Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 657 The power of dragon death still exists (Part 1)

Keep going. Cai'er nodded to her friends again and led them toward the white light curtain ahead that was incompatible with the dark world.

Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi both felt a little shocked at this time. Although their cultivation levels are also at the seventh level, in the battle just now, they all clearly understood that every member of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was stronger than them. You know, when they were in their respective teams, they were the mainstays, and they were not a bit stronger than other team members. But in front of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, all they could do was resist some skeleton soldiers. Moreover, because their injuries had not healed, they had found it difficult to resist the black skeleton before.

On the other hand, looking at the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, the main ones who just took action were Cai'er, Sima Xian and Lin Xin. With the three of them working together, they actually killed a ninth-level powerhouse just like that. Moreover, it was a suppressive kill, so that the black knight died in their hands before he could use all his abilities.

It doesn't matter that Long Haochen and Cai'er are strong, even Lin Xin and Sima Xian are already so strong now. Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi had never even heard of the attacks they launched before.

In fact, the reason why Cai'er and the three of them could easily defeat the Black Knight together was mainly because of their equipment advantages. Plus an all-out shot.

It seemed like a short battle, but Lin Xin and Sima Xian had already gone all out to use their trump cards. The holy guards in the Tower of Eternity are powerful, but they all have a common weakness, and that is equipment.

To put it simply, if the black knight just now was wearing Long Haochen's fine gold base armor, they might not be able to win even if it takes ten times as long. It's impossible without paying some price.

Cai'er's Death Scythe is a divine weapon, and Sima Xian's Power Pill of Light is also epic! In the entire Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, who doesn’t have a weapon above the legendary level?

The white light curtain is in front of them and they have passed the test of the Black Knight, but it does not mean that they have passed the third floor of the Tower of Eternity. Based on their experience in the first two levels, they only passed half of the test in this level.

The test will be more difficult the further they go, and a more brutal battle is still waiting for them.

Cai'er took one step forward and stepped into the white light curtain, followed closely by Zhang Fangfang, Wang Yuanyuan, Chen Ying'er and others.

Stepping out of the white light curtain, everyone couldn't help but hum, because the air behind this light curtain was really very different from the air on the other side before, and they were completely opposite.

It was an absolutely dark world before, but at this moment, when they stepped out of the white light curtain, what hit them was an extremely rich aura of light!

The surrounding darkness has disappeared, replaced by endless light.

The pillars on both sides were exactly the same, but they emitted a golden light full of sacred aura. The ground also turned completely golden, and the magnificent patterns continued forward.

There is no sea of ​​skeletons, and the second half of the third floor of the Tower of Eternity is completely empty. All the way to the end.

At the end of the third floor is still a statue, the statue of the Holy God of the Dead and the Sleeping Calamity Elax.

Under the statue, a person sits cross-legged. A white light magic robe covered his body, and his head was slightly lowered so that Cai'er and the others could not see his appearance.

He just sat there under the statue of Electrolux, as if he had been sitting there for an eternity. It seemed as if they were waiting for the arrival of Cai'er and the others.

Although they only had one opponent to face this time, Cai'er and the others looked even more solemn. Precisely because he has only one opponent in front of him, his strength will undoubtedly be stronger. At least it's much more powerful than the previous Black Knight.

Cai'er turned to look at her friends and said to Chen Ying'er: Ying'er, don't take action. The next level mainly depends on your strength. Others, follow me.

As he spoke, Cai'er's figure flashed and rushed towards the light magician wearing a white magic robe. As an assassin, she is obviously the most suitable candidate to fight against the magician.

Han Yu, Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi could clearly feel their spiritual power increasing to a great extent in this place full of light. The three of them immediately used the halo skill to attach it to Cai'er.

Even though Yang Wenzhao was a disciplinary knight, he did not rush out. His injury was not healed. If the opponent in front of him was stronger than the one just now, it would be useless for him to rush forward.

The person rushing forward with Cai'er was Wang Yuanyuan. Strong bloody murderous aura instantly rose behind her, and a layer of red light could be faintly seen rising into the sky, condensing into an illusory light and shadow exactly like Wang Yuanyuan.

Wang Yuanyuan's murderous intent was very different from Cai'er's. Cai'er's murderous intent was full of death, while Wang Yuanyuan's murderous intent was full of blood.

