Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 826 Take the initiative, the army of sharp knives (Part 2)

Xiao Huo nodded and said: That's right. It's an attack. It's just a pure passive defense. Of course we will suffer a big loss. The demons can knead us as much as they want. However, if we place the battlefield on the demons In their territory, fighting in their province. Even breaking it into pieces, taking the lead in launching a holy war against the demons from several directions at the same time. How do you think the Demon God Emperor will respond? Does he dare to ignore us? Absolutely not. What he fears most is that we shake their foundation. At that time, it will not be them leading us by the nose, but us in turn containing them. Is it true that only the demons can destroy it? The demons have always been unable to Are they all deploying heavy troops near our six major fortresses? Then let’s attack the demon clan’s garrisons. Let’s see who is more ruthless than the other.”

Yang Haohan on the side hesitated and said: But, on the frontal battlefield, can we defeat the demons? Until now, we have relied on the defense of the fortress to barely resist the demons' attack!

Xiao Huo snorted and said: You have been stubborn for six thousand years, but your thinking is still so fixed. Do you think that when the Demon God Emperor leads the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan, does the defense of the fortress have any effect? ​​In the face of this, For the truly strong, a legion based on ninth-level cultivation, the fortress can only become a cage that restricts us from exerting our full strength. What's more, I never said that I would have a head-on confrontation with the demons on the plains.

I understand, thank you, Mr. Xiao. Long Haochen's eyes flickered, and he completely understood what Mr. Xiao meant.

Since war is inevitable, the first thing to do is to seize the initiative. Whoever is more proactive will face fewer problems on the battlefield and may have more opportunities. Pure defense, and the irresistible power of defense, can only end in tragedy.

The most serious problem that had been plaguing him finally had a breakthrough. This made Long Haochen overjoyed. Without further delay, he immediately set off back to Yulong Pass. He wanted to express Mr. Xiao's idea in the parliament as soon as possible. . If everyone thinks it is feasible, then action should be taken immediately.

The preparation time for the demons to launch a holy war will never be too long. Even if they go all out, it should not exceed a month.

Cai'er did not return to Yulong Pass with Long Haochen. She directly transferred her voting rights as vice chairman to Long Haochen. It's not that she doesn't want to leave, it's that Shu Yongxiao won't let her go!

After meeting Cai'er, Shu Yongxiao liked her very much. Although as an undead creature, the eternal heroes were a little afraid of Cai'er's purifying aura, but after communicating with Cai'er, when Shu Yongxiao saw her Come on, Cai'er's talent is no worse than Long Haochen's.

Perhaps Cai'er is not as good as Long Haochen in terms of innate spiritual power, but as the Saint of Reincarnation, she is also the best among them and the best assassin. At the same time, Cai'er has been practicing since she was a child, and her foundation is stronger than Long Haochen's. Therefore, Shu Yongxiao let her stay and couldn't wait to pass on her abilities to Cai'er. What made Long Haochen even more dumbfounded was that Shu Yongxiao, an ancestor who had lived for more than 6,000 years, insisted on Cai'er calling her Sister Shu. Long Haochen didn't even dare to reckon with the chaos of generational divisions.

Different from Long Haochen's idea, Yang Haohan was in a good mood. Long Haochen, Cai'er and the Eternal Heroes got together. The power of these more than 60 superpowers can be said to have firmly become the solid foundation of the Temple Federation. backing. The benefits of jihad can be imagined.

Back at Yulong Pass, Long Haochen didn't take a moment to rest. He immediately called all members of the parliament to a meeting and spoke out Xiao Huo's suggestions.

... Mr. Xiao's suggestion is like opening a window for me, allowing me to see the hope that we can completely defeat the demons in this holy war. In fact, we have been using similar tactics against the demons, that is, hunting demons The group. It’s just that the size of the demon hunting group is too small, and the overall strength is insignificant compared to the behemoth of the demon clan. Since the Demon God Emperor is going to lead an army, it is meaningless for us to stick to the fortress. Therefore, I fully agree with Xiao It’s an old saying. We must launch a counterattack before the Demon God Emperor arrives and burn the flames of war into the Demon Clan’s territory.”

Li Zhengzheng nodded and said: This suggestion is too timely. I agree. Turning passivity into initiative not only allows us to seize the opportunity, but also forces the Demon God Emperor to be led by our nose. By then, even on the frontal battlefield, If we are defeated, we can retreat to the fortress to fight the demons. The main force of the demons will attack according to our ideas.

Long Tianyin nodded and said: I agree too. The Demon God Emperor must not have thought that we would dare to take the initiative. We have been waiting for the counterattack for too long. Let us go for it. If the demons attack in full force this time, it will indeed be It is a huge threat to us, but if we can defeat the main force of the demons, then it will be a battle that breaks the dark age and turns the tide.

