Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 683 Eternal Heart (Part 2)

With a flash of light, the white bead flew quietly in front of Cai'er, and the eternal melody of the golden skull also floated out. However, during the fluttering process, the eternal melody gradually changed. It was like a ball of liquid that was constantly flowing. rhythm. It kept changing along with the rhythm, and finally turned into the appearance of Long Haochen's head, floating in front of Cai'er.

The white bead of death energy quietly blended in, and suddenly, the originally golden eternal melody flashed with white light. Not only was there no trace of death, but it was filled with a holy flavor.

The necklace was hanging around Cai'er's neck, and the new version of the eternal melody was close to Cai'er's chest. A flash of white light quietly embedded itself into her chest just like before.

Cai'er only felt waves of cool breath emanating from this new eternal melody, passing into her body and integrating into her spiritual power. She didn't need to do anything at all, her spiritual power was slowly improving.

Electrolux integrated his death energy into the eternal melody instead of absorbing it directly for her, because he was afraid that the energy would be too huge and Cai'er would not be able to bear it all at once. Not at all thoughtful.

Seeing the astonished expression on Cai'er's face, Electrolux smiled slightly and said: I don't need you to thank me. This is just the first gift I give you. As for the other gift, I will give it to you at the end. . And don’t worry, since I gave you a gift, I naturally want your lovers to get married. Otherwise, no matter how precious the gift is, without him, you won’t be happy with anything given to you.”

After hearing what he said, both Long Haochen and Cai'er couldn't help showing surprise on their faces.

Although Long Haochen hated Electrolux deeply, he really couldn't bear to die. Even if all other factors were put aside, he wouldn't be willing to die just for Cai'er!

Electrolux's right hand pointed to the coffin in front of him again. This time, what burst out from the coffin was extremely pure golden light. When these golden lights poured out from the coffin, Electrolux's body suddenly became a little unreal. It seemed as if his own soul power had been greatly impacted.

Compared with the previous concentration of death energy, this time, the golden light condensed by Electrolux became much slower, and his face was much more solemn than before. It even seemed a bit unfamiliar.

Even though there was a layer of golden light blocking it, Long Haochen could clearly feel that it was an extremely pure light element.

Stripping it off, is he stripping away the power of light he has stored for thousands of years? Long Haochen looked at Electrolux in shock. Although he hated what Electrolux had done. But he couldn't help but admire his cultivation. Just relying on the power of his soul, he was able to extract the power from his body. What kind of strong perception of the power of elements is required to do this! Long Haochen asked himself, there was still a huge gap between him and Electrolux.

Among the powerful men he had seen, the most powerful ones were undoubtedly the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu and the undead holy magic god Electrox in front of him. In terms of overall spiritual power, the Demon God Emperor may be a little stronger, but it is still compared to the soul-body Electrolux in front of him, but in terms of control of elements, Long Haochen can conclude that Fengxiu is definitely no match for Electrolux. .

The golden light peeled off and lasted for a full hour before slowly ending. Both Long Haochen and Cai'er understood that what Electrolux did at this time would have an extremely important relationship with resurrecting Long Haochen. However, they didn't know what method the once most powerful necromancer would use to restore Long Haochen's lost heart.

When there was no more golden light pouring out of the coffin, Electrolux's face began to become more solemn. He pressed his left hand gently on his forehead. Suddenly, a golden light with a golden tail flame seemed to be attracted by him. It seemed like it was pulled out of the soul. His movements were very slow, and the expression on his face began to show distorted fluctuations, as if he was in great pain. But his hands were extremely stable and he continued his movements.

Gradually, that bit of golden light was completely pulled out of his soul. When he finished this, the originally solid soul body suddenly became transparent and much weaker than before.

Electrolux's hands began to move at the same time. A little golden light in his left hand slowly merged with a large group of golden light condensed in his right hand. Gorgeous and complicated symbols began to appear on his hands, and each movement was very fast. These complex symbols quickly merged with the golden light in front of him, and the golden light continued to twist, fluctuate and even tremble under the influence of these complex symbols.

With the integration of runes and golden light, Electrolux's soul body became more and more transparent. After he punched the last symbol into the golden light, he couldn't help but let out a long breath, and at the same time, he opened his mouth and inhaled towards the coffin under him.

