Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 700 Participate! Dawn of Light (Part 2)

Such a young eighth-level peak knight? There is no doubt that Yang Wenzhao's appearance shocked the audience. Especially it is a great deterrent to other major temples. Who said the top brass of the Knights Temple were old? They had already trained such a young Paladin. It is almost conceivable that Yang Wenzhao will be able to break through to the ninth level before long. It is even possible to become a new generation of divine seal knights in the Knights Temple.

Anyone with a discerning eye can already see the purpose of the Holy Light Mask, which is to find traces of the assassin. After the assassin becomes invisible, he will immediately appear as soon as he comes into contact with any spiritual power. And Yang Wenzhao's holy light shield has such a large range, once the assassin's location is detected, he will definitely have time to react. Not only that, the red light shining in his eyes was clearly the knight's locking skill.

In a sense, the knight itself restrains the assassin. Once locked by the knight, the assassin can only choose to fight hard.

The assassin was calm and experienced enough. Faced with this situation, he did not rush to take action, but quietly hid. After the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground was merged into one, the competition venue was extremely wide. Although Yang Wenzhao's Holy Light Cover covered a large area, it was still far from the area of ​​the entire competition venue. Therefore, in his opinion, as long as he did not take the initiative, Yang Wenzhao would not be able to find him.

Now, for him who uses the stealth skill, Yang Wenzhao, who uses the Ling Gang, Holy Light Mask and Locking skills at the same time, consumes much more spiritual power. Perhaps this game will last longer, but the eighth-level Emperor Thorn hiding in the dark is very confident of winning this battle.

Just when Emperor Ci had already thought of a countermeasure, Yang Wenzhao moved. He stood there silently, with a rich golden mist rising from his body. Build momentum.

Back when Long Haochen participated in the trials for the Demon Hunting Group, many people suffered heavy losses due to his power-charging skills. Yang Wenzhao is now following the same example.

The only people who can understand his thoughts are probably the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. But other spectators didn't understand why Yang Wenzhao did this. Charging skills can certainly increase your attack power to a stronger level, but what's the use if you can't find the target? It will only accelerate the consumption of spiritual power!

Long Tianyin, who was sitting in the seat of the Knights Temple, showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Wen Zhao has been missing for too long, and many people have forgotten what his abilities are. It seems that he It will bring a surprise to everyone.”

The emperor who was confronting Yang Wenzhao was also full of doubts in his heart. Could this young paladin use his power-charging skills to lure me out? That's too wishful thinking. Don't you know that the most important thing for us at this moment is our mentality? How could such a mistake be made?

Emperor Ci hid coldly in the darkness, even dormant there motionless. He wanted to see what Yang Wenzhao could do after gathering momentum.

From the beginning of the individual competition to now, this is the first time such a cold situation has occurred. But many people know that in this situation, as soon as both sides take action, the outcome will be decided. If Yang Wenzhao could find his opponent's position, with his accumulated power and his peak eighth-level cultivation, the eighth-level assassin would definitely be defeated. But on the other hand, if Yang Wenzhao cannot win with one blow, then there is no possibility for him to come back if Di Ci is given a chance.

Yang Wenzhao's momentum did not last long. At some point, a light green light appeared on his chest. This light was not obvious under the cover of his own strong light spiritual power. It must be You can find it only if you look carefully.

After the green light appeared, a strange green light suddenly shot out from Yang Wenzhao's chest. This green light burst out in a fan shape and swept directly forward. What is shocking is that after this green light came into contact with the protective shield of the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Field in the distance opposite Yang Wenzhao, it actually penetrated through and did not seem to collide with the protective shield.

What ability is this? Not blocked by the protective shield?

Soon, everyone understood what this ability was. Yang Wenzhao's momentum ended, and his body made a half-turn. And the green light released from his chest was like a scan, sweeping across the entire place. The invisible and dormant assassin was immediately revealed in the green light under this scan. Immediately afterwards, a little red light fell on him, knight, locked.

Yang Wenzhao, who flapped his wings behind his back and gained momentum, flashed at the speed of light like a golden lion. Frontal attack.

When his powerful holy light fell on the assassin, Yang Wenzhao's twin Linggang swords struck heavily on both sides of the assassin's body. At the same time, a holy light explosion was launched, knocking the opponent upside down, hitting the protective shield and then rebounding back.

If the assassin chooses to fight head-on when he comes up, he might still have a few chances. But when Yang Wenzhao had finished gathering his momentum, if the swords had been slashed at him, he would have died.

