Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 847 Let Long Haochen become the Demon God Emperor? (superior)

Just because he wanted to delay time, Long Haochen did not refute the Demon God Emperor's words again. Instead, he asked curiously: Is there any chance between you and me?

The Demon God Emperor smiled slightly and said: Of course. Maybe you don't know that when I saw you for the first time, my intuition told me that one day you will grow up to the point where I can face it. And that time, if I If I remember correctly, it should be at the exorcism level. At that time, you were weaker than an ant. I can feel your talent and physique. If I wanted to kill you, it was just a matter of effort. Could it be that you Do you think those people from Demon God's Fall can really stop me?

The Demon God Emperor's words deeply touched Long Haochen. He actually noticed me during the Exorcism Pass? He couldn't help but be surprised. That was indeed the first time he saw the Demon God Emperor! At that time, he was just a preparatory demon hunter, undergoing the test at the Exorcism Pass, and saw the Demon God Emperor appear for the first time. But he never expected that the Demon God Emperor at that time would actually notice such a weak demon hunter like him. Since the Demon God Emperor could tell that the first time they met was at the Exorcism Pass, Long Haochen believed him. Indeed, if the Demon God Emperor wanted to kill him at that time, it would have been extremely easy.

The reason why I don't kill you is naturally not because of my inner compassion. It's because I want to cultivate you and let you truly grow up. And the ultimate goal is to make you one of my successors to the throne. Of course, at that time, even if you already had a certain place in my heart, your ranking would still be behind Abao.

As soon as these words came out, Yulongguan couldn't help but burst into an uproar, and disdainful curses could be heard in large tracts. The only one who remained silent was Long Xingyu. His eyes suddenly became ferocious. He looked at the Demon God Emperor in the distance and clenched his fists subconsciously, as if he was planning to rush out and fight the Demon God Emperor at any moment.

Are you dreaming? You are the darkness and I am the light. Long Haochen was also very confused. The Demon God Emperor actually said that he would inherit his throne? Isn't this nonsense? However, thinking back to the scene when the Demon God Emperor killed him in the Star Demon Tower, Long Haochen seemed to feel that something was wrong. With the identity and status of the Demon God Emperor, it is definitely not a targetless target.

The Demon God Emperor smiled calmly, What is light and darkness? When the light burns out, it is darkness. You have deposed A Bao, and now I really have no suitable successor. If you are willing to give up everything in humanity and join our clan, Then, you are the first heir to my throne. If you are willing to hand over the Goddess of Nature, then I can even directly pass the throne to you and order the cessation of all wars against humans. With my It is not difficult for the power of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar to transform you from light to darkness.

The shock spread throughout Yulong Pass. Who would have thought that the Demon God Emperor would say such words after arriving at Yulong Pass. He was actually trying to recruit Long Haochen. Moreover, this method of recruiting people to surrender is even more shocking.

Long Haochen only needs to pay a god to become the new generation of Demon God Emperor, and this time the holy war is completely stopped. What is this word? This is really incredible. No one could have guessed that when Long Haochen, Chairman of the Human Temple Federation, met the first demon of the demon clan, the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu, such an episode would occur.

Long Haochen was also surprised and dazed. He doubted whether the Demon God Emperor was crazy, and he couldn't understand the meaning of his words at all.

If he becomes the Demon God Emperor, turns light into darkness, and hands over Ye Xiaolei, isn't he afraid that he will become the Demon God Queen and completely destroy the demon clan? But looking at the calm look on his face, it didn't look like he was talking casually.

A very tempting offer. Although Long Haochen was shocked, he remained calm on the surface. He is the chairman of the Temple Federation and the highest ruler in the hearts of all humans. Facing the Demon God Emperor, if he is in chaos, he will definitely The morale of the entire Yulong Pass has dropped drastically. How can we fight against the Demon God Emperor?

However, your Majesty, don't you think that such a clumsy method of sowing discord is useless? In the future of the Holy Demon Continent, there will only be humans, not demons. In this case, what is the need for the Demon God Emperor? If your Majesty wants to fight, then fight. There is no need to say such unnutritious words anymore.”

Long Haochen's counterattack was actually a bit weak, but coupled with his calm tone and his own powerful aura, it was still very convincing.

Fengxiu smiled slightly, and he could naturally tell that Long Haochen was a little confused.

I will give you three days to think. Give me the answer after three days. If you don't surrender, you will die. Again, if I can kill you the first time, I can kill you the second time. In the interests of our clan In front of me, everything is false.”

The black golden light converged, and the Demon God Emperor's figure faded and disappeared in the air. The black-gold color emitted by the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar also slowly receded.

