Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 664 The coming of the giant spirit god (Part 1)

The powerful pill of light that flew out after circling three times has completely turned into amethyst color, and the terrifying snake electricity has an incandescent brilliance, and there is also a hint of violent blood.

The moment the one-meter-diameter powerful pill of light flew out, blood spurted out from Sima Xian's mouth. Amidst the sonorous explosion, his close-fitting red dragon armor was shattered inch by inch. It exploded with a bang, revealing his upper body covered in scars.


The retreating warrior was hit head-on by the Dali Pill of Light, which gathered all the strength and faith of Sima Xian. A pair of giant hammers shattered instantly, and the next moment, the Power Pill of Light was directly imprinted on his chest.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom - Twelve roars erupted like magic cannons firing alternately.

During these twelve explosions, the earth warrior's body trembled violently. With each explosion, the cracks on his body would spread to a larger area and become more detailed.

When the last roar sounded, the body of the soil warrior had completely collapsed. There wasn't even a sound of worship to the master, but a ray of yellow light shot out and merged into the eternal melody on Cai'er's chest.


At the same time that the local warrior collapsed, Sima Xian also fell to the ground in front of Cai'er like pushing a mountain of gold or a jade pillar. The wounds crisscrossing his upper body were already bursting with blood. When the madness ended, he had turned into a bloody man.

Two golden lights fell on Sima Xian almost at the same time. They were the guardians of Duanyi and Zhang Fangfang's holy light. The two of them first released an instant magic, and then immediately chanted a more powerful healing magic.

Han Yu came to Sima Xian and opened his own spiritual furnace of light blessing to help everyone restore their spiritual power. Lin Xin stepped forward, hugged Sima Xian's fallen body, stuffed several pills into his mouth, and checked his injuries.

Leaning in Lin Xin's arms, Sima Xian's chest heaved violently, and blood kept coming out of his mouth, nose, and ears. However, there was a smile on his face covered with blood.

I...succeeded.... Deputy Captain..., what you have to... face next... may be... a strong... wind element... who has a domain..., you will be... good... if you fight against... Some. Just now... this body of... brute... strength... was naturally handed over to... us... gentlemen... We must... resurrect the captain...

After Sima Xianruo said these words intermittently, his body trembled sharply again. Fortunately, Zhang Fangfang and Duanyi's high-level healing magics were completed one after another and landed on him at the same time. Healing all the scars on his body.

Surface scars are easy to treat, but internal scars are not so easy to treat.

Cai'er knelt down on one knee beside Sima. She pursed her lips firmly to prevent her tears from falling. She is now the leader of the entire team and she has to be strong.

Sima, thank you.

Sima Xian's whole body was trembling, and he gradually fell into calm under the healing magic, but his life breath became weaker and weaker.

Wang Yuanyuan grabbed Lin Xin's shoulders and asked eagerly: How is it?

Lin Xin gritted his teeth and did not answer Wang Yuanyuan's question. Instead, he took out a few more pills and stuffed them into Sima Xian's mouth. At this time, Sima Xian had fallen into a coma and could not take the initiative to swallow. Lin Xin even helped him insert the elixir from mouth to mouth.

Under the amplification of Han Yu's Light Blessing Spirit Furnace, Duanyi and Zhang Fangfang were using healing magic almost continuously. It lasted for half an hour before Lin Xin finally looked more relaxed.

How's it going? Wang Yuanyuan asked eagerly.

Lin Xin gasped and said: The bald man has a lot of life, and he finally saved a life. His spiritual furnace backlash, madness backlash, and the backlash caused by using sacrifice skills, most of them were destroyed by the epic red dragon A endured it. Otherwise, how could an epic piece of equipment be broken like this? Even so, it almost killed him. His internal organs had collapsed and failed before. He was treated by my medicine and Brother Zhang’s group. He hung up his life by force. But this guy is dying, his injuries have stabilized, at least he won't die.

Bah, bah... Damn, what a big loss. Why did I kiss this guy's thick lips? What a shame.

The tense atmosphere finally relaxed a bit with Lin Xin's last words. Except for Cai'er, everyone else had a smile on their face. Normally, they would have laughed out loud. But now, their moods are heavy.

This is only half of the test on the fifth level. They had already lost Chen Ying'er and Sima Xian. The next test will only be more difficult. Can they finally reach the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity?

