Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 66 The Secret of the Demon Hunting Group (2)

The preliminary round will ultimately select the ten strongest from each of the six temples to participate in the finals. Anyone who can pass the preliminary round can already become a member of the new demon hunting group. The final stage is mainly about Ranking to facilitate subsequent combinations and rewards in the Demon Hunting Roulette.”

The sixty people participating in the finals will draw lots to compete. Therefore, luck in the finals is very important. If the Assassin draws the Magician, it will be a stroke of luck, just like the Knight draws the Assassin. In the end, the sixty people will compete. There is an overall ranking. The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards will be. The contestants who finish in the top three can also choose a teammate who is not among the top three before the subsequent Demon Hunting Roulette match.

Hearing this, Li Xin couldn't help but ask: Teacher Feng, what does this Demon Hunting Roulette match mean?

Feng Yangmu smiled slightly and said: The Demon Hunting Group Selection Tournament, as the name suggests, these young strong men selected will form the Demon Hunting Group. And each Demon Hunting Group is composed of a team belonging to the six major temples. Six strong people form a demon hunting team. There are 60 people participating in the finals. How to distribute them? At this time, the demon hunting roulette is needed to make the selection and let God decide the team. In the end, ten hunters will be formed. Demon team. After the demon hunting team is formed, there will be a competition to determine the best demon hunting team in this competition, and the team will receive rewards again.

Long Haochen said: Teacher Feng, what exactly is the Demon Hunting Group trying to do? Since the alliance has made the selection of the Demon Hunting Group so grand, it should be of great significance.

Feng Yangmu said without hesitation: Of course. The Demon Hunting Group can be said to be the most important force for our Temple Alliance to fight against the demons. The Temple Alliance will issue various tasks for the Demon Hunting Group, almost all of which are aimed at the demons. .A powerful demon hunting group sometimes poses a greater threat to the demons than thousands of troops. They can even hunt demon gods. There are currently hundreds of active demon hunting groups. Facing the demons, they are the allies The mainstay.”

I won't say much about the missions performed by the Demon Hunting Group. If you are lucky enough to be one of them, you will naturally know. I will only talk about the rewards now. You should all know that in addition to the various skills that can be learned daily in the six temples, In addition, there are also some exclusive secret skills. For example, the divine blocking of the Knight Temple. When he said this, he deliberately glanced at Long Haochen.

These secret skills cannot be learned by ordinary temple members. Even after reaching a certain level of cultivation. There are only two ways to learn, one is to inherit. Those strong men who have made great contributions to the alliance can obtain An inheritance ring can pass on some secret skills to its descendants. The other way is to exchange them through merit points. By completing the mission, the demon hunting group can redeem almost all the alliance's reserves. Including various powerful equipment, secret skills, etc. .”

Long Haochen's heart moved, and his eyes fell on the black ring left to him by his father. This should be the inheritance ring. No wonder my father is not afraid of others doubting that I have such skills as divine blocking. It seems that all rings of inheritance have the same appearance. But the ring on his hand is his biggest secret. Because, in the ring, all the disciplinary knight skills are sealed, including all secret skills and even Long Xingyu's self-created skills.

Long Haochen has never given up on his training as a disciplinary knight. As a guardian knight, he was the core of the team, and he has done well against the green double-sword demon. But if he hadn't used his two swords to face the green double sword demon in order to hide his ability to punish the knights, even if it was one-on-one, he would not be sure of victory, but he would be 60% sure that he could fight with the equivalent of 50%. Both sides were injured by the green double-sword demon.

Looking at the dazed expressions of the five young people in front of him, Feng Yangmu smiled lightly and said: Do you think it takes a long time to get merit points? Then I will tell you something about the rewards for the Demon Hunting Group Selection Competition. Just one thing should be right. You are attractive enough. The rewards for the top three in the finals of the selection competition are: spiritual furnace.

Ah! Five people, including Long Haochen, exclaimed in unison.

What does the spiritual furnace mean? It is obvious just by looking at how Long Haochen used the Holy Spiritual Furnace to lead everyone to kill the green double-sword demon. The Holy Spiritual Furnace only ranks thirty-fourth among the thirty-six kinds of spiritual furnaces that knights can use. In any profession, as long as you can own a spiritual furnace, it is equivalent to opening the door to becoming a strong person. This treasure that conquers the world is enough to change a person's life!

Feng Yangmu felt the breathing of the five people becoming much heavier and smiled: For everyone, the opportunity is equal. You have to work hard!

His encouraging words had an obvious effect. The five young people in front of them seemed to have forgotten their fatigue, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Feng Yangmu sighed secretly in his heart, it was not easy to get the top three in the trials. Even this young man among them, who possesses the Holy Spiritual Furnace and Divine Control Block, is unlikely to do so. However, this young man should be able to enter the finals. As for the others, I'm afraid...

Teacher Feng, I have a question to ask you. Long Haochen said respectfully to Feng Yangmu.

Feng Yangmu said: You can ask.

Long Haochen said: We have always been very careful when entering the demon territory at night. Why can the demons still find us? No matter how powerful the eagle eye is, we can't see what is happening a hundred miles away.

Feng Yangmu smiled and said: This is because you have no experience in fighting against the demons. The demons have a kind of existence called shadow demons. Their invisibility is more powerful than the invisible ones of the Dike tribe, but they do not have any attacks and attacks. The ability to defend. Become a shadow in the dark. Specially responsible for the reconnaissance of the demons. At least a priest of level 4 or above can detect them. You must be targeted by the shadow demon, so you will be attacked by the demons. Fortunately, you responded. is good enough.”

After saying this, Feng Yangmu stood up and said: Okay, you guys have a good rest. Early tomorrow morning, we will hit the road and go to the Temple Alliance to participate in the competition.

After sending Feng Yangmu away, everyone fell to the ground again. Just when the two brothers Chen Si and Chen Chen were about to fall asleep, they were pulled up by Long Haochen.

You can't sleep. Meditating after a battle not only allows us to recall what happened in the previous battle and increase actual combat experience. It is also the best time to strengthen ourselves and improve our internal and external spiritual power. Sleeping at this time is equivalent to a waste of life.

Li Xin nodded and said: Haochen is right, he can persevere even if he is injured, why can't we?

Therefore, the five tired people all chose to meditate to relieve their fatigue.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Long Haochen was the first to wake up from his meditation. His internal organs were still aching. The attack from the green double-sword demon yesterday was too powerful. A frontal full blow definitely exceeds 3,500 spiritual powers. Despite the treatment of the Holy Light Shield, it would still take some time for his internal injuries to recover. It is not impossible to treat him purely with light magic, but in that case, it will affect his own self-healing ability, and the gain outweighs the loss.

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