Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 850 The war begins (Part 1)

And his one-on-one, one-on-one policy has always been loved by the mages, and it also allowed the mages to quickly integrate into the big family of Southeast Fortress. Mingle with the warriors.

On the battlefield, mages are the sharpest spears, and the warriors around them are their strongest protective shields.

Therefore, he watched the bird demon's lightning spear thrown down. The heavily armored shield warriors immediately defended the entire southeastern fortress like a turtle shell.

The mages hiding behind them, completely blocked by the tower shield, didn't even see the lightning spear. The spears had already been bounced away. Moreover, it flew directly towards the city.

The Lightning Spear of the Bird Demon has a special feature. There are four small wind-fixing wings at the back of the middle part. This is to maintain the forward and downward direction during the throwing process and prevent it from falling sideways. But now these four small wind-fixing wings have become the nightmare of the mad demons.

The lightning spears that were bounced away by the shield warriors would naturally not be able to identify friends and foes. The mad demons had just wiped out all three waves of monsters and suffered heavy losses. What greeted them were thousands of lightning spears falling from the sky.

This thing came so suddenly.

The mad demons were in a state of madness again at this time. When they found the lightning spear falling from the sky, those who had time to dial it were better, but those who didn't find it or were not focused enough would be out of luck.

At least two-thirds of the five thousand lightning spears were bounced off the city. At least a thousand mad demons were killed or wounded by these lightning spears. What a miserable word!

However, the mad demons were mad demons after all. They had been hit hard several times and suffered losses of more than four thousand, but they still charged towards the southeastern fortress without fear of death. When they arrived at the city, they immediately used the spikes on their arms to pierce the city wall and climb up quickly.

Although the walls of the southeastern fortress are strong enough, the mad demon can climb upward as long as the spikes lend a little strength. Seeing it, the hundred-meter-high city wall was already densely covered with crazy demons. The magic eye warlock from behind finally arrived at this time.

The number of Magic Eye Warlocks is more than thirteen thousand. There are many strong ones among them. Although their speed is not as fast as the Mad Demons, they are not that much slower in the first place. After all, they have three legs! But magic eye warlocks are not as brainless as crazy demons, they are very shrewd. The reason why they did not arrive at the battlefield immediately was to allow the mad demons to attack first. When they entangled the human defenders on the city, wouldn't the magic-eye warlocks be safer? Wishful thinking is very good. Therefore, they arrived at the city at this time.

The leader, a powerful magic eye warlock with twelve magic eyes on his head, let out a scream. Immediately, all the magic eye warlocks quickly formed their formations, and all the magic eyes above their heads were aimed at the southeast fortress wall.

Their magic eyes can only fire straight rays to attack from the bottom of the city to the top of the city, and the effect will not be very good. But the commander of the magic eye warlock was very shrewd. His purpose was simple, to attack the city wall directly.

With the concentrated shooting attacks of more than 13,000 magic eye warlocks, even if the southeast fortress wall is 100 meters thick, it only takes a few concentrated attacks to open the gap. And once it loses the barrier of the city wall, what can the southeastern fortress do to resist the demon army of 500,000?

This move of his can be described as sinister. Moreover, as soon as he came up, the ten magic eyes on the head of the magic eye warlock commander were the first to shoot out, leaving a one-meter-deep scorch mark on the city wall. There is no doubt that this is the magic eye he assigned to other magic eyes. The target of the warlock's attack.

If these magic eye warlocks are really allowed to attack multiple times in a row, it will be a big blow to the southeastern fortress. At this time, the mad demons had begun to climb up the city, and the bird demons in the air also learned the lesson and quickly dispersed their formations, looking for opportunities. How can the southeastern fortress stop these magic eye warlocks?

Of course there is a way. Because the Southeast Fortress is no longer the battlefield of the Warrior Temple itself, but the battlefield of the Temple Federation!

A shrill whistle suddenly sounded outside the city. Before the Magic Eye Warlocks could understand what was going on, they saw large numbers of Magic Eye Warlocks falling down like wheat.

One after another, figures emerged from the ground, killing these magic eye warlocks at close range like crazy.

Assassins are assassins.

The total number of assassins ambushing outside the city exceeded 10,000. They have been waiting patiently and let the crazy demons pass. The target is these magic eye warlocks who mainly attack with magic!

The Magic Eye Warlock is tall and has three legs. But they are out-and-out magical troops. Melee combat is what they are least good at. They never expected that the threat did not appear in the southeastern fortress, but appeared at their feet, like the demon clan's own Ruk stalkers, launching a fatal attack on them.