Three days? Long Haochen also had a smile on his face. Delaying time is great! Isn't what he wants just to delay time?

Moreover, Long Haochen immediately understood the Demon God Emperor's intentions. Just as he was looking forward to the results of the battle at the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass, the Demon God Emperor was also looking forward to the news coming from there. Once the two armies of the demons really invade the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass, then the Yulong Pass will also be in danger.

But what Long Haochen didn't understand was why the Demon God Emperor didn't attack forcefully. If he and the strong men he brought with him attack with all their strength, they will be an extremely terrifying threat to Yulong Pass. All of Long Haochen's trump cards must be revealed, but he doesn't know how long he can sustain it. According to Ye Xiaolei, even if he uses all his power, it will be difficult to defeat the Demon God Emperor. But it’s not like there’s no chance at all.

Returning to Yulong Pass, Long Haochen immediately held a military meeting and expressed his speculations about the battle situation awaiting the Demon God Emperor at the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass.

The Demon God Emperor probably had a premonition that there was enough power to threaten him in our Yulong Pass, so he held his troops temporarily. He wanted to wait for us to cause chaos first. Long Haochen said in a deep voice.

Long Tianyin nodded, I think so, but the reason he came up with is really lame. He wants you to become the Demon God Emperor. I wonder if there is something wrong with his cultivation brain.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately showed kind smiles.

Long Haochen said: In any case, these three days are very precious to us. According to time calculation, in one day at most, the war between the Southeast Fortress and the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass will begin. The balance of victory and defeat on our side will be It has a lot to do with the war over there. Hope everything goes well.

Yang Haohan said: Everything is ready at Yulong Pass. Even if the Demon God Emperor breaks through the pass by force, it will not be easy.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: This holy war has just begun. We must observe the movements of the demons 24 hours a day. Although the Demon God Emperor has said that it will take three days, we must not be careless.

The arrangements were announced quickly, and Long Haochen didn't notice that his father, Long Xingyu, who was sitting at the back, didn't look good. He seemed to be thinking about something.

The Demon God Emperor camped fifty miles outside the Yulong Pass and settled down very peacefully. After finishing his conversation with Long Haochen, he even ordered all the Demon God's Demon God Pillars to restrain their aura. It is difficult to see their camp fifty miles away from the direction of Longguan.

The Demon God Emperor was in a pretty good mood now. Although Abao was severely injured, he used ambiguous words to think that he had detected that Haoyue was truly dead. His worries disappeared and he returned to his usual wise appearance. While ordering the entire army to be on alert, rest in place. Agares was ordered to contact the Demon God of Death Samikina and the Demon God of Hell Marbus on the other side, and report them immediately as soon as there was any news.

No one knows what the Demon God Emperor is really thinking right now, and even those closest to him cannot guess his wishful thinking.

Leaning on the sleeping platform, Demon God Emperor Fengxiu narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming to be thinking about something, Leng Xiao? He suddenly said his daughter's name, and then shook his head gently.

Although Abao is headstrong, he usually has a good view of the overall situation, and is willing to endure hardships. His talent has also inherited the fine bloodline of the royal family. Leng Xiao's bloodline is not as pure as Abao, and her mother's bloodline is not pure enough. Moreover, this girl has Being brave and reckless is not enough to achieve great things. It really puts me in a difficult position!

As he spoke, the Demon God Emperor slowly sat up, and in his mind he unconsciously thought of Long Haochen, who was confronting him fifty miles away today.

A mysterious smile appeared deep in the eyes of the Demon God Emperor, What a great Long Haochen. With the help of the power of the super artifact, he should have a cultivation level close to the ninth and eighth levels. If there are any hidden methods, he should be able to reach the ninth level. Level eight or above. He is less than thirty years old this year. Compared with him, Abao is much inferior in all aspects. Although his bloodline is not pure enough, and is not even as good as Leng Xiao. But on the other hand, his bloodline But it is so pure! If he is willing to surrender in the end and let me help him change his bloodline and attributes, the demon clan will definitely be more prosperous than it is now in the next thousand years. He is also the only one who is likely to surpass me in the future. Even I He already has the position of God and Slander that he needs most.

Very good... there is no longer the barrier between Austin and Griffin. Who else is more suitable to be my successor than him? There is nothing I want to do in this world. Not even that. The president of the Federation is nothing. When the entire Temple Federation is about to overthrow and is invaded by our army, and he is trapped here unable to do anything but watch his people being slaughtered, he will naturally Make a choice.

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