Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 78 The First Battle (Part 2)

Ye Hua said: The magic array in this large trial field is enough to withstand the attacks of ninth-level professionals. How can the elemental fluctuations not be strong?

Under the guidance of the training ground staff, they came to sit in the contestant area. At this time, many people had arrived. The contestants were all dressed in military uniforms, and they were all very heroic.

Not long after, the dome of the trial site suddenly lit up, and a huge golden halo spread from the dome. Because there are no spectators here, the area around the trial venue seems a bit empty, but on the rostrum, there are already more than a dozen people. It's just that the high platform is too high, so it's difficult to see the situation above from below.

A majestic voice sounded from the podium, The report is over, and the preliminary round of the Demon Hunting Group Selection Competition has officially begun. Participants from all cities are expected to compete hard. The rules of the competition are that you are not allowed to intentionally maim your opponent. If one party is killed, the other party will also lose, and The branch temple in the city where it is located will be held accountable.”

The preliminary round is all knockout rounds. The first round will be held today. One hundred and thirty-eight people are reported. Four fifth-level contestants have byes in the first two rounds. The drawing begins. All players are ready.

I don’t know how this trial ground is controlled. In the center of the dome in the sky, a huge golden ball of light slowly appeared, and then, a large number of numbers began to shine on the ball of light.

Li Xin murmured: Such a famous Demon Hunting Group selection competition is so simple! There is no opening ceremony or anything.

Ye Hua said calmly: This is a competition to select talents, not a show. Why does it need a ceremony? There are more than 130 people participating, and more than 60 games will be held on the first day. Time is wasted. How long will it take to finish the competition?

While they were talking, the numbers flashing on the golden ball of light in the sky suddenly stopped, and two huge numbers turned into halos and shot into the air.

The first game, No. 29 vs. No. 97, both sides enter the venue. Those who have not entered the venue for ten breaths will lose.

Number ninety-seven? Long Haochen was shocked, isn't this me?

Ye Hua and Li Xin were also shocked. No one expected that Long Haochen would be the first to be drawn.

The other contestants around him all turned their attention to the messy Long Haochen who looked so young but handsome.

Ye Hua had already reacted and said quickly: Respond calmly and act steadily.

Yes. Long Haochen agreed, not daring to neglect, and strode out. Go down the stairs and enter the competition venue.

Long Haochen's opponent was a young man wearing silver armor. He looked about twenty years old. Like him, he was also a guardian knight, with a shield in his left hand and a heavy sword in his right hand.

As the two of them appeared, a middle-aged man wearing white clothes also entered the venue. Apparently the referee of this fight.

Without too much nonsense, when the two stood about fifty meters apart in the center of the field, the referee shouted: The game has begun. The opponent must not be maimed. If one party admits defeat or loses the ability to fight, it will be a loss.

Following the referee's announcement, a layer of golden light emerged from around the playing field, isolating the field from the surrounding stands.

Just when Long Haochen was about to start his first battle in the Demon Hunting Group trials, another dimension appeared.

Dark, this is a dark world. The wind was raging, and the purple moon in the sky exuded an eerie brilliance. The earth is cracked, and surging magma and poisonous gas can be seen everywhere.

In a deep cave, Haoyue was quietly crawling there. Xiao Guang and Xiao Huo both had a dazzling light in their eyes. In front of them, the stone ball bought for 10,000 gold coins had already cracked open. A trace of cyan brilliance is spreading out from the stone ball.

Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo kept taking deep breaths, swallowing the cyan brilliance into their bellies. The three purple light patterns on their backs are constantly shining. The body also exudes a bloody aura full of violence. Four sharp claws dug hard into the ground.

You can see through the cracks on the stone ball that there seems to be a cyan ball inside. The surface of the sphere is actually in the shape of scales, and with the flash of green light, you can vaguely see that there seems to be a lizard-like body inside. But just such a cyan sphere exudes invisible majesty. That is, Long Wei.

If Lin Xin were to see this cyan sphere inside the stone ball, he would probably regret it so much that his intestines would turn green. This is clearly a dragon pill! The seventh level elixir Dragon Pill.

The number of dragons is extremely rare, but every real giant dragon is at least level eight or above. The most powerful dragon king is as high as level ten, which is equivalent to a ninth-level human being.

The biggest problem that troubles the dragon clan is fertility. They often only have a chance to give birth to offspring once every thousand years. The reason why Dragon Pill is rare is also related to this. Because Dragon Pill is an unhatched dragon egg, which is formed after absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for thousands of years.

It is so difficult for dragons to give birth to offspring, so you can imagine how much they cherish their dragon eggs. Therefore, dragon eggs that can be formed into dragon pills are really rare. In terms of rarity, it even exceeds some eighth-level elixirs.

Dragon Pill is useful for both humans and monsters. If humans take it, they will directly have a certain dragon bloodline. Their internal and external spiritual power will skyrocket by at least 300, and the upper limit of external spiritual power will be increased to 5,000. Taking a dragon pill is equivalent to having the potential to cultivate to at least the seventh level.

The requirements for Warcraft to take the Dragon Pill are much higher. First of all, it must have dragon blood to digest the Dragon Pill. Secondly, the cultivation level must not be lower than level six, so that after taking it, it can promote its evolution and have the power of the first level of evolution. effect.

What Haoyue is absorbing and swallowing at this time is the spiritual energy emitted by the Dragon Pill, and judging from its appearance, it seems that it is not afraid of any backlash from the Dragon Pill's power.

Roar - Xiaoguang groaned, Xiaohuo looked at it and nodded slightly.

A faint purple light emerged from their heads, and each of them slowly gave birth to a purple horn. They moved slightly forward, and the horns on their heads moved forward at the same time. With a snap, they were embedded in the hard stone shell outside the Dragon Pill. among.

The two heads moved together, and the stone shells under their purple horns were as fragile as tofu. After a while, a green dragon pill with the appearance of dragon scales was revealed.

Xiao Guang and Xiao Huo's eyes all changed at this moment, from the original gold and red to deep purple in an instant. Raising their heads and looking into the distance, they are missing their partners in another world.

Brother, wait until we go back.

Xiaoguang lowered his head suddenly, opened his mouth, and swallowed the green dragon pill in one gulp. In just an instant, intense blue flames rose from their bodies, and the bulge on one side of Xiaoguang's neck began to squirm violently. Intense prehistoric power surged out in an explosive manner.

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