Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 838 The arrival of Yue Ye and Abao one after another (Part 2)

I've been waiting for you for a long time. Long Haochen looked at Abao who was approaching quickly and said with a smile. His voice was not loud, but every Black Dragon Guard could hear it clearly.

Abao stopped when he was still two hundred meters away from Long Haochen. His previous calmness was gone, and his fists clenched loudly. The muscles and bones all over the body seem to be enlarged.

I haven't seen you for more than five years. How are you, Your Highness? Long Haochen sat on the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, showing no intention of getting up.

Okay? I'm fine. Thanks to you. Abao's voice was cold and low. Behind him, the purple-black light continued to surge, rising in a fan shape, which was his strong fighting spirit.

Long Haochen smiled calmly and said: I know that you were not convinced when you lost back then. So, today I will make you convinced.

Abao said coldly: I don't understand why father values ​​you so much. But I believe that if I take your body to see him, he will be very happy.

Long Haochen said: The Demon God Emperor has already killed me once. If you are really capable, then please.

Abao's eyes were filled with purple light, and he was about to make a move, but was blocked by Huang Shuo.

Get out of the way. Abao shouted angrily.

Huang Shuo said in a deep voice: His Royal Highness. He is definitely not the only one here. Don't be fooled. The hidden killer is still unknown. We must deal with it carefully. His Majesty said that you don't have to fight with Long Haochen if you meet him. He gives it his all, and as long as we can hold him back, our mission is accomplished.

Get out of the way. Abao's cold voice sounded again. This time, a terrifying and oppressive aura burst out from his body, and the purple-black light behind him completely condensed into the shape of a huge purple-black dragon head.

Huang Shuo's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously stepped aside.

Abao did not rush towards Long Haochen immediately. He stared coldly at the man whom he regarded as the biggest opponent in his life, and said in a deep voice: Long Haochen, we haven't seen each other for five years. We will meet again today. I know that you, the Light Everyone from the Dawn Demon Hunting Group must be around. But this is a battle between you and me. Do you dare to accept my challenge?

Long Haochen finally stood up from the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation. Looking at Abao, he nodded seriously, You are right, this is a battle between us. One-on-one.

One on one. Abao roared wildly. His body expanded instantly. In the blink of an eye, his height had jumped to three meters away. While his muscles expanded sharply, the dragon armor on his body also surged rapidly, with purple and black streaks. The spikes continued to protrude outward from the joints, and the horns on the top of the head also had additional threads.

A purple-red halo appeared at Abao's feet, and his aura instantly rose to its peak. The powerful and oppressive aura made the black dragon guards behind him subconsciously retreat tens of meters. The aura of Abao belonging to the heaven-defying dragon royal family was what they were most afraid of.

At this time, in the distant sky, figures appeared one after another from different directions. They are more than a thousand meters away from the center. There were nine people in total, facing this side in a surrounding formation.

Huang Shuo saw Cai'er holding the death sickle at a glance.

is her? Was she the assassin just now? As the commander of the Black Dragon Imperial Guard, Huang Shuo is not only the Demon God Emperor's most trusted clan member, but also the strongest person in the Black Dragon Imperial Guard. His perception was also very powerful. Just by looking around, he immediately felt who was the strongest in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Cai'er's cultivation was obviously not much weaker than his. It is very possible that she has broken through the ninth level and fifth level, and she is also an assassin!

Two versus one. Go. Huang Shuo growled and gave the order to attack.

The number of people in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group has increased, but this only made Huang Shuo feel relieved. The performance of Long Haochen and his demon hunting group in the temple competition has been known to the top demon clan officials. Therefore, the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is listed as the most dangerous opponent. Huang Shuo naturally knew about them. At this time, all members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group appeared, and Long Haochen said that he would challenge His Highness to a one-on-one fight. Naturally, he would not miss this opportunity to deal with the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. However, for the sake of safety, he did not take action after all, and guarded a place not far from A Bao.

The eighteen black dragon guards turned into eighteen black lights and rushed out in nine directions at the same time. Their bodies were like electricity, and their bodies also surged against the storm as they flew. There were weapons in each hand, and they were all epic-level dark attribute equipment.

The nine members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group turned around and ran away without hesitation. The distance between him and Long Haochen was instantly widened.