I lost. He struggled to say these three words, and the emperor, who was over seventy years old, had the idea of ​​​​finding a piece of tofu and killing him. There is no shame in losing the game, but the shame is in losing without even showing your strength.

He was obviously blinded by Yang Wenzhao's youth and previous actions, but he did not expect that Yang Wenzhao would have a spiritual furnace with powerful detection capabilities.

This is the spiritual furnace that Yang Wenzhao received after Long Haochen gave up the reward during the Demon Hunting Group selection competition. Although this spiritual furnace itself has no offensive and defensive capabilities. But he has natural restraint against assassins. Yang Wenzhao also relied on his own spiritual furnace to lead the demon hunting group to achieve great results. Unfortunately, he fell into the hands of the dragon-riding demon god in the end.

He has been missing for so long, and there are very few people who still remember that he owns this spiritual furnace. Even in the Knights Temple, few people knew it, let alone the assassin just now.

As the first member of the Demon Hunting Team of Dawn of Light, Yang Wenzhao gave Dawn of Light a good start.

Looking at Yang Wenzhao who exited the venue and returned to the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, Li Zhengzheng's lips twitched. He knew very well that there were already two knights in this Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Of course he knew about Yang Wenzhao, Yang Haohan's grandson. However, in his eyes, this Yang Wenzhao should be much worse than Long Haochen. His strength has reached the peak of the eighth level, so what about Long Haochen?

Thinking of this, Li Zhengzheng couldn't help but look at the man standing on the far left side of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Although he couldn't see his appearance, from the gentle temperament exuding from him and Tan Wan's reward yesterday, Li Zhengzheng knew that that person should be Long Haochen.

The fat on his face trembled slightly. Li Zhengzheng narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, Long Haochen, I want to see how far you can go in this temple competition. He never thought that it was possible for a demon hunting group to compete with the Temple in the Temple Competition. Long Haochen did not choose to return to the Knights Temple. Is it because he did not want his team members to return to the major temples to participate in the war?

Until now, Li Zhengzheng had not figured out why Long Haochen appeared at the temple competition in this way. But he knew very well that Long Haochen would definitely become his strongest competitor in the near future after returning after more than four years. Li Zhengzheng never looked down on Long Haochen because of his youth.

The game continues. The strength of the major temples has also begun to come into play. The three most powerful temples are still the Knight Temple, the Magic Temple and the Soul Temple. The Warrior Temple and the Assassin Temple are obviously weaker.

What is a bit strange is that after more than a dozen games, no one from the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group has been selected. It wasn't until the twenty-fourth game of the game that the light of choice once again shone on the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group.

This time, the light of choice reached the tallest person in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. At this moment, a girl sitting on the VIP table of the Warrior Temple suddenly stood up. Her hands were shaking because of excitement.

White clothes and white skirt, Feng Linger.

As early as when Chen Zidian said the words Morning of Light, Feng Ling'er was stunned on the VIP stage as if struck by lightning. Isn't Dawn of Light their team? After missing for more than four years, has this bastard, this bastard finally come back?

This sudden news made her mind go blank, so that her eyes were fixed on the tallest and strongest person in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, her eyes never blinking, tears always rolling in her eyes.

Ye Weiyang was sitting next to Feng Ling'er. As representatives of the Holy Alliance Auction House, they were naturally qualified to come to the VIP stage. The words Morning Light shocked her no less than Feng Ling'er did. At this time, she didn't know what to say to comfort Feng Ling'er, so she could only hold her hand tightly and use her own warmth to comfort her heart.

At this moment, the light of choice chose that person, the guy who had made Feng Ling'er cry quietly countless times for more than four years. Feng Ling'er could no longer restrain the excitement in her heart, and then stood up suddenly.

Ye Weiyang hurriedly hugged her body, Ling'er, don't be excited, this is the temple competition. If it is really him, you will always see him.

Bastard..., bastard... Feng Ling'er's red lips trembled. If it weren't for Ye Weiyang supporting her, she might have fallen. He's back, he must be back.

Tears, which could no longer be restrained, kept sliding down her fair and delicate face like broken beads.

Under the watchful eyes of Feng Ling'er and Ye Weiyang, the tall and sturdy member of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group slowly walked to the entrance of the Knights Temple competition area, turned his right hand, and pulled off his big cloak, revealing He had a big, shiny bald head.


The bald man and the little white flower meet. Have you all wanted to see this scene for a long time? In order to bless them, please vote for your monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thanks.

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