Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 844 Confrontation at Yulong Pass (Part 1)

The holy war is inevitable, and the war between humans and demons has just begun.

After simply cleaning the battlefield, Long Haochen and his companions quietly disappeared at the end of the sky. Including Huang Shuo, the leader of the Black Dragon Guards, a total of twenty Black Dragon Guards were killed in the previous battle.

Long Haochen didn't waste any time and quickly headed towards Yulong Pass with his companions. At the same time, he asked the fastest Cai'er to immediately catch up with the sharp knife army in front, and ordered them to accelerate with all their strength and rush back to Yulong Pass.

Even though he destroyed the demon vanguard, Long Haochen was not in a relaxed mood at all. This is just the beginning. Yue Ye's information was proven correct, but it also confirmed the accuracy of her other information. Demon God Emperor Zhengzheng led nearly two hundred strong ninth-level demons to surround and kill him. He can only choose to retreat now, quickly return to Yulong Pass, and defend it with the power of Xiongguan.

To completely defeat the demons cannot be accomplished in just one battle. What Long Haochen needs is to wait and persist.

When the Demon God Emperor saw Abao, his face was so ugly that he almost bled.

Abao looked so embarrassed. He was not even flying in the sky, but walking in despair on the ground. At this time, he was stumbling like an ordinary human being.

The Demon God Emperor felt it the moment Abao was defeated by Long Haochen, but the seal on Abao was not opened. He thought that Long Haochen and Abao were both losing because he couldn't think of Long Haochen. Is there any reason not to kill Po?

But when he actually saw his son walking alone in the wilderness, Demon God Emperor Fengxiu realized that he was wrong. He knew Abao too well. If Abao and Long Haochen were both injured, he would never have this expression. He would definitely try his best to heal his wounds and quickly bring the news to him. But now, he is completely like a walking corpse.

On Bao's face, the previous domineering and confidence can no longer be seen. With dull eyes and slow steps, he is like a puppet.

Pa— The Demon God Emperor slapped Po and sent him flying. If the Moon Demon God Agares hadn't hugged him quickly, his right hand would have been chopped off.

Abao was pulled dozens of meters away by this slap and hit the ground hard. Large mouthfuls of purple blood and blood clots spat out from his mouth, and he fell directly into coma.

The Demon God Emperor was also shocked. He was naturally measured in his actions. Abao was his successor and his biological son. What seemed like a very hard slap was actually more of physical strength. But Abao’s situation is clearly not that simple!

Without the need of Moon Demon God Agares' persuasion, the Demon God Emperor came to Abao in a flash. With a move of his right hand towards Abao, Abao's body slowly floated in front of the Demon God Emperor. A layer of dark purple light also enveloped the father and son.

After a moment, the dark purple light dissipated, and Agares could clearly see that the dark golden light in the eyes of the Demon God Emperor swallowed three times in an instant. He understood that this was a sign of the Demon God Emperor's extreme anger.

For a time, whether it was the Moon Demon God, the Star Demon God, or the other twenty demon gods, they were all silent, not even daring to breathe.

The Demon God Emperor looked at Agares and said solemnly: Abao, it's useless.

What? Even though Agares had already guessed that Abao's situation was not good, when the word waste came out of Fengxiu's mouth, he was still shocked beyond measure.

Abao is currently the only heir to the Demon God Emperor! Ever since Abao's cultivation level broke through the ninth level, the Demon God Emperor had already begun to pave the way for his succession.

How could it be so useless? Not only Agares, but all the demon gods were shocked. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince left with twenty Black Dragon Guards. Now I am the only one left to speak out, and yet I am actually being crippled. What about those black dragon guards? Could it be that the strong men of the first demon race couldn't even protect their prince? What's more, Abao's strength is not weak either! Unexpectedly, he couldn't escape unscathed.

How is that possible? Your Royal Highness is connected by blood, and I can borrow your power when necessary! Agares said in confusion.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu said coldly: He sealed the aura connection between me and him. He was severely injured after using the demon disintegration method. Even if I healed him personally, he would not be able to recover for at least twenty years. I'm in a bad situation. I will never be able to cultivate to my level in my lifetime. Asmodeus.

Your Majesty. Among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan, Asmode, the dragon-riding demon god who ranks 32nd, quickly stepped out of the queue and responded respectfully.

He once caused Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi to suffer great losses and annihilated their respective demon hunting groups. It was Long Haochen who rescued the two of them from him, but he also began to fall into the trap of the Demon God Emperor and the Star Demon God at that time.

Take him back to Heart City, and then bring Leng Xiao to see me. As he said that, the Demon God Emperor handed Fengxiu into Asmodeus's hands, and the black-gold light flashed again in his eyes.

