Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 862 The Seventh of the Seven Ultimate Skills of the God of Death (Part 2)

And without enough strong men, at least without support, how could the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass resist the attacks of his two armies?

It can even be said that Samikina did not make any mistakes. Although he was selfish, judging from the entire attack strategy, as long as he broke into the southeastern fortress in one fell swoop, then all problems would be non-problems.

Whether it is the Demon God Emperor or the Undead Demon God, their biggest mistake is to estimate completely based on the original power of human beings. But it ignores the true foundation of human beings. It is even less clear about the emergence of the eternal hero. In a sense, this cannot be considered a fault. After all, who could have predicted this situation? But just because of this, the situation of the battle completely changed. The absolute advantage of the demons gradually began to decline.

The humans in the southeastern fortress were celebrating, while the demon army was depressed and resting. This was supposed to be a fairly peaceful night for both parties.

However, an uneasy scene quietly appeared.

I don't know when, the tall tower in front of the southeast fortress has disappeared. Although the demons discovered this, they didn't pay too much attention to it. After Cai'er heals her injuries, she will definitely return to the southeast fortress to rest.

The night was filled with darkness. I don't know whether it was because of the excessive killing. The light of the stars and the moon tonight was very dim. The clouds gradually came, the raindrops fell, and it actually started to rain lightly.

However, the physical resistance of the demons has always been very strong. Even if it rains, the demons sleeping outside have no intention of waking up. They are too tired, and even the dozen demon gods who are sitting in the area have no intention of waking up. Have a rest. A battle had just ended, and although they were very depressed, they never thought about what kind of action the southeast fortress would take.

It was late at night, and the rain was getting heavier. A wolf demon sleeping in a relatively low-lying area was choked by the rain that spread to his nose.

Ahem... Standing up, the tall and strong wolf demon glanced at the sky sleepily, cursing in his heart that even God was against him and it rained so late at night.

Looking around, it was obvious that living in a tent was out of the question, but we had to find a higher ground and preferably a sheltered place to continue sleeping.

The continuous fighting made its whole body sore, and there was a deep scar on its thigh. The pain caused by the rain made the wolf demon feel irritated.

Suddenly, the air in front of him quietly distorted, and then he felt a slight chill in his throat, as if something warm was gushing out from his neck, and all his strength was drained away in an instant.

The wolf demon's body shook and slowly fell to the ground under the support of a force. At the last moment of his life, he could only vaguely see a black figure disappearing.

Cai'er flickered lightly in the air, and her excellent concealment of her aura made her seem like a part of the wind. Wherever the body passes, the demons sleeping outside are often deprived of life by the God of Death in their sleep. Soon, she approached the core area of ​​the demon camp.

A dozen demon pillars stood there in an orderly manner, but their light was very dim at this time. As for the Undead Demon God Pillar in Samikina, it is outside the camp, where the four demon kings are still fighting to inherit the position of the Undead Demon God. In order to protect them from being affected, the remaining demons were also concentrated there.

After entering the core area of ​​the demon camp, Cai'er did not continue forward, but stopped and looked at the sky. Invisible again, quietly waiting for something.

After about a cup of tea, Cai'er's body reappeared in the air.

It's time. She murmured, raised her right hand, pointed in the air, and a ray of white light instantly rose up against the storm, fiercely bombarding the dozen or so largest tents. It is the Tower of Aion.

The moment the Tower of Eternity appeared, more than a dozen demon pillars lit up almost at the same time. Apparently, they also discovered Cai'er's existence. One after another figures quickly emerged from the tent, but what greeted them was the shroud of a huge pagoda.

Feng—— Cai'er shouted sweetly, and a strong white halo suddenly shot out from the Tower of Eternity, and the bright light bloomed instantly. It actually enveloped all the dozen or so tents. Immediately afterwards, the size of the Tower of Eternity also surged to a hundred meters high, and it fell instantly. It actually enveloped all the dozens of figures who had just broken out of the tent, and then landed with a crash.

The camp where the demon gods live is surrounded by the demon god pillars in the center. When the Tower of Eternity was activated, it slipped through the gaps in the demon god pillars, so it was discovered by the demon gods at the first time. However, these demon gods were extremely Unexpectedly, the Tower of Eternity did not attack them, but directly covered them within it.

This is another wonderful use of the Tower of Aion. Title: Suppression.

Boom, boom, boom, boom... A violent roar came from the pagoda. It was obvious that more than a dozen demon gods were attacking frantically, trying to rush out of the Tower of Eternity.