The magic eye warlocks are definitely smart but they are fooled by their cleverness. If they are following the crazy demon tribe, the crazy demon tribe can still support them at this time. But they were completely out of touch with the Mad Demon Clan, and the location where they launched their attack was still quite far from the city wall. The Mad Demon Clan was focused on moving forward and did not notice the crisis on their side at all.

Ten thousand assassins! What a concept. It took less than three minutes for these more than 13,000 magic eye warlocks to be completely wiped out by the assassins. Isn't that right? When the magic troops encounter assassins at close range, what else can they do except for the word death? It's like there is an assassin holding a dagger standing behind the magician.

The undead demon Samikina, who was watching the battle from a distance, had a look of astonishment on his face. He never dreamed that the result of welcoming his 50,000-strong army would be like this. Human beings clearly have premeditated arrangements! Those assassins had obviously been hiding there for a long time, otherwise how could they have been hidden from them?

Only then did Samikina realize that the Southeast Fortress had already known of their arrival and was fully prepared. In his opinion, the southeastern fortress of the Warrior Temple, which could be breached with less than three waves of all-out attacks, had become so hard. Moreover, what made him feel the most dangerous was the appearance and number of the opponent's summoners, magicians and assassins.

Aren’t the six great temples of mankind fighting for each other? Why are there so many strong men from other temples in the southeastern fortress?

At the same time as the assassins launched their attack, the madmen who attacked the city wall were also decimated.

It is true that some crazy demons rushed to the top of the southeast fortress, but what awaited them was the sharp blades of knights and warriors. With just this number, how could they pose a threat to the southeastern fortress? Even consumption requires time and more quantity.

At this time, thorns appeared on the wall of the southeast fortress.

Thorns of earth protruded from the city wall without warning. The mad demon almost covered the wall of the southeast fortress at this time! On such a wide and tall city wall, there were at least more than 3,000 crazy demons climbing on it at the same time. And in the next moment, these three thousand crazy demons were all nailed to the city wall.

Five hundred earth magicians had been holding back until now and finally took action.

When the crazy demon corpses on the city wall fell crazily, causing chaos in the mad demon army, the tens of thousands of assassins who had just ambushed the magic eye warlock came from behind to cover them up. Cooperating with them were exploding fireballs falling from the sky.

Twenty-five thousand mad demons were actually dumped under the walls of the southeastern fortress. Even if Samikina in the distance wanted to rescue him, it was too late.

Rays of golden light continued to fall from the top of the city, shining on the injured assassins. With the care of the priests, the combat effectiveness of the assassins increased exponentially. Their individual strength was already higher than that of the mad demons, plus the mad demons Already in chaos, and with the support of fire magicians and priests above, the assassins should not suffer any further damage.

The bird demons in the sky are not fools. They don't dare to approach the southeastern fortress again. They can only serve as targets for the magicians on the city! The remaining less than six thousand bird demons immediately retreated in panic. Only corpses were left outside the city.

Cheers burst out from the southeastern fortress in an instant, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. From Qiu Yonghao to the most ordinary soldiers, the emotions and morale of the soldiers had been completely ignited.

Human beings have been fighting against the demons for so many years, and they have never been so proud as now. Even with the original strength of the Southeast Fortress, it was definitely not something that the 50,000 demons could break through just now. However, it is absolutely impossible to deal with this air-ground attack completely without damage. The combat capabilities of the Mad Demon Clan and the Bird Demon Clan are quite impressive, not to mention the cooperation of a large number of Magic Eye Warlocks. They can be regarded as the elite of the demon clan.

But this time it was different. With the cooperation of the six major professions, even the priests did not take action, and the battle was over. Complete victory.

The mad demons and magic-eyed warlocks were all wiped out, and nearly half of the bird demons were also lost. The losses were so huge that even Samikina, who commanded an army of 500,000, was a little anxious. This is close to one-tenth of the strength. Although it is not the real main force, it is still a very important part of the strength.

This is the advantage of the combination of the six major professions. The multi-professional cooperation is much better than the original six temples fighting alone. The advantages of the new federation were revealed on the battlefield for the first time after its establishment, and it also made the six professional experts in the Southeast Fortress feel confident. In terms of overall strength, they are not as good as the Demons, but with the cooperation of the six major professions, it is not easy for the Demons to break through Xiongguan. Timely intelligence has already made them fully prepared.

Samikina's face turned livid with anger, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed, The two-headed demon eagle cooperated with the bird demon, the flame demon puppet, the wolf demon clan, and the leopard demon clan came into battle. The spore demon assisted. All the invisible people of the Dirk clan became invisible. I want to see how many more traps they have.


Sorry, the update is a little late. The promised three o'clock will not be less. There will be another update later.

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