Suddenly, a black-gray energy rushed out from the coffin and merged with his soul. It also made his soul body solidify again, but there was obviously an extra layer of black-gray, full of energy. A feeling of evil and ferociousness. It was incompatible with the golden light in front of him.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang... A strange scene appeared. When Electrolux held up his hands and let the golden light float toward Long Haochen, a strange sound like a heartbeat came from the golden light, and it slowly flew in front of Long Haochen.

This is the heart I have reshaped for you. Your flesh and blood will grow a new heart on its own under its influence and completely integrate with this power. It will become your most powerful spiritual aperture in the future, and it will also It is the fundamental source of all your power. I call it the Eternal Heart. It can be said that this is the greatest masterpiece of my life.

Speaking of this, Electrolux couldn't help showing strong admiration on his face. He was obviously very proud of the eternal heart he had created.

I know that you hate me very much, and you hate my power even more. Although you will not refuse my gift in order to survive and be able to be with Cai'er, you will definitely be affected by my gift in the future. Your heart of light. Right?

Long Haochen remained silent and acquiesced to Electrolux's words. Yes, in order to survive, he was able to accept everything in front of him, even if it meant betraying his belief in the light. For Cai'er, he was willing to give up everything he had. But if you really accept the power of Electrolux, even the power that he extracted from himself. Then, in Long Haochen's heart, there will definitely be obstacles in the future. It will greatly affect his future cultivation.

Electrolux said calmly: Because you have such a problem, I must make it clear to you before you merge with the Eternal Heart. You can hate me, or you can reject everything about me. But you But you cannot exclude light. You are the son of light, and it is most appropriate to integrate with the power of light. You also saw what I just did. What I gave Cai'er was the purest breath of death that I have condensed for thousands of years. This breath of death is nothing compared to my original power. But it is better than pure, and there is no excess power. It is only good for Cai'er, and there is no trace of my brand in it.

The same goes for the eternal heart that I gathered for you. I stripped out all the light elements in myself and turned them into the purest light power. Do you know what I stripped away from my soul? That was what I once had The mark of being a child of light. In other words, what I give you is not my power, but the power of the former child of light. You can understand that you became the purest element that belonged to the light before I fell. and essence.”

You have also seen that after stripping away these two powers, all I have left is the power of the undead and all negative energy. These belong to corruption. My corruption is not the corruption of light. I am the guilty one, and Not light. Go, my eternal heart, he is the most suitable master for you.

As he spoke, light flashed in Electrolux's eyes, and the golden light suddenly rushed into Long Haochen's chest. Long Haochen felt an incomparable burning heat pouring from his chest into his limbs. He sat cross-legged on the ground almost subconsciously, and his whole body turned golden. Even the ability to think has been completely lost.

Staring at Long Haochen with burning eyes, Electrolux stared at him for ten minutes before gradually relaxing, smiling slightly, and said: I am still the Holy Law God of the Undead and the Natural Disaster of the Undead, Electrolux. In the world, no one understands death and life more deeply than I do. My eternal heart succeeded. In a sense, Long Haochen continued to live in place of me before the fall. Perhaps, this is important to me. For me, it is the best choice. All the contributions he will make to mankind in the future will have my strength in them. I hope this can atone for my original sins.

Cai'er, are you satisfied with what I'm doing? After confirming that Long Haochen had begun to merge with the Eternal Heart, Electrox turned his attention to Cai'er again.

Cai'er bowed slightly and said, Thank you, senior. She was different from Long Haochen. She did not have the same kind and compassionate heart as Long Haochen. All she knew now was that the former human sinner in front of her had now saved her lover. She felt nothing but gratitude.

Electrolux smiled slightly and said: Although you can't inherit my necromancy skills, you have finally obtained my death power. I will leave this world forever and will be purified in your hands. For me, This is the best destination. Ever since I was blinded by resentment and hatred, I have never been so happy as I am today. I seem to have returned to those days when I was a child of light. In the last moments of my life and soul, Cai'er, would you like to call me teacher?


The name of the next chapter will be very domineering! After I thought about it, I felt very happy. Although the monthly ticket is far away from the previous one, I still have some extravagant hopes. Anyway, the promise of promoting one person and adding two chapters remains unchanged. Sweat, I made a typo just now and almost ended up with 200 chapters... Fortunately, I corrected it in time.

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. The third update is completed.

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