Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 816 Entering the resting place of eternal heroes (Part 1)

In the image, Cai'er, who was clearly close to collapse, was still climbing upwards. Somehow, there seemed to be an incomparable force supporting her increasingly fragile body.

Bang - On the 112th step, Cai'er suddenly fell down and hit the step in front of her hard, but her right hand was fiercely dug into the glorious surface of the step. Point your toes on the steps below to prevent yourself from sliding down.

Blood stained the hem of the long skirt and slid down the toes. Cai'er's originally stunningly pretty face was now covered in blood.

Her body was trembling violently because she had endured too much, but her eyes remained persistent and firm.

Breathing heavily, she reluctantly moved up another step, and with a bang, she kowtowed again.

Don't continue. Someone in the crowd shouted. It immediately aroused the unanimous cry of all people who watched the video.

Climb, coma, climb again, coma again...

Cai'er fell down again and again and got up again and again. When she climbed the 200th step, she had turned into a bloody person.

At this time, she was unconscious on the road to heaven for the seventh time.

Cai'er's knees no longer had any intact flesh, and her white bones were directly exposed. Her fair, slender legs were always spasming unconsciously at this time. Due to excessive blood loss, his whole body looked sickly pale. Her life was draining away at an alarming rate. But the road to heaven still has no end in sight.

The image is placed here, and Cai'er's image has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone who watches the image.

The voice of the narrator also sounded again, Vice Chairman Cai'er fell into coma seven times in total while climbing the Road to Heaven, which lasted for several days. What the video reproduces is a time-compressed scene.

This can no longer be described as simply shocking. Some of the more fragile female audience members have already passed out while crying hoarsely. Even the federal soldiers responsible for maintaining order had already burst into tears. It was the first time that they knew that human will could be so powerful, and it was also the first time that they truly witnessed the suffering that the demon hunters had suffered.

Just when the people's emotions were about to collapse, a door of light finally appeared on the road to heaven.

When Cai'er jumped with all her strength and finally merged into the light gate, there was already a choking cheer outside the entire Holy City Grand Trial Site.

The dazzling seventh floor of the Tower of Aion appeared, and the coffin where Electrolux was sleeping also appeared.

Yes, for ordinary people, they inherently have a strong fear of the undead. However, after the previous violent fluctuations in emotions, they were not so shocked when they saw Electrolux in undead form again.

Electrolux proposed that a living heart was needed to resurrect Long Haochen. When Cai'er reversed the Death Scythe and stabbed her chest without hesitation, her scream almost overturned the Holy City.

And when Electrolux proposed to Cai'er to test Long Haochen, almost all the people supported it because they also strongly doubted in their hearts how capable Chairman Long Haochen could be with Cai'er's dedication. ?

When Long Haochen woke up and faced the test of Electrolux, the moment he said he was willing to give up his faith in order to save Cai'er, the whole place was in a state of excitement. They finally knew that Cai'er was not the only one who was extremely affectionate, but their Federation Chairman was also willing to give up a belief that was more precious than life for the person he loved the most!

At this moment, Cai'er and Long Haochen's status in their hearts had been elevated to an indescribable height. Are beliefs and the undead important? No, in front of this true love, everything seems to become insignificant.

Especially when Electrolux said these four words You win, the audience burst into cheers again.

It has to be said that the role played by the magic image has completely exceeded Li Zhengzheng's conjecture of the originally proposed magic temple, and also completely exceeded the imagination of all the initiators of this matter.

The people went crazy for this magical image. They were shouting the names of Long Haochen and Cai'er and letting their emotions go wild.

With the previous foreshadowing, when Electrolux tells his story next, it will be much easier for the people to accept it. Electrolux's tragic experience, as well as his final awakening and self-purification inspired by Long Haochen and Cai'er, finally deeply shocked the hearts of the people.

The video finally ends with Electrolux shouting: Holding the sun and moon in my hands and picking stars, there is no one like me in the world. With overwhelming pride.

At this time, the night was getting darker, but none of the people left. After a brief period of silence and calm, the three names of Long Haochen, Cai'er, and Guang Zhichenxi became their slogans.

Holy City, sleepless night.


It was noon at this time, it was lunch time, and in an inconspicuous hotel, the hot discussion made the hotel very noisy.

