Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 842 The Wisdom Spiritual Furnace Version of the Resurrection of All Things (Part 1)

There is only a light touch in the dark silence, and it is calm and soundless. But the golden color on the front turned into a giant eye in an instant, blooming with countless golden brilliance.

At this moment, Huang Shuo finally realized what kind of opponent he was facing, and eight words suddenly appeared in his mind: space walking, level nine and level seven.

If there is a special way for assassins to be able to hide in the dark and travel through space to a certain extent. But the knight could do this without being discovered by him, so the only explanation was the one in front of him.

Desperation spread in his heart instantly, Huang Shuo roared wildly, and launched the last attack in his life, an offensive that would destroy both jade and stone.

Abao couldn't see what Huang Shuo was doing, nor could he hear his voice. After the mouthful of purple blood spurted out, it was different from the moment before it merged into the realm. Instead, it turned into a purple-red symbol in the air.

The symbol was slightly twisted, as if an earthworm had been folded several times, with several strange tips growing on it.

The purple-red symbol returned instantly and landed lightly on Abao's forehead.

Suddenly, Abao's forehead lit up, and the purple-red turned into a bright and transparent gemstone. Countless light ridges spurted out from his forehead, and the heaven-defying demonic dragon pillar behind him also became much clearer in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Long Haochen's expression also changed. He had fought against the demon many times, so he could certainly feel what Abao had done. This is the devil's last resort.

You actually used the method of disintegrating the demon?

Abao looked at Long Haochen coldly. His momentum was so strong that when lightning appeared around his body again with such terrifying pressure, cracks in the space would immediately be torn open. The terrifying power caused his entire body to twist and deform. The swollen muscles and thick blood vessels began to push up the armor under the urging of the demon's disintegration method.

Long Haochen also didn't expect that Abao's obsession to defeat him would be so strong. Generally speaking, the demon would never use the method of disintegrating the demon unless it was at the end of its rope. After using this secret method, even if you don't die, your cultivation level will be greatly reduced and your origin will be damaged.

Although Abao is the inheritor of the bloodline of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon King, there may be the possibility of restoration in the future, but after using the method of disintegrating the demon, there is no way that his cultivation will be restored to the current level in at least the next ten years. He had only one purpose in using such a secret technique in the situation before him, which was to raise his strength to the highest possible level and kill Long Haochen.

A touch of coldness appeared deep in Long Haochen's eyes, and he also raised the Eternal Sword high above his head, with a bright white light shining above his head. Long Haochen's momentum actually increased at an astonishing speed. At the same time, the powerful heartbeat that had appeared before also appeared again.

Dong dong, dong dong, dong dong——

A ball of green light kept bursting out this powerful sound in Long Haochen's chest. The green light was reflected by the eternal stone on Long Haochen's chest, making it look even more magnificent. And every time his heart beats, his cultivation level seems to skyrocket, and the speed of breath improvement is not much different from that after Abao performed the demon disintegration method.

Abao's eyes were cold. He didn't seem to see the improvement of Long Haochen's cultivation. What he saw was the appearance when Yue Ye decided to break off the engagement. What he saw was the appearance of Long Haochen every time he defeated him. .

If you don't succeed, you will succeed. At this moment, Abao has completely forgotten all his responsibilities as the demon prince. In his heart, the only obsession is to defeat the opponent in front of him and cut him into pieces.

The Purple Dragon Jingtian Sword gradually turned blue-purple, and the terrifying thunder and lightning sword light gradually turned into substance, turning into thunder and lightning symbols condensed on the sword.

As the auras of both sides surged wildly, their fields began to collide violently, pushing each other's bodies further and further away.

The calmness in Long Haochen's eyes was in sharp contrast to the hysteria in Abao's eyes. They both knew that the next collision would be shocking and the winner would be decided.

Huang Shuo's body was quietly suspended in the air and was lifted by Xiao Huo. After death, the heaven-defying dragon will return to its original appearance. Huang Shuo transformed into a heaven-defying demon dragon whose body was nearly fifty meters long. Unfortunately, he no longer has any powerful aura.

It is a joke to want to die together with two ninth-level and seventh-level strong men who have existed for six thousand years and have countless rich experiences. With the strength of Xiao Huo and Shu Yongxiao, the two first-generation temple masters of the Temple Alliance, how could they give him that chance?

The reason why Xiao Huo never took action was because Shu Yongxiao was just fighting. The purpose was to prevent Huang Shuo and Abao from discovering the fighting in other directions and to contain him here. Xiao Huo's action meant that the battles in the other nine directions were completely over.

The Eternal Heroes still did not appear, but in the distance, in different directions, the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group were rushing back, and they happened to see the confrontation between Long Haochen and Abao.

The Eternal Sword swayed slightly in the air, and a green ball of light slowly fell on the tip of the sword. Suddenly, the green light flowed down from above, completely rendering the Eternal Sword green.

The eternal sacred stone on Long Haochen's chest also burst out with a green light, which actually turned the eternal armor into the same color in an instant. Even the Eternal Domain was affected by the changes in the Eternal Armor, changing from the previous bright white to turquoise.

The thick breath of life spread outwards, even if Abao felt it, it felt a bit comfortable.

At this time, Long Haochen no longer looked like a human being, but more like a god of nature descending from the sky. The rich natural aura was no less than that of the original dream paradise.

Take my sword. Long Haochen shouted in a deep voice. Countless green lights surged through the air in an instant, and the Eternal Domain turned into a huge green vortex, with its tip forward and stabbing straight at Abao.

The three swords of eternity revive all things.

However, this sword is quite different from the original resurrection of all things, because in this sword full of life and natural breath, part of the power belonging to the goddess of nature is added. The power of the wisdom furnace!

Almost at the same time as Long Haochen moved, Abao also moved. His movements are simpler, direct, and heavy slashing.

The Purple Emperor's Shocking Slash.

The huge purple light was slashing towards him like a horse. The terrifying purple-red color stretched in the air, and it no longer looked like spiritual power at all, but like an extension of power that was completely carved out of precious stones.


Powerful collisions require energy support, so buy your ticket! Those who support Xiaolong stand on the left, those who support Abao stand on the right, and those who support a draw stand in the middle.

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