One comes with its own attributes, and the other comes from fighting among thousands of troops. The two murderous auras actually had a complementary effect at this time. With all their strength, this place that was originally full of bright and holy aura was thrown into chaos by their murderous aura.

The light magician moved, and when Cai'er and the others took the first step to charge, the magician's body was already levitating from the ground.

A golden staff appeared in his hand. When the staff moved a little in front of him, a golden halo like water rippled out.

Cai'er was carrying Long Haochen on her back and could not directly enter the invisible state, but her speed was the fastest in the Dawn of Light. The moment she charged, she was already accelerating. She was less than 200 meters away from the light magician before. With her speed, she only needed to dodge twice to reach him.

However, just after she was close to a hundred meters, the soft halo of light was already blocking her.

It was like a gauze falling on the body, rushing into the golden halo, Cai'er was surprised to find that her speed had completely slowed down, and she was directly restrained. The whole person became sluggish.

A murderous gray light suddenly burst out from the Death Scythe. The artifact was an artifact. The unknown light magic was instantly shattered in front of the sharp edge of the Death Scythe.

Just as Cai'er took steps to move forward, the broken golden light entangled itself like a thread and swept through her body.

Wang Yuanyuan faced the same problem as Cai'er. They reached a position a hundred meters away from the light magician, but they couldn't move forward even if they wanted to move forward.

At this moment, a twisted ray of light passed through the air and went straight towards the light magician. Lord Evil Eye showed his power.

The light magician slowly raised his head, and powerful soul waves suddenly spread from his body. It can be seen that under the cloak, there are a pair of eyes dancing with golden soul fire.

Lord Evil Eye's spiritual impact was dispersed by the powerful soul power before it could reach it. It didn't cause any harm to the light magician at all.

The staff was waved again, and a low chant sounded. At this time, several knights had arrived beside Cai'er and Wang Yuanyuan. They didn't know what kind of magic the light magician had cast before, but the golden halo also blocked their way forward, making it impossible for them to make any progress.

This is ninth-level light magic, sacred binding. Yang Wenzhao suddenly shouted: But hasn't this magic been lost a long time ago? Why does it appear here? Damn it, it's still instant.

Ninth-level magic..., and without any process of chanting a spell, this is already close to the level of forbidden spells. No wonder they can't break in. If it were only eighth-level magic, Cai'er would never have been blocked so completely with the Death Scythe.

The light magician's spell continues, and everyone knows that once his spell is completed, it will be extremely difficult for everyone to resist. The magician's attack power is far higher than that of the warrior, not to mention that the light magician appears behind the black knight. Even though this place is filled with a bright atmosphere that makes everyone feel comfortable, this level is obviously much more difficult than before. In particular, how can they break through the sacred constraints in front of them?

At this moment, Cai'er suddenly shouted, Yuanyuan.

Wang Yuanyuan rushed into the golden light screen almost at the same time as Cai'er. When he heard Cai'er's call, the two looked at each other and understood each other.

Although Cai'er has just regained her memory, her post-amnesia memories have not been lost due to the restoration of her previous memories, but have been completely integrated. Therefore, their tacit understanding has never disappeared.

One..., two...

Cai'er started counting slowly, her eyes always fixed on the light magician.

Except for Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group seemed quiet and stopped attacking the barrier. This was a tacit understanding. They knew what Cai'er was going to do without Cai'er saying anything.

Three..., do it. Cai'er shouted.

Under the surprised gazes of Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi, Wang Yuanyuan's body suddenly emitted a silver light. The next moment, she disappeared out of thin air. When she reappeared, she was already in front of the light magician. A bloody storm of orange and scarlet suddenly erupted with unparalleled bloody murderous intent, and a black crack instantly appeared in front of the light magician. It is the most powerful skill that comes with Bloody Storm, Dimensional Storm.

You know, the current bloody storm has evolved into an epic weapon in the killing. The power is completely different from the original.

The strong light elements split apart instantly in front of it, and the terrifying dimensional storm filled the ninth-level light defense magic with a shrill whine. In the face of the outbreak of the bloody storm, the space inside this ninth-level magic seemed to be split into countless fragments.


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