Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 828 Killing God Thorn (Part 2)

Therefore, after studying with all the Eternal Heroes, Shu Yongxiao and Xiao Huo decided not to participate in any opinions, but to simply fight.

Therefore, despite the fact that there are eighteen eternal heroes here, the real commander is Long Haochen.

In order to reduce our losses and succeed in one attack, all our ninth-level professionals will take the lead in launching an attack on the enemy later. Inflict heavy damage on the enemy, kill the demon, and disrupt the enemy. Then the army will move out again, Launch a full-scale offensive. Kill the main demons as much as possible and inflict heavy damage on them.

In the face of absolute strength, the fighting method is not complicated. Everyone nodded. There was no doubt that everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was convinced of Long Haochen. With his command, they could not go wrong.

Lin Xin was already gearing up there. He was the only magician in the team, so he was definitely the most advantageous in this killing mission.

Xiao Long, can I be responsible for that Demon God? Of course, the Demon God Pillar still belongs to you. I don't have the ability to defeat the Demon God Pillar. Shu Yongxiao said.

Long Haochen nodded and said, Thank you for your hard work.

Shu Yongxiao's blood-colored eyes flashed with light, and she said, You little guy, are you still unwilling to call me Sister Shu for the rest of your life?

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said, The etiquette cannot be abolished, senior.

Shu Yongxiao snorted and said to Cai'er: Look at your man, he is still a very traditional little guy. Let's go first, and later you can see how your sister Shu kills that demon. Our assassins are here On the battlefield, one always beheads the enemy.

Long Haochen said to Zhang Fangfang: Brother Zhang, you stay here and take command for me. Wait for my signal. The moment the Demonic Pillar is destroyed, we can move out here.

Zhang Fangfang said: Don't worry.

Long Haochen looked up at the sky. It was filled with darkness. Although the wind was not too strong tonight, it was still very cold. The sky was dark and the moonlight was completely blocked by clouds.

Let's go. Long Haochen shouted, leading the Dawn of Light and the Eternal Heroes to move out at the same time towards the demon camp in the distance. The distance is already so close, so there is no need for the army to hide anything, because the war will soon ignite among the demons.

More than twenty figures had already crossed the ten miles where they met in just seven or eight breaths. Lin Xin couldn't wait and was the first to start.

The immortal dragon fire staff appeared in his hand with a dazzling light. The sky was instantly filled with a rich red color, and even the chill faded a lot because of this red color.

The red quickly turned into blue. As Lin Xin chanted the spell, his Holy Sun spell bloomed instantly, and the Holy Sun domain was also displayed.

The demon army below always has scouts who are responsible for detecting the movements around the camp. Such obvious changes suddenly appeared in the sky. Suddenly, a harsh warning sounded in the cold night.

There was a blue sun in the dark sky, and a strong and hot breath fell from the sky. The entire demon camp was covered with a thick layer of blue because of the dazzling sunlight, and with the beating blue flames And layers of beautiful light waves appeared.

However, what this blue sun brought them was not warmth, but destruction.

At the next moment, groups of blue fireballs began to fall from the sky, heading straight to the tents of the demon camp below.

Lin Xin chanted the spell very fast, and the light of the Holy Sun Curse became more and more powerful. Terrifying heat bloomed in the air. The intense super explosive fireballs fell from the sky and gradually gathered into the Xinyan Flame version of the meteor fire shower, covering a large area towards the camp below.

The camps of the 200,000-strong army cover a large area and stretch for more than ten miles. In order to withstand the severe cold as much as possible, these camps are arranged very closely. This also allowed Lin Xin's Bolide to play an even greater role.

Balls of blue flames were ignited amidst the shrill screams of the demons. Lin Xin's attack was completely aimed at the core of the demon camp. As long as there was a little wind, all the surrounding camps would be ignited. Not to mention that these fireballs will explode immediately after landing.

Naturally, Lin Xin was not the only one to take action, everyone jumped into the battle immediately.

Among the eighteen eternal heroes, three warriors remained in the air. Their mission was to protect the magician. In addition to Lin Xin, there are also two magicians in Eternal Heroes, one is of the wind type and the other is of the water type.

As soon as these two magicians took action, they showed their powerful abilities. Their fighting method was completely based on assisting Lin Xin, and their assistance at least increased Lin Xin's magical lethality by more than three times.

Neither of the two magicians took action immediately. It was not until Lin Xin's Holy Sun Curse Meteor Rain had unfolded, igniting large swaths of flames in the demon camp, that their magic began to explode.

