Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 864 Success at the Pass of All Beasts (Part 2)

Yulong Pass.

Chairman, everything is ready. Yang Haohan, the master of the Knights Temple, said to Long Haochen who was standing on the top of Yulongguan City.

Long Haochen nodded and said, Okay.

Long Tianyin, who walked up to the top of the city with Yang Haohan, said somewhat strangely: There is still no movement from the Demon God Emperor. Could it be that he hasn't gotten the news yet? The news has already been sent to us.

Long Haochen smiled slightly, This is not surprising, it is the credit of Yue Ye and his organization. Grandpa, the accurate battle report of Ten Thousand Beasts Pass has been sent back?

A strong excitement suddenly appeared on Long Tianyin's face, The news came back. Malbus and Wariver's tactics against the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass are almost exactly the same as Samikina's. First use other races as cannon fodder to attack the city, and then attack the city again. Use their Hell Demon Clan to cooperate with the Bear Demon Clan's general attack. Their half-million-strong army has the Bear Demon Clan and the Hell Demon Clan plus the commanders of these two demons, and the other demon gods under their command are stronger than Samikina. That side is weaker. They will be unlucky if they meet that old fox Chen Hongyu.

Chen Hongyu, this old fox, is so good at pretending. When Marbus and Walliver first launched their offensive, he completely resisted with the original power of the Soul Temple. There are many powerful people in the Soul Temple, coupled with the careful and accurate intelligence. They were prepared and did not fall behind at all. They persisted in blocking three waves of offensives without showing any signs of defeat. Marbus and Walliver couldn't bear it any longer and began to send demons into battle. Moreover, they were more ruthless than Samikina, sending them at once. There were six demon gods. At this time, the pressure on Ten Thousand Beasts Pass suddenly increased. It fell into a bitter battle. Chen Hongyu began to send troops from the other five major temples to support Ten Thousand Beasts Pass into the battlefield. Every time, they got benefits. Each branch of the army played its best role, and the Soul Temple’s foundation is far deeper than that of the Warrior Temple, so we managed to hold on for a day and a night.”

Malbus and Walliver were a little anxious. They all knew that Samikina was attacking fiercely, and it seemed that there was going to be a result. So they finally took out the strongest mixed arms of the Bear Demon and the Hell Demon and attacked directly. fortress.

Speaking of this, Long Tianyin couldn't help but admired: Haochen, the Moon Night girl you mentioned is really amazing! I don't know how their organization did it. Malbus and Walliver just didn't get Samiki. After hearing the news about Na's death in battle, they thought that the stalemate that Samikina had maintained would soon be broken. Can they not be anxious? Everyone thinks that our federation is a piece of fat, and they all want to take the first bite. . This impatience naturally led to the problem of rushing forward. And the successful blocking of the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass in the past also gave him enough time. Cai'er and the twelve eternal heroes finally arrived at the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass and met the soul. The strong men of the temple gathered together. The Eternal Heroes, who originally supported the Soul Temple, had been holding back and not taking action. At the same time, at the Zhennanguan Priest Temple, after confirming that the demons had not divided their forces to attack, Although it was too late to send troops, they invited the nine eternal heroes from their side to go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass to help. There are a total of thirty eternal heroes! Those are thirty strong men in the field.

As soon as they appeared on the battlefield, they immediately had the effect of turning the tide. Chen Hongyu, that old fox, really could hold back! In the past few times when he was in danger, he just didn't let any of the eternal heroes take action, and persisted until this most critical moment. At this moment, it broke out in one fell swoop, catching Malbus and Walliver by surprise. The two sides launched an all-out war.

What's even more insidious is that Chen Hongyu, the old fox, pulled out a terrifying magic scroll from somewhere. This scroll was left by the ancestors of the Soul Temple, and opened a terrifying summoning magic called the Gate of Hell. From then on A total of three thousand eighth-level hell dogs emerged from the Gate of Hell, and they continued to fight for an hour before disappearing...

Three thousand eighth-level hellhounds? Long Haochen took a breath, and Yang Haohan also looked horrified. You know, the number of eighth-level demon warriors that the Demon God Emperor brought outside Yulong Pass was no more than a thousand! What is the concept of three thousand eighth-level hellhounds? Its destructive power is probably not much different from the thirty light forbidden spells of the magic trap, and it is also more flexible.

Long Tianyin said angrily: No. That old guy Chen Hongyu is too cunning. If he gives the scroll to us, hehe, the Demon God Emperor will probably suffer a loss.

Yang Haohan chuckled and said: You can't blame him. After all, the Federation has just been established, and protecting his temple is naturally the most important thing to him. If it were us, I'm afraid we wouldn't turn it in. With these three thousand Hellhound, I’m afraid Malbus and Walliver are in trouble.”

Long Tianyin nodded and said: The destructive power of those three thousand eighth-level hell dogs was so terrifying that they couldn't even be blocked by the defensive power of the bear demon. The coalition forces of the bear demon and the hell demon were directly rushed away. A big hole, and then there was an all-out battle between the two sides. In order to protect their main force, the Hell Demon God Marbus and the Bear Demon God Walliver mobilized all their armies to attack the city, and all the demon gods who followed them also took action. This battle was enough. It took a whole day and a whole night of fighting to determine the winner.

Speaking of this, his eyes couldn't help but dim a bit, Nine of the thirty eternal heroes were killed in this battle. One of the magicians severely injured the Hell Demon God Mal in the demonized state with the power of self-destruction. Bus. Although the Bear Demon God Walliver escaped unscathed, their army suffered heavy losses. The Demon Tribe lost five Demon Gods in this battle. The Pass of Ten Thousand Beasts remained standing, and the Demon Tribe army was reduced by at least nearly 400,000 people. When we retreated, almost all of the remaining troops were defeated, and among the 400,000 people who had been reduced, at least more than half were thanks to the super forbidden curse, the Gate of Hell. The destructive power of three thousand hell dogs is really terrifying!

Although he was not there personally, Long Haochen could feel the cruelty of this battle by listening to Long Tianyin's narration. Whether it is the Southeast Fortress or the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass, these two important battles can be described as meat grinders. In just a few days, both sides sacrificed more than half a million lives.

However, although Malbus and Walliver retreated, they were still alive after all. But the losses on their side were not inferior to those on Samikina's side. Five demon gods fell. Even if the demon god pillar is still there, these five demon gods will no longer have fighting power. More importantly, the 500,000 elite demon army actually lost four-fifths, which was even greater than the losses suffered by Samikina. There is no more power to break the city.


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