injured and retreated. When they retreated, the five There are only 100,000 left of the 100,000-strong army.”

This is an unprecedented victory! It also heralds the end of the dark age. Now, right across from us, the Demon God Emperor, the Moon Demon God, and the Star Demon God command more than a thousand top demons here. Our comrades have already obtained two This is an important victory. In the upcoming decisive battle, can we fall behind? No, absolutely not. Even at all costs, we must light up the light in the darkness and let the dawn of light return to the mainland.

Long Haochen's voice was high and powerful, and more importantly, he ignited the morale of all the strong men on the city with his victory over the two fortresses. Facts have also proved that the demons are not invincible.

Just as Long Haochen was speaking, the sky in the distance suddenly darkened. A terrifying dark golden light rose into the sky, covering all the demon camps fifty miles away.

Woo-- A low dragon roar sounded like rolling thunder in the distant sky, and a huge black dragon that was a thousand meters long appeared silently in the mid-air.

Kilometers, that’s a thousand meters! Even though they were fifty miles apart, they still looked so terrifying.

And this huge black dragon was hovering around the huge dark golden light pillar rising into the sky. The diameter of this light pillar actually reached ten miles away, like a pillar that really held up the sky. Even for the thousand-meter black dragon to circle around it, it would take more than ten seconds.

Yes, this is the invincible existence of the Holy Demon Continent, the terrifying power of the Lord of the Demon Clan, the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Emperor Fengxiu!

The human morale that Long Haochen had just inspired was completely suppressed almost instantly, and the Demon God Emperor released an even more terrifying oppression than when he arrived here three days ago. And this pressure is enough to suffocate anyone.

Two rays of light, one purple and one orange, suddenly shot into the sky from both sides of the jet-black light pillar. They quickly rushed into the sky and turned into a purple moon and an orange star. Illuminating the dark golden pillar makes it even more powerful.

Long Haochen, have you thought it through clearly? Fengxiu's plain voice came from far away, and the terrifying pressure also increased instantly. Almost all the powerful men at the head of Yulongguan City had to immediately activate their spiritual power to barely resist the pressure.

Long Haochen snorted coldly, turned around, and the six golden spiritual wings spread out behind him. In just a flash, he was already high in the sky.

At the same time as he acted, five more figures flew out from Yulong Pass. They surrounded Long Haochen in the center, and the six figures bloomed with different brilliance in mid-air.

Six huge Divine Seal Thrones appeared almost at the same time. The central Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation shone with nine-color light. When the bright white light pillar rose into the sky, it instantly illuminated the mountain where Yulong Pass was located. , and also drove away all the dark golden color spreading from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar.

The other five Divine Seal Thrones also emit their own light. Under the urging of Han Yu, Zhang Fangfang, Long Xingyu, Long Tianyin and Yang Haohan, they guard the central Divine Seal Throne of eternity and creation.

Yes, the Demon God Emperor is strong and is protected by the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God, but there are also six divine knights on the human side. When the six Divine Seal Thrones all bloomed with magnificent brilliance, all the powerful men in Yulongguan City felt the pressure lighten.

Li Zhengzheng, the master of the Magic Temple, looked at the scene in the air with complicated eyes. He understood that in his life, he would never be able to compete with the Knights Temple again. Even if all the six sacred knights died in today's battle, the reputation of the Knights Temple is still far ahead of the other five temples.

Okay, what a knight with all six divine seals. It seems that you have given me the answer. Fengxiu's voice was still calm.

A flash of black-gold light and shadow came, and Demon God Emperor Fengxiu came alone a kilometer away from the six divine seal knights headed by Long Haochen.

Looking at the handsome face of the Demon God Emperor, Long Haochen felt a surge of blood in his body. Is the moment of decisive battle finally coming? He finally had to face the Demon God Emperor. No matter what, I can never lose this battle.

If you don't surrender, there is only death. Don't you know it clearly? Fengxiu said lightly. In his eyes, Long Haochen seemed to be the only one, and there were other five divine seal knights around Long Haochen and more than a thousand people on the city. The strong man was not in his eyes at all.

How domineering and confident is this?

Long Haochen said coldly: I am a human and you are a demon. There is no other possibility between us. Today, either you die or I die.

Fengxiu shook his head gently and said: You are still young and too naive. Do you think you can compete with me by putting up such a battle? Why has our clan been able to rule the mainland for six thousand years? Relying on absolute strength.”

Long Haochen suddenly laughed, Oh? Is that really like this? Absolute strength? In the past three days, what you have been waiting for should be the answer from the Southeast Fortress and the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. I don't know if you have already got it. Where is this answer?

Huh? Fengxiu's eyes changed slightly. The reason why he appeared at this time was because he felt something was wrong with the aura above Yulongguan City. That's why it appeared in the air in advance. Although he has not received any news from the other side, he still has absolute confidence in Samikina and Malbus.

It seems that you already know the situation of Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. What do you think? Fengxiu's slender eyebrows raised slightly.

Long Haochen nodded seriously and said: Of course I know. Oh? It seems that His Majesty is not clear yet!

The Demon God Emperor's heart moved, and he suddenly had a premonition of something. Subconsciously, he looked back at the orange star next to the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar. Star Demon God Vasak did not give him any prophecy.

What's the result? Fengxiu asked calmly.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: Of course justice has defeated evil. I'm afraid only one-third of your million-strong army is left.

Huh? The Demon God Emperor was stunned for a moment, but quickly regained his composure, Do you think false threats are useful to me?

Long Haochen said: It seems that your Majesty's sources of information are not as fast as mine. It seems that you can only feel the destruction of the Demon God Pillar but not the fall of the Demon God. Why don't you go back and inquire, inquire, and let us know more There’s no rush.”

At this time, he spoke about the battle situation on the other side and spread his voice far away, in order to undermine the morale of the demons and at the same time undermine the confidence of the Demon God Emperor. The most terrifying opponent is the calmest opponent. Once the Demon God Emperor loses his cool and his mood fluctuates violently, his chances will be even greater.

Fengxiu's brows finally furrowed. Although he didn't believe what Long Haochen said was true, Long Haochen said it in front of all the powerful humans. If it was just a lie, he, the chairman of the Temple Federation, would Do you still want the reputation? What's more, what's the use of lies to yourself? The ominous premonition suddenly became stronger and stronger. With a cold snort, Fengxiu's dark golden figure suddenly turned into nothingness.

Long Haochen looked at the heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar in the distance and thought to himself that the building would always be destroyed from within. Without the news from the Moon Night Organization, they would never have been able to face the Demon God Emperor so calmly, and the Demon God Emperor would not have received accurate information so late.

Agares, Vasak, I don't care what method you use. Within half an hour, I want to know what happened on the other side of Samikina and Malbus. If you can't give me the answer in half an hour, then, Vassago, just prepare to predict with your life for the second time.

The Demon God Emperor was obviously angry. The starlight and moonlight in the sky disappeared at the same time, but the light of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar showed no sign of disappearing. At the same time, pillars of light shot up into the sky around it, which was the power of other demon gods. But compared to the heaven-defying demonic dragon pillar in the center, they are like bamboos beside an elephant.

The six divine seal knights are still suspended in the air, relying on the aura of the divine seal throne to withstand the pressure of the heaven-defying demonic dragon pillar.

The atmosphere became more and more tense, but at this time, Long Haochen's heart was very quiet. He silently felt the aura of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. The various emotions in his heart disappeared one after another, and gradually entered an ethereal state. within the realm.

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