Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 804 The Elf of God (Part 1) (please vote for recommendation)

No matter how nice this place is, it is not my home. I do not belong to this plane. Long Haochen, I want to be your spiritual furnace.

Ye Xiaolei's words really shocked Long Haochen.

When facing the Demon God Emperor, Long Haochen activated the power of the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield without hesitation. But when he rescued Ye Xiaolei, he clearly felt that Ye Xiaolei's mood was not right.

As his cultivation level improved, his perception became more and more powerful, especially in some subtle aspects. There was another contract between Ye Xiaolei and him. Long Haochen could clearly feel the sadness in her heart that was nothing more than heartbreaking.

After a short period of thinking, Long Haochen decided to send Ye Xiaolei to the Easton world. He understood that Ye Xiaolei was so sad because her home was destroyed. And Easton was obviously the best place for her to survive.

Xiao Lei, you...

Ye Xiaolei raised her hand to wipe the tears from her eyes and looked at Long Haochen persistently, I'm serious. I don't want to stay here.

King Easton couldn't help but said: What's wrong with us here? The aura on your body fits perfectly. Easton welcomes a being like you. The aura of nature on Ye Xiaolei's body is even purer than him. , although not powerful, the pure vitality like an eternal tree made Easton full of affection for her.

Ye Xiaolei shook her head, Thank you, but I can't agree. Because it's impossible for me to live here. I belong to the Holy Demon Continent. In a sense, I am originally a part of the Holy Demon Continent. Leave Once there, my life will gradually wither. Within a month, I will turn into air and dust and disappear.

Long Haochen said in surprise: Why is this? You...

Ye Xiaolei smiled sadly and said: You have never known what kind of existence I am, right? Now I can tell you. In fact, I am somewhat similar to your elemental elf. I am not a real existence, but a god. The spirit is an energy body.

Spirit of God? Hearing these words, Long Haochen was puzzled, but King Easton's expression changed drastically and he stopped trying to persuade.

The elf of God can actually be regarded as a clone of God in a sense. And I am a clone of the goddess of nature left on the Holy Demon Continent. My existence needs to absorb the spiritual energy of the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon to last. .Whether it is a dream temple or a dream paradise, they were all built by the goddess of nature for me before she became a god. In other words, it was for herself.

Any existence, whether it is a human or other creature, will enter the level of God after its cultivation reaches one million spiritual powers. In other words, it will begin to withstand the test of God. This is irreversible. After passing the test, it will If you become a true god and fail the test, you will be forever dissipated in the air, reincarnated, and start over from a young body. After becoming a god, your true body will also dissipate, and your consciousness will be infinitely enlarged to the entire world, and you will be able to perceive it. Everything that happens in any corner of the world integrates itself into the plane at the same time, making the plane more stable and prosperous. For example, after my original body, the goddess of nature, became a god, it made the entire plane prosperous for a long time in the future. Over a period of time, the reproduction of all plants will become easier. And all strong people who are close to nature will increase their cultivation speed. However, as a god himself, he can no longer control anything. Gradually Communicate with heaven and earth. There is only a ray of spiritual thought wandering in the world. Therefore, many powerful people would rather never become gods, and would rather fall into reincarnation. They do not want to live that illusory life.

However, many times, some things are irreversible and cannot be decided by oneself. I can remind you now, no matter what, do not easily break through the bottleneck of the ninth level. Once you break through this bottleneck, let your own spirit If the total amount of power exceeds 900,000, then your spiritual power will continue to grow. One day, you will reach the bottleneck of one million spiritual powers, and there will inevitably be a breakthrough in the self-growth.

Long Haochen listened quietly. If he was still the weakling before, Ye Xiaolei's words had no effect on him. However, it is different now. His cultivation has broken through to the ninth level and the fifth level, and it seems that he is not that far away from the ninth level.

Ye Xiaolei continued: At the beginning, the goddess of nature knew that her end was approaching and she would inevitably embark on the irreversible path to becoming a god. So, she used her powerful power to create the dream temple and dream paradise. And she used her best power to create the dream temple and dream paradise. Pure spiritual power shaping, and a ray of soul and spiritual thought was injected into this pure power of nature, leaving a seed in the dream paradise. And in this seed, her position as a god was bred. .”