But this is an artifact, and its solidity can be imagined. In addition, the power of purification also has a certain restraint effect on the dark attributes of the demons. And cut off the connection between them and their own Demon God Pillar. Trying to break out of it is not something that can be done in a short time.

Cai'er floated up and landed on the top of the Tower of Eternity. Holding the Death Sickle in her right hand, she drew white shadows in the air. At the same time, she sat cross-legged on the top of the tower, making herself powerful. The purification domain is integrated into the Tower of Eternity.

The white light in the sky is a signal, representing the quarter-hour signal. The Tower of Eternity can suppress more than a dozen demon gods at the same time, and it can last for only a quarter of an hour.

And just as the purifying light of the Tower of Eternity shines, rays of light and shadow also light up in different directions of the demon camp.

There are a total of twenty-one ninth-level powerhouses in the Warrior Temple, plus all twelve eternal heroes, who appeared in different directions of the demon camp. As soon as they appeared, they tore apart the scrolls in their hands and threw them into the demon camp below.

One moment, the demon camp was extremely peaceful, and the next moment it had turned into a dazzling place filled with fireworks.

Groups of powerful magical rays of light rose amidst the raging madness of magical elements, devouring a large number of demons' lives.

All this happened so suddenly that the demons were not prepared at all. The magic scrolls that were quickly torn apart were at least level seven. It's all large area magic. For a moment, the demon camp was in chaos, and the terrifying lethality of magic and the colorful halo rose and exploded crazily.

The demons were too tired. Even after being attacked like this, many demons were unwilling to wake up from their sleep. They only woke up after knowing that they were covered by magic and felt severe pain.

The strategies and tactics were all decided by Long Haochen at Yulong Pass after discussions with the federal councillors, and the scrolls used by the powerful men now were naturally accumulated by the alliance over thousands of years. As the saying goes, good steel is used on the blade. Even when he was guarding the southeast fortress, Qiu Yonghao was not willing to order its use. Finally, the greatest power exploded during the camp robbery.

Long Haochen's plans can be said to be interconnected. Who would have thought that the Southeast Fortress would still have the strength to launch a counterattack after experiencing such a hard battle?

Especially the dozen Eternal Heroes, each of whom was a strong player in the field. After tearing open the scroll, they immediately started a crazy killing spree.

One can imagine the fighting power of a ninth-level warrior. Without the same-level opponent to resist, it would be a one-sided massacre of low-level enemies!

Especially for the three ninth-level magicians, they ran out of scrolls and each of them completed another forbidden spell. For a time, the demon camp was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The most critical point in this battle is Cai'er. She forcibly sealed away more than a dozen demon gods. Otherwise, if they can react immediately and use the power of the Demon God Pillar, they will definitely minimize the losses of the Demon Clan. Even with their tyrannical strength, it will be impossible for the strong men in the Southeast Fortress to retreat intact. not easy.

Another advantage is that the demon clan is not in the camp. Even though the main force of the demon clan was wiped out, the remaining thousands of demons were all strong men of the sixth or seventh level, plus the four demon kings. If they were in the camp, they would at least be able to effectively resist this human sneak attack. But now they are busy fighting for the inheritance rights of the Undead Demon God. The internal conflicts among the demons amplified the power of this sneak attack by the strong men of the Southeast Fortress to the greatest extent.

Of course it is not that the demon clan has not seen the changes here, but the four demon kings each have their own subordinates. At this time, who among them is willing to give up the inheritance rights of the Undead Demon God? Naturally, they just pretended not to notice and continued their fight.

The magic power fluctuations in the Tower of Eternity are becoming more and more intense. Cai'er has not fully recovered to begin with, and she can no longer support it. But she knew very well that the longer she persisted, the greater the blow to the demons would be.

Cai'er has become more and more proficient in using the purification domain. On the battlefield, her purification power does not need to worry about lack of supplies. When demons die in large numbers, a huge aura of death will naturally appear. Under the coverage of the purification domain, these auras of death will gradually transform into part of the power of purification. With this increase, Cai'er can stabilize the seal of the Tower of Eternity. Otherwise, she might not be able to hold on for even one minute. After all, it was a joint attack by more than a dozen demon gods!

More than thirty ninth-level warriors were killing the demons crazily without hesitation. Several of the powerful ones even directly destroyed the demon clan's granary, making the demon clan's already stretched logistical supplies even worse.


On the second day of November, please ask for monthly tickets again. Please, please.

It’s the last month, let me muster up the courage to write Douluo Dalu II. Give us the perfect ending of God's Seal in the climax. Don’t worry, everyone, the final excitement has just begun.

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