The wind magician only cast some small seemingly simple magics, wind scrolls.

The attack power of the wind scroll magic is not strong, it can only release a relatively strong whirlwind within a certain range. It's just a third-level wind magic. And this wind magician was the one who chose Lin Xin to inherit his magic. Regardless of the different attributes, he was sure about Lin Xin.

One by one, the wind scrolls fell into the demon camp below. Lin Xin was a little confused at first, but when the power of these wind scrolls was released, he was shocked and full of admiration for this eternal hero of the wind system. .

The wind scrolls seemed to be alive, falling evenly in the demon camp. Each wind scroll almost fell after Lin Xin's fireball hit the ground and exploded.

The explosive power of the bolide is extremely amazing, with large areas of fire bursting out and a strong roar. And that wind volume fell right in the center of the explosion.

Large, large swaths of blue sparks were rolled up and sent far away, but they were definitely not extinguished. In terms of the use of spiritual power, it can be described as wonderful.

The temperature of the Heart Flame is so high that even if a small spark falls on the tent, it can immediately ignite the tent. With the help of these wind scrolls, the direct lethality of the meteor and fire rain is not much enhanced, but the destructive power of the entire demon camp is increased exponentially.

The fire magician is even more amazing. His magic is directed where the burning is most intense. And it's also a very low-level magic, water column.

This is only a second-level magic. The lethality of the water column is not as good as that of the wind. Under normal circumstances, it only has an impact effect, pushing the enemy away and preventing melee opponents from getting close to it. It's that simple.

But now, these water pillars seemed to be going against Lin Xin, specifically looking for the place where the flame of Xinyan burned most vigorously to fall.

However, a surprising scene occurred. When these water pillars fell into the flame, they did not spread out directly, nor did they smash down at once. Instead, they paused at the outermost part of the flame and then dispersed.

In this way, these water pillars not only did not weaken the Heart Flame, but instead became the most terrifying fuel. With the assistance of these fuels, the firelight below was at least doubled. Looking down from the sky, it felt extremely intuitive.

The wind magician hovered next to Lin Xin and said: Magic is infinitely mysterious. It's not that the higher the level of magic, the more powerful it is. It's that the most suitable magic is the most powerful.

A smart person can tell with just a few words. Lin Xin naturally has a clear understanding in his heart without saying too much.

Except for these three magicians and the three warriors who protect them, everyone else has fully devoted themselves to the battlefield.

All the assassins have disappeared. Long Haochen stood proudly in the sky, with the Sacred Unicorn Star King right under his crotch. The glistening white light soared into the sky as soon as the battle started, completely illuminating the night sky. The huge space between eternity and creation The Divine Seal Throne suddenly appeared in mid-air. The terrifying pressure of the super artifact dropped immediately, and it launched a comprehensive suppression on the demon army below.

Is stress actually harmful? The answer is yes.

When Long Haochen had just been recognized by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the first appearance of this Ancestral Divine Seal Throne caused a strong impact on the demon army dozens of miles away. This is why they were stationed there. The place is as far as a hundred miles away from Yulong Pass, instead of the normal thirty to fifty miles.

But this time, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation appeared directly over the demon camp, and the intensity of the pressure was naturally greatly increased.

Long Haochen's mental power was completely integrated into this pressure, and he exploded with all his strength. Almost the entire demon army camp was affected to varying degrees. The most obvious one was the demon army within about one mile in diameter directly below. All demons below level six were suppressed to the ground and unable to move. Demons with relatively fragile bodies even began to suffer a large number of casualties at around the fourth level of cultivation.

Of course it doesn't matter if he is just suppressed and unable to move. But the key is, there is another person setting fire in the sky!

The dazzling halo of the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation spreads outward in circles, and the strong men of the Knight Temple can clearly see it even from the Yulong Gate in the distance.

As the commander-in-chief, Long Haochen did not take the lead and fully devote himself to the battle, because he had to control the overall situation instead of blindly attacking.

While activating the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation to release strong pressure, his eyes were also fixed on the core of the demon camp. Just when he looked over there, a dark pillar suddenly burst out with dazzling light.


The final battle begins. Can Xiaolong lead mankind to finally defeat the demons? Take a guess. The mystery of the Demon God Emperor's power will eventually be revealed. Oh, by the way, you can also guess how the mystery of Xiaolong’s life experience is presented?

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