Are you going tonight? No, I'm not going. A woman shook her head vigorously, rejecting the proposal of the man at the same table.

Why don't you go? There are only ten days in total. If you don't look at it, you won't be able to see it again.

I can't go anymore. If I go, I will cry my eyes out. Vice Chairman Cai'er is so pitiful. The demons are so hateful. If it weren't for my poor qualifications, I would have wanted to join the army and go into battle to kill the enemy.

Hey, that's not true. Don't say you are a girl. Even a man like me has to watch it once and cry once! It is so touching. No wonder the chairman and vice-chairman can have such cultivation at such a young age. The suffering they have gone through is beyond our imagination!

That's not true. That undead scourge Electrolux is also quite pitiful. Such a powerful necromancer is completely forced by reality.

Yeah, who can be right? Didn't he repent in the end? He was also purified by Vice Chairman Cai'er. Only after seeing this magical image did I realize that undead creatures can also have thoughts and wisdom, not just those who can Kill!”

Similar topics are almost everywhere in the streets and alleys of Zhennanguan.

Not only Zhennanguan, the magical images were immediately transmitted to the Holy City of the Temple Federation and the six major fortresses for broadcast. Other inland cities are still in the process of transporting magic crystal screens. After all, there are not many magic crystal screens, and there are only a few cities that can show images.

After the first wave of screenings in the Holy City and the six major fortresses, the magic crystal screens in these seven cities will also be removed and sent to inland cities.

In the history of the Temple Federation, or in the history of all mankind, there has never been an event with such a huge impact. Through word of mouth, Cai'er and Long Haochen have gradually become more than just national idols, and have even transformed into beliefs. So much so that later, after discussing with the congressmen, Long Haochen banned the release of the video in the federation. But his deeds with Cai'er and the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group have influenced entire generations of the Federation.

Just when Long Haochen and Cai'er were in the process of becoming national idols, as the parties concerned, they had quietly arrived at the Holy Mountain of Knights accompanied by Yang Haohan.

This is the third time Long Haochen has come to the Holy Mountain of Knights, and he has great affection for this Holy Land of Knights. The first time he came here, he took Haoyue away, and the second time he came here, he took away Xingwang. More than ten years have passed, and he has grown from an ignorant boy to the chairman of the federation. He has experienced a lot, sacrificed a lot, and gained a lot.

There was still about a kilometer away from the light mist that enveloped the Holy Mountain of Knights. The rich light aura of the Holy Mountain of Knights began to surge, and the light golden mist moved uncontrollably in the direction of Long Haochen and the others. Come drifting.

What Long Haochen felt was a strong sense of closeness, and the light elements contained in the light golden mist rushed toward him like a child who had found a home.

Raising his left hand, a faint smile appeared on Long Haochen's face, and soft light elements began to circle around his body. During this whole process, he did not release any of his own power, everything was formed naturally.

Yang Haohan, who is also a light expert and a divine seal knight, couldn't help but sigh secretly when he saw this scene. Long Haochen has indeed cultivated his light spiritual power to the extreme! Even the light element regards him as a source.

Long Haochen suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the light mist. Suddenly, the light mist in front of him dispersed on its own, like a soldier obeying orders, and opened a path. Three old men with physical disabilities were coming towards them quickly. The three old men were immediately surprised by the dispersion of light mist. This was the first time they encountered such a scene.

However, when they saw Yang Haohan, their nervousness relaxed. But what surprised them even more was that it was not the knight of the divine seal of defense and coordination who aroused the light and spirit mist of the knight's sacred mountain, but A young man beside him.

The Holy Mountain of Knights is almost an isolated place. Although there are a few elders here who have seen Long Haochen before, they are only a minority after all. At least these three people in front of them saw him for the first time.

I've met Palace Master Yang. The three elders came forward and saluted Yang Haohan at the same time.

Yang Haohan and Long Haochen responded with knightly etiquette at the same time.

Thank you three elders for your hard work. Please lead us to the Sealed Cave. Yang Haohan said as he took out a token.

The token in his hand was carved from a whole piece of golden gemstone, with many runes formed from ancient elven script on it.

Seeing this token, the three elders bowed again, stepped forward, surrounded Long Haochen and the others in the center, and each took out a golden token.


The Eternal Hero is about to appear, guess what the plot will be like.

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