Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 835 The Demon God Emperor’s Plan (Part 2)

But she came after all, and came to Long Haochen. Five years later, she and he were almost separated forever. But seeing each other again now seems like a lifetime ago.

In Long Haochen's eyes, the moonlit night had not changed much, but in her eyes, Long Haochen had undergone earth-shaking changes. He has more dignity and nobility of a superior than before, and he is also more mature. The original youthfulness has completely disappeared. Just standing there gives people a feeling like the core of heaven and earth.

This human being, who is less than thirty years old, has become a serious problem for the Demon God Emperor! Suddenly, Yue Ye felt a little proud. The man she fell in love with was so extraordinary.

Cai'er came to Long Haochen unknowingly. She didn't say anything else, she just stood there quietly, looking straight at the moonlit night.

Yue Ye woke up from her gaze with Long Haochen, and a touch of sadness quietly spread in her heart. Of course, she knew that there would never be a true intersection between herself and him. He took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and his eyes became firm, Long Haochen, are you still willing to believe me?

Before Long Haochen could speak, Sima Xian on the side had already said in a deep voice: How do you expect us to believe you? If it weren't for your news, how could we have fallen into the Demon God Emperor's trap? If it hadn't been for good luck, we would have already The whole army was wiped out.”

Yue Ye nodded silently, Yes, both you and I were victims of the Demon God Emperor's plan that time. If you want revenge, then go ahead. Long Haochen, you have two choices now, one One is to kill me to avenge what happened last time, and the other is to trust me again.

Yue Ye was sizing up Long Haochen, and Long Haochen was sizing up her. He had doubts about Yue Ye, but this suspicion was not profound.

After Long Haochen was resurrected, he carefully considered the process of falling into the Demon God Emperor's trap. This process made him feel very strange, because he could not imagine how the Demon God Emperor calculated that he would inevitably end up in the Demon City. As for Yue Ye, before she went to the Magic City, she had no idea where she and her friends would go.

And after he communicated with her, he quickly took action. At that time, in their knowledge, the Demon God Emperor was still far outside Yulong Pass. Even if Yue Ye wanted to inform the Demon God Emperor, it would be absolutely too late in time. Therefore, Long Haochen did not suspect that Yue Ye was deceiving him. He could only say that Yue Ye was also kept in the dark by the Demon God Emperor.

If you have anything to say, just say it. Long Haochen said calmly. He neither showed that he continued to trust Yue Ye nor blamed her for what happened last time.

Yue Ye looked at the increasingly mature Long Haochen and said, What happened last time must have seemed strange to you. Why was the Demon God Emperor able to grasp your whereabouts so accurately? I can tell you the answer now. It's because of the Star Demon God's Great prophecy. The Star Demon God's great prophecy not only predicted that you would pose a huge threat to the future of the demon clan, but also predicted that that time would be the only chance to deal with you. He could even use the great prophecy to predict that he would deal with you. The method and process. Calculate at what moment you will definitely appear in the Star Demon Tower. And everything the Demon God Emperor did before that was to make you relax your vigilance. And in this matter, only the Demon God Emperor and the Star Demon God Two people know the specific situation, even my father doesn’t know.”

There was a hint of surprise in Long Haochen's eyes, he nodded and said: I see. That's no wonder.

Yue Ye saw that Long Haochen believed her a little, and he felt a little more relaxed, Do you still remember the cooperation I proposed at the beginning? Now that you are the chairman of the Temple Federation, you have more say among humans. I am here this time, Just to continue to fulfill our cooperation.”

Long Haochen said: So, do you think we can defeat the Demon God Emperor?

Yue Ye shook her head, No, from a comparison of strength, I still don't think highly of you. However, we are willing to take a gamble, because this may be the only chance. Once you are defeated by the Demon God Emperor, then at least in the next few thousand years, Within a short period of time, humans will not have any chance to counterattack. Moreover, Star Demon God Vasak’s great prophecy predicted that the last time was the Demon God Emperor’s only chance to deal with you. And if you survive that time, you will become a demon. An important turning point in the decline. The Star Demon God’s great prophecy has always been accurate, which is one of the reasons why we are willing to bet.”

Long Haochen said: I need to see your sincerity.