Asmodeus took A'Bao carefully. All the demon gods present were silent. They understood the meaning of the Demon God Emperor's words. This was the end of A Bao's possibility of inheriting the throne! The Demon God Emperor has a son and a daughter. If Leng Xiao is brought here, doesn't it mean that he will make Abao the successor to the next generation of the Demon God Emperor?

Indeed, even if Leng Xiao is not as talented as Ah Bao, twenty years is enough for her to leave Ah Bao far behind. What's more, the Demon God Emperor's anger is not just because of his strength.

Father... Just as Asmodeus was about to turn around and leave, Abao slowly woke up from his coma. After the Demon God Emperor's treatment, his injuries were barely stabilized, and at least they were not life-threatening.

Fengxiu looked at her son coldly, You disappoint me so much.

There was a hint of bitterness in the corner of Abao's mouth, Father, I lost. I lost to Long Haochen. Even if I used the method of disintegrating the demon and used the power of the demonic dragon pillar, I couldn't defeat him.

The Demon God Emperor's heart moved, Tell me the whole process, and where are Huang Shuo and the others?

Abao said with empty eyes: I don't know where Huang Shuo and the others went. At that time, I only had Long Haochen in my eyes, and my opponent was only Long Haochen. I released the power of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar...

..., Long Haochen finally asked me to tell you that he is waiting for your arrival. The six thousand years of darkness are coming to an end. He also said that if he doesn't kill me, it's because you didn't kill me last time in the Star Demon Tower. Kill the favor of his companions.”

The Demon God Emperor slowly took a deep breath, and the dark golden color in his eyes slowly converged. Deep in his eyes, there was an extremely special emotional fluctuation. Complex and struggling.

Agares has been observing the Demon God Emperor silently, and other Demon Gods dare not disturb him.

After a long while, the Demon God Emperor waved his hand to the dragon-riding Demon God Asmode. Asmode understood, and then turned around and left with A Bao in his arms. He really didn't want to stay in front of the Demon God Emperor for too long, the pressure was too great.

What a pity. The Demon God Emperor was not angry, but instead sighed.

Your Majesty, do you feel sorry for Abao? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince actually still has the possibility of recovery. After this war is over, I am willing to fully assist His Majesty in treating the Crown Prince. Moon Demon God Agares said.

The Demon God Emperor shook his head and said: It's a pity that it's not him. Abao's stubborn character and lack of overall perspective have always been his fatal weakness. I wanted to influence him subtly. But he was still able to get out of the nightmare in his heart. , just to be worshiped today. He is no longer qualified to be the future Lord of the Demon Clan. What I regret is that the conflict between me and Long Haochen is completely irreconcilable. Otherwise...

Having said this, the Demon God Emperor paused. Agares suddenly trembled and thought of a possibility, because he suddenly remembered what the Demon God Emperor said in the Star Demon Tower.

The Demon God Emperor waved his hand, Let's go, I want to see how Long Haochen ends the dark age. As he spoke, he took a step out of the void and fell back into his dragon chariot. Those responsible for carrying the dragon chariot were thirty-two black dragon guards.

More than a thousand figures were on the road again. Without the Demon God Emperor's orders, their forward speed increased sharply and they headed straight to the north.

Moon Demon God Agares is worthy of being the second-ranked demon god. During his advance, he sent Moon Demon clansmen to the capital of the Six Provinces in the North several times to control the situation.

It seemed like he was seizing power, but all orders were given in front of the Demon God Emperor, which made him appear to be aboveboard.

The Demon God Emperor seemed completely unaware of all this. He just sat silently on the dragon chariot, seeming to be thinking about something.

Temple Federation, Southeast Fortress. Operations Department.

Qiu Yonghao sits at the top. Although he has passed the position of the leader of the Warrior Temple to Wang Yuanyuan, he is actually in charge of the Warrior Temple currently.

On the left hand side, sitting are the nine eternal heroes, and on the right hand side are the strong men from the Warrior Temple.

It can be seen from the looks in the eyes of these Warrior Temple powerhouses when they look at each other that they all respect these nine eternal heroes. The reason is very simple. These nine eternal heroes are all warriors, and the inheritors they chose are also in this southeastern fortress. They are the children of the senior leaders of the Warrior Temple. Moreover, among these nine warriors, the highest one is at the fourth level of the ninth level, and the lowest is also the third level of the ninth level. Any one of them is absolutely strong in the Warrior Temple.

Through this period of contact, from Qiu Yonghao on down, the senior officials of the Warrior Temple were full of admiration for these nine eternal heroes. These nine powerful ancestors have never revealed their identities to them, and they have never participated in any major decisions. Everything follows Qiu Yonghao's command. At the same time, while teaching their successors, they also imparted their training and combat experience to other outstanding young warrior temple disciples without hesitation. Only some of their unique skills are passed down to the inheritors individually.

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