You must be curious about why she did this, right. In fact, her purpose is very simple. After she becomes a god, she will still have a ray of spiritual thought that will travel around the world. Although she can't do anything, it is spiritual thought after all. She has the omnipresent perception of God. Therefore, when the seeds she left in the dream paradise germinate and grow, and gradually release the divine aura she left behind, her divine mind will be aware of it. There is the possibility of return. .At that time, she can transform back into the goddess of nature in the human world. She will have the possibility of living again. With her experience in her previous life, she will never make the same mistakes after rebirth, and will never take the same path again. The road to becoming a god. And I am that seed.

Ye Xiaolei's narration process was very calm, but Long Haochen felt heartache for some reason. Looking at her appearance, which was only that of a seven or eight-year-old girl, but with a pair of slightly aged eyes, he couldn't help but feel sad. Consciously, there will be a feeling of heartache.

Actually, the goddess of nature failed. Perhaps it was because she gave me a ray of soul. In the end, although she passed God's test, she failed to retain her clear mind. Therefore, after she left, she I didn’t come back either. As a seed, I took root and sprouted, and gradually gained my own consciousness.”

Living in the dream paradise, I am not alone. I have many, many partners. I also don't resent the goddess of nature for leaving me there as her clone. After all, I am a part of her. I have been living A peaceful life. It wasn’t until you humans began to appear in the dream paradise and began to obtain the spiritual furnace that the dream paradise had accumulated for thousands of years of the energy of heaven and earth that my life gradually became more colorful. Only then did I realize that my The appearance is the same as that of you humans. However, I am just a seed. No matter how long it takes, I cannot grow up. As time goes by, I gradually have my own ideas, and I finally feel that the dream paradise is like a Trapping me like a cage. However, I couldn't leave because I couldn't live without the power there. Without the power there, I would be like a flower that has lost its nutrients and would wither soon. So, I began to enter a dream. Looking for a suitable carrier among the humans in heaven. After so many years, I have only found you. But it was that time that made me feel the crisis. Because the Demon God Emperor could forcibly break the plane without following the rules of Dream Paradise. Come in. So, I signed a contract with you.

Speaking of this, the sadness in Ye Xiao's tearful eyes became even more intense, I really didn't know that I love my home so much. If I could be given a chance to choose again, I would rather stay there forever. I won’t leave either. My home is destroyed, and my dream paradise is gone. All my friends died in the fragmentation of space. That tree, blade of grass, and every companion who accompanied me are gone forever and forever. . I have never tried to hate someone so much, but I really hate it now.

Long Haochen's eyes flashed with divine light, and he said in a deep voice: The hatred between humans and demons will eventually end. I can't make you a definite promise that I can avenge you. But at least I can tell you that in the relationship between humans and demons, In the battle, I will go all out. Unless I die, the battle with the Demon God Emperor will not end.

Ye Xiaolei nodded gently, I understand, and I believe you. In just a few years, you have become so powerful. Even the goddess of nature back then could not match your growth rate. Moreover, you have The aura of the undead has also completely disappeared. It seems that you have completely escaped the control of the Tower of Eternity. My decision to become your spiritual furnace was not an impulse, but a matter of careful consideration.

I am now a little flower that has lost the earth. I need a new home. Not here, here, I will still wither. Only by relying on the power of my soul can I survive. And the soul that can be chosen by me The power is too little, too little. Only the ultimate purity is possible. Therefore, if I can't be your spiritual furnace, I will have no choice but to perish, and I have no choice at all!

Long Haochen hesitated and said, But if you become my spiritual furnace, won't you disappear forever?

Ye Xiaolei wiped away her tears and suddenly smiled and said: How could it disappear so easily? I'm not stupid, could I commit suicide? Haven't you heard of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace? Even your The light element elves can maintain a certain level of consciousness, why can’t I, as an elf of God? Even if I become your spiritual furnace, I will maintain all the original memories and at the same time add more natural power to you. Don’t worry, As a clone of the Goddess of Nature, I can choose the direction in which to increase your strength after merging with you. I will not enhance your inner spiritual power, which will continue to push you towards becoming a god and make you repeat the same mistakes. I can Choose one that enhances your external spiritual power.”


For the sake of Ye Xiaolei's rescue and for the new week, I beg you all to vote for your free recommendation. Thanks.

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