Although Sima Xian single-handedly defeated the Tu warriors, everyone fell into weakness after they used the Conjoined Spirit Enhancement Pill. Although Lin Xin continued to improve and added many rare materials, the backlash of the Conjoined Spirit Enhancement Pill was much weaker than before, but it was still difficult to fight continuously. Even recovery with the blessing of light cannot improve them to their best condition.

Although Cai'er was anxious, it was obviously impossible to move forward. Moving forward, they will still face powerful opponents with domains. With the current situation of the team, they can only have a chance by using the conjoined spiritual enhancement pill.

Everyone rest where you are, and we will continue to move forward when the weakness is gone. After saying this, Cai'er carefully took off Long Haochen from his back and laid it flat on the ground.

Looking at his pale face without a trace of blood, Cai'er's body couldn't help but tremble. She raised her hand and gently rubbed his face, unable to hold back the tears that welled up again.

Fool, fool, no matter what the cost, I will definitely save you.

The rest time this time was obviously much longer than the last time. With the efforts of Lin Xin, Zhang Fangfang, Han Yu, and Duan Yi, Sima Xian's physical condition finally stabilized. At least there won't be any worries about life.

At this time, the effect of the Anaconda Body Strengthening Pill became apparent. Compared to professionals of the same level, their powerful external spiritual power allows them to resist the side effects of conjoined spiritual pills much better than ordinary professionals. This can be clearly seen from the comparison of Duanyi.

About eight hours later, Cai'er and others recovered one after another, but Duanyi's weak state continued. In this state, he could not take the conjoined spirit pill again. Therefore, even under his repeated requests, Cai'er decided to let him stay and take care of Sima Xian.

Everyone, prepare the Conjoined Spirit Enhancement Pill. Cai'er said in a deep voice, Lin Xin, do you have any spare ones for the Conjoined Spirit Enhancement Pill?

Lin Xin nodded and said: I still have a set here. With what everyone else has, we can still support two wars.

Cai'er frowned slightly and nodded slowly. In less than a day, they passed the test on the third and fourth floors of the Tower of Eternity, and passed half of the fifth floor. However, this Tower of Eternity has seven floors in total! But in this fifth level, they already have to face the powerful holy guards with domains. So, what will be the tests on the next sixth and seventh levels?

At this time, everyone's expressions were very serious. Although they did not want to think about it, they all vaguely felt that with their current strength, it would be extremely difficult to finally reach the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity. It's just that no one wants to tell this fact, and no one wants to believe it. No matter what, they will put in their best efforts to buy time and opportunities for Long Haochen's resurrection. This Tower of Eternity is also their only chance!

Cai'er took a deep breath and said: One level after another is another level. Next we should face a wind magician with a domain. The wind magician's attack speed must be extremely fast. How about his domain? We don’t know yet. I will be the main attack later, and everyone will use the Siamese Spirit Enhancement to boost me. We must defeat him in the shortest possible time, and we must not let his full attack power be used.

As she spoke, she put Long Haochen on her back again and tied him tightly with chains.

Cai'er. Wang Yuanyuan suddenly called her.

Huh? Cai'er looked at her with some confusion.

Wang Yuanyuan stared at her face with burning eyes, Let me do it.

No. Cai'er rejected her proposal almost without thinking. Sima Xian had already fought with his life before, and even almost died in battle. As the temporary leader, how could she let other partners take risks? What's more, she is the strongest among the team.

Wang Yuanyuan grabbed Cai'er's shoulders with both hands and stood in front of her, Cai'er, listen to me. We are a collective, and resurrecting the leader is not your responsibility alone. Both Ying'er and Sima have already done this. Their best efforts. Let me be the next one. I am confident that I can succeed. The space system can restrain the wind system. Moreover, each of us has our own trump card. I am certain.

Cai'er still shook her head, Yuanyuan, I know your good intentions, but I will be more sure.

Wang Yuanyuan suddenly said excitedly: I know you are more sure than me, but are you sure that you can defeat your opponent and escape unscathed at the same time? You don't. With your current cultivation level, you want to defeat an opponent with a domain. A magician must use the seven skills of death, and you have already used it once in twelve hours. If you use it again, it will definitely have a strong backlash on you. Don't forget, what we are facing now is not the last level. , there are still the sixth and seventh floors behind you, it is true that you are the strongest, but you must keep this strength behind as much as possible.


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