Yue Ye nodded and said: Of course. The Demon God Emperor has ordered that more than thirty demon gods be commanded by the Demon God of the Dead, Samikina, the Demon God of Hell, Marbus, and the Bear Demon God Walliver, and their troops will be divided into two groups to lead the demon clan. A million elite troops gathered to attack the Southeast Fortress and the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass respectively. In order to break through the obstacles of the fortress and fight deep inside the human race, mainly to plunder humans and property. At the same time, the Demon God Emperor ordered Abao to be the vanguard and lead twenty heaven-defying demon dragons. The tribesmen are on their way, and he himself is leading most of the elites of the Moon Demon Clan and Star Demon Clan, as well as twenty demon gods and the entire Heaven-Defying Demon Dragon Clan. It is conservatively estimated that those with cultivation levels above the ninth level will exceed Two hundred people. Eighth level and above, about a thousand. Calculated based on time and Abao's hatred towards you, it will take at most half a day for him to cross the Garo Province and get here. And the Demon God Emperor and other main forces will be about About four hours behind him.”

After hearing Yue Ye's words, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group couldn't help but feel horrified. One reason was because Long Haochen had predicted that the enemy had the upper hand, and the Demon God Emperor had indeed divided his forces into two groups. The other is because of the terrifying power brought by the Demon God Emperor. More than twenty demon gods are fighting against humans at the same time, which has never happened at least in the past thousand years. What's more, there are also powerful men from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, Moon Demon Clan and Star Demon Clan. Two hundred strong men of level nine or above, what a terrifying power this is! Almost ten times as many as they have now. The strength of the demon clan is evident.

What surprised them even more was that Yue Ye gave them accurate information without hesitation, especially the time of the enemy's arrival, which was crucial to their next move. On the battlefield, accurate military information is often equivalent to a victory. Yue Ye said this without even discussing the conditions. If what she said is true, then although the Demon God Emperor is powerful, they can always find a way to deal with it.

However, to the surprise of everyone and Yue Ye, Long Haochen said calmly: I still don't see your sincerity.

Yue Ye was stunned at first, and then said angrily: Isn't this enough? What else do you want? Do you think I'm lying to you? I can guarantee with my own life that everything I say is true information. Don't believe it If so, you can place a ban on me until the information is confirmed. If the information is false, you can do whatever you want.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: It's not that I don't believe your intelligence. But just intelligence and sincerity are not enough. You are an organization, not you alone. I also believe that after so many years of development, your organization's The power should be quite large. It should have a certain influence on the entire demon clan. Otherwise, you would not come to me with such confidence. Am I right? The sincerity I need to see is the sincerity of your organization. Not just yourself. Therefore, I want to know who the real head of your organization is. If you are willing to tell me, then, I believe, our cooperation will be established.

After Long Haochen led the sharp knife army into the territory of the Demon Clan, he divided his troops into six groups and inflicted heavy damage on the capital of the six northern provinces of the Demon Clan, but did not kill too many people. He just wanted to show off to Yue Ye's organization. Just waiting for the other party to contact you. But he didn't expect that Yue Ye, who had been missing among the demons for a long time, would come in person.

After listening to Long Haochen's words, Yue Ye's face suddenly looked a little pale, because she suddenly felt that the distance between herself and Long Haochen seemed to be getting farther. It was purely about interests. The way he looked at her was so intense. calm.

A sadness spread quietly in my heart, yes, he and I would have never had anything to do with each other. Isn’t it just a relationship of interest between me and him? Yue Ye understood that although Long Haochen's death last time was not his fault, what happened that time also made Long Haochen and his team strongly dissatisfied with him.

She guessed it right. Long Haochen really didn't blame her, and knew that it wasn't her intelligence that was the problem. However, after all, it was her intelligence that put the entire Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group in danger. What really made Long Haochen dislike her was the pain Cai'er endured in order to resurrect him in the Tower of Eternity! Every time he dreamed back at midnight, when Long Haochen recalled Cai'er's experience in the Tower of Eternity, he felt so distressed that he couldn't breathe. It is normal to express some anger on the moonlit night. He was already very rational and did not blame Yue Ye for the Temple Alliance's plan to defeat the demons.

Looking at the moonlit night standing there meditating, Long Haochen was not in a hurry at all. He had plenty of patience to wait. Yue Ye came in person, which was actually full of sincerity. But for their organization, the biggest secret is undoubtedly who the leader of the organization is. Yue Ye once revealed that it was a demon god. But the demon gods are also very different. The demon gods ranked lower are even inferior to an adult heaven-defying demon dragon. The higher the ranking, the higher the status among the demon clan, which also means that the strength of Yue Ye's organization is stronger.

Long Haochen was not sure whether Yue Ye would tell him the news. If Yue Ye still chose to deny it in the end, he would actually cooperate with her organization. If Yue Ye told him, then the cooperative relationship would naturally be closer. .


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