Huh? Huang Shuo's heart suddenly moved. Is this going to break up? However, in Yulong Pass, apart from Long Haochen and others, only the few Divine Seal Knights pose a threat to their own people. Still in a one-on-one situation. But will they all come here? No, this is absolutely impossible. The Knights Temple must be guarded by divine knights.

Huang Shuo's calm character immediately changed his order and ordered all the black dragon guards to keep the pursuit distance, and the pursuit range should not exceed a hundred miles. Once you encounter a powerful enemy attack, immediately send a signal for help.

Just as he was arranging these, Huang Shuo suddenly felt a chill behind him. He rushed forward instantly without hesitation, and at the same time, his body rotated rapidly in the air. He raised his right hand and slashed behind him with a sword as black as ink, as if it really broke the air.

A bit of black light also quietly appeared in the air, hitting the tip of his knife.

Ding—— In the crisp sound, Huang Shuo trembled violently as if struck by lightning. He only felt a cold breath pouring into his body along with the long knife in his hand.

Even though his long knife was also a treasure and filtered the cold air a lot, the actual coldness still invaded his body and broke out in the next moment.

Murderous aura, there is actually an assassin who can force murderous aura into my body?

Huang Shuo was shocked and at the same time, his own field was fully displayed.

As the strongest person in the Black Dragon Guards, he is unique in domain control. Instead of spreading the domain outward, a black protective shield instantly formed to cover himself.

The black defense was like a black crystal eggshell, firmly protecting Huang Shuo. But after launching the attack, that bit of black light disappeared silently into the air.

Cold sweat suddenly flowed down from Huang Shuo's forehead. It's not Cai'er. The assassin just now is definitely not the Cai'er who lured his own people away before. But it definitely killed one of his tribesmen instantly.

Her assassination was horrific. If Huang Shuo's instinctive reaction hadn't made him rush forward immediately, he might have been attacked by the opponent.

But even so, his whole body was still being crazily ravaged by the cold murderous intent. Not only from the long knife, but also from the back of the head. After he released the realm, he felt a cold feeling on the back of his head. Obviously, as long as he moves even half a beat slower, he will definitely die.

What frightened him the most was the mystery of this assassin. Once he struck, he would never stop. It didn't continue to attack, it just broke through the space and disappeared. He couldn't feel the assassin's position at all. How could such an opponent not frighten him? For a moment, he couldn't take care of the other eighteen clan members. He concentrated on feeling the subtle changes around him, constantly changing his position in the air. Lest the assassin take action again. No matter when, your own life is still the most important.

The battle between Long Haochen and Abao had already begun before Huang Shuo was attacked.

A purple giant sword appeared in Abao's hand. His purple giant sword looked very special because its flashing light turned out to be a gradient color that Long Haochen had never seen before.

Gradient purple.

If the gradient purple color went from dark to light from the inside out, it would not be obvious, but on the contrary, the color of this purple giant sword goes from light to dark from the inside out. This is extremely obvious and shocking.

The purple giant sword brought out a magnificent brilliance in the air, but the light disappeared in the next moment. But Abao's body had already appeared behind Long Haochen.

It was only at this moment that a series of clanging sounds sounded in the air.

What a fast speed. Long Haochen was shocked. With Yue Ye's reminder, he already had a high estimate of Abao, but he still didn't expect that Abao's strength would be so strong. The moment he dodged, blue light spewed out from Long Haochen's chest, and the soft green color directly sucked Long Haochen's Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield into play and blocked it in front of him. This blocked Abao's attack. Otherwise, if Long Haochen is not well prepared, even if he can withstand this blow, he will still suffer a small loss.

The aura of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation surged instantly, causing Abao, who had just finished the attack and was about to turn around and attack again, to pause for a moment. Immediately afterwards, he saw that the thirteen rays of light instantly merged with Long Haochen.

Possessed by the Eternal Armor. Long Haochen also had an eternal sword in his hand.

Green, colorful, and white, three-color light balls slowly circled around his body. The dragon heads and twelve-winged angels on the left and right shoulder armors had shining eyes, as if they were staring at Abao.

This is the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation? Abao asked coldly.

Long Haochen nodded, It seems that you have improved a lot in the past few years. If I read correctly, your cultivation level has reached the ninth level and fourth level. Moreover, your physical strength has also reached the ninth level and fourth level. .Only you, the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, can do this.


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