After Long Haochen disgraced him at the meeting last time, he had completely established his authority as the Federation Chairman. After another meeting, Long Tianyin was silent for a few meetings and gradually returned to normal. A discerning person like Li Zhengyi naturally understood the drama played by the grandfather and grandson, but he was helpless. Anyway, Long Haochen's authority was established. And because the Knights Temple already has six sacred knights, its status will never be shaken just because Long Tianyin is reprimanded once. Therefore, the Knights Temple is still the biggest winner of the Federation.

Although Li Zhengzheng was always a little unconvinced, the situation was stronger than the people, not to mention the upcoming demon army. Now all everyone could do was share the same hatred. Where is the thought of fighting for power and profit?

Not everyone supported the initiative to attack. The Priest Temple raised objections. The Warrior Temple was also proposed by several council members.

The fairness and authority of the parliament were revealed in the final vote. The powerful influence of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group cannot be changed by the thoughts of a few council members.

As a result of the vote, more than two-thirds of the members supported this strategic resolution, and this historic war between the Temple Federation and the Demons was finally about to begin.

The strategy and tactics have a direction, and the next step is the specific details. After discussion, it was finally decided to launch an active attack on the demons from two directions: point and surface.

The six major temples quickly began to mobilize and integrate the strength of the six major temple professionals. Each temple is divided into five groups and goes to the other five temples respectively, thus forming a full-professional combination of the six temples. After each fortress is professionally matched, it will be commanded by the temple where it is located. Time no longer allows for running-in. After the professional integration is completed, the six major temples will immediately launch an attack on the demon army stationed outside the fortress. Thus announcing the full start of this holy war. Take the initiative to burn the flames of war inside the demon clan.

The Demon God Emperor convened fifty-four Demon Gods to gather in the Demon City for a meeting, which had both advantages and disadvantages. At least among the demon armies currently stationed outside the six major fortresses, there were no Demon Gods sitting in command. The demons have obviously never considered the issue of human counterattack.

While the all-out holy war was launched, there were some breakthroughs, which were the real containment of the main demon army. The army responsible for the breakthrough is the first and second federal corps that have been integrated. Long Haochen will lead the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group to personally lead this army. At the same time, the Federation also transferred all returning demon hunting groups to this army under the command of Long Haochen.

Their goal is to penetrate deep into the demon clan like a sharp knife and deal a heavy blow to the demon clan.

Of course, the war launched by this army is by no means blind. First of all, they will avoid the direction of the Magic City as much as possible. At the same time, while the entire Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group will be accompanying them, eighteen of the sixty-three eternal heroes will follow them to fight. Among them were Xiao Huo and Shu Yongxiao, and the remaining sixteen were the sixteen superpowers whose cultivation levels exceeded the ninth and fifth levels.

The strength of such an army has even exceeded the overall strength of the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan. Moreover, even if it is said to be in-depth, it will certainly not be too in-depth. The army is flexible and has the ability to withdraw at any time. With their destructive power, they will definitely be able to contain the main force of the demons commanded by the Demon God Emperor to a great extent. The Demon God Emperor did not dare to let Long Haochen lead an army to destroy the Demon Clan like this! What's more, his fundamental target is Long Haochen.

In addition to the eighteen eternal heroes who followed Long Haochen, the remaining forty-five eternal heroes were divided into five groups and went to the Assassin Temple, Magic Temple, Warrior Temple, Soul Temple and Priest Temple respectively. The Knights Temple did not allocate Eternal Heroes to assist in the battle, because the army of sharp swords commanded by Long Haochen would set off from Yulong Pass to launch an offensive. At the same time, Yulong Pass will also be chosen when retreating in the end. This side is equivalent to having strong enough strength.

As for the simultaneous attacks on the other five temples, there was only one purpose, and that was to force the Demon God Emperor to divide his forces. This prevented him from bringing all the main forces with him, thus reducing the pressure on Long Haochen.

As long as the location of the main force of the Demon God Emperor is finally determined, then the Temple Federation will have follow-up means.

The demons have come with all their strength, so how can the Temple Federation dare to hold back? Some hidden forces and treasures that can be used in the war are all ready to be invested in this war.

The plan has been set, and the next step is rapid integration. If someone could overlook the entire Temple Federation border from a high altitude, they would find that there are signs of large-scale military mobilization throughout the border. In each temple, the troops were divided into five groups and went to other temples respectively. As for the combat orders and real purpose, they are kept strictly confidential.

This was when the six major temples were still transferring professionals to each other. Long Haochen's army of sharp knives had already taken advantage of the night to leave Yulong Pass, and pounced on the demon defenders a hundred miles away like tigers coming out of the gate.


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