Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 654 The only hope (Part 2)

The bodies of the skeletons are black, just like this space. The only thing that can bring some light to this space is the soul flame beating in their eyes.

When Cai'er and the others moved, the sea of ​​skeletons also moved, swarming up and charging towards them with different weapons held high.

With the spiritual wings stretched out behind her, Cai'er did not remain in the team. As an assassin, she should have been wandering around. In a flash, she had already surpassed Zhang Fangfang and rushed to the front. Like a sharp knife, she cut fiercely into the sea of ​​skeletons.

As early as two years ago, they had passed the test of the first two floors of the Tower of Eternity and could enter the third floor, but they had never entered. Now that they have finally entered, this third level of test should not be too difficult for them.

However, after actually rushing into the sea of ​​skeletons, Cai'er immediately felt the tremendous pressure. The third level of test had greatly exceeded the second level in intensity.

Here, there are no longer levels, but a greater test. It’s no longer one-on-one, it’s a team fight.

Gray light shone, and a large number of skeletons were swept into pieces by the Death Scythe. With just one blow, Cai'er destroyed the soul fire of at least twenty skeleton warriors. But she also felt that the strength of these skeletons was equivalent to that of a sixth-level human being. Although they don't have the fighting skills of the Holy Guards, they are better because of their endless numbers!

But it was at this time that the strength of the team emerged. Four golden halos expanded almost at the same time. Covered a huge range.

These four golden halos were naturally released by the four Templars in the team.

Long Haochen is no longer here, but the largest number of knights in their team are still knights, and they are all the best knights of the younger generation of the current Knight Temple, seventh-level Templar Knights.

The skills performed by the four haloes are exactly the same, the guardian knight's halo of holy light protection.

For all dark-attribute enemies, the attack effect is increased by 30%. Dark-attribute enemies affected by the guardian aura of the Holy Light will have their own speed and attributes completely weakened.

This was a sixth-level halo, and it was displayed by four Templars at the same time, covering hundreds of square meters. The sea of ​​skeletons rushing up suddenly slowed down. Cai'er, who was standing at the front like a sharp knife, suddenly felt relieved.

At this time, Cai'er's terrifying attack power was fully revealed. The recovery of her memory also allowed her to regain the assassin instinct she had developed since childhood. With the Death Scythe in her hand, it was truly like death coming.

Gray rays of light filled with terrifying destructive power crisscrossed the battlefield, and wherever they passed, large seas of skeletons were shattered into pieces. Under her leadership, the Demon Hunting Group of Dawn of Light rushed into the depths of the Skeleton Sea at an alarming speed.

Lord Evil Eye was already suspended above Han Yu's head, and invisible mental fluctuations were quietly sweeping across the sea of ​​skeletons. Looking for the culprit who created the sea of ​​skeletons.

Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian protected both sides of the team, and Long Haochen died in the battle. The extreme sadness and anger they had suppressed in their hearts suddenly burst out in the sea of ​​skeletons. The two of them, one gold and one silver, took care of all the skeletons rushing towards them on both sides of the team. Almost all the black skeletons they killed were completely turned into powder.

Lin Xin was not idle either. The fire crystal staff in his hand was like a continuous magic cannon. It came up with a shower of meteors and fire, bombarding the sea of ​​skeletons in front of him.

Along with killing these skeletons, everyone gradually discovered some benefits.

The situation that happened on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity happened again.

On the first floor of the Tower of Eternity, they encountered not many skeletons, but each skeleton could provide them with a ten-point increase in spiritual power. This allowed the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group to grow as a whole for the first time, surpassing Tongji. , becoming the first demon hunting group of the new generation.

At this time, although each of these skeletons does not provide them with ten points of spiritual power, their spiritual power will increase a little every time they kill a skeleton.

Don't underestimate this. It's not obvious if you kill one or two skeletons, but if you kill hundreds of skeletons, the increase in spiritual power will be hundreds of points!

If Long Haochen hadn't been killed by the Demon God Emperor, they would have been overjoyed to find such a discovery here. There was no need to rush to find the Dark Holy Guard. They only needed to kill them, and they would be able to greatly increase their spiritual power here. .

However, now they can't. They must break through the barrier in front of them as quickly as possible to buy time for their leader to be resurrected.

Suddenly, Cai'er, who was rushing at the front, flashed, her delicate body flipped upside down in the air, and retreated back into the group, landing in the middle of her friends.

Stop. With a low voice, she inserted the death sickle in her hand into the ground. The shadow of the Death God behind him slowly floated in the air, and it quickly became clear. His hands were joined together, and a strange pattern formed on the hands of the Death God's shadow.

The lines were white and quickly combined into a circular halo. There seemed to be countless fine lines on the halo, which finally combined to form this magic pattern.

As soon as Cai'er retreated, Zhang Fangfang's pressure suddenly increased, and a large number of black skeleton warriors rushed towards him crazily.

Stepping forward with his left foot, holding the shield across his chest, and holding the epee in his right hand high above his head, Zhang Fangfang suddenly shouted. Suddenly, thousands of golden lights burst out from the sword, rendering a large area around it golden.

The light of judgment.

Under the light of judgment, although these sixth-level skeletons would not die, their soul fires were beating violently and they retreated in panic. Some of the ones that were closer were directly shattered by the light of judgment. The surrounding dark atmosphere is greatly reduced.

At this time, Cai'er's magic has been completed.

Purify. Two cold words spat out from her red lips, and the magic lines condensed by the shadow of Death in the air suddenly spread. A circle of white light was seen rapidly expanding. Wherever the white light passed, the black skeletons turned white and froze there motionless.

In this dark world with no boundaries, a large white skeleton suddenly appeared, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

Immediately afterwards, these white skeletons turned into clouds of smoke and white light and rose into the sky, rushing towards the shadow of death. Their souls merged into the white color during the ascent. The gray shadow of Death also became more solid.

Gorgeous gray armor covers the whole body, and every part of the armor on the body seems to be made of sharp blades, crystal clear and shining with little starlight. The only thing that couldn't be seen clearly was its face, which was as deep and boundless as the illusory night sky.

Cai'er rose up again in one step and landed in front of Zhang Fangfang again. With a wave of the death scythe, she led her companions to move forward. In just one move, she purified the lives of thousands of black skeletons, and her spiritual power increased by more than a thousand points.

At this moment, the black skeletons in the distance suddenly stopped and moved aside to reveal a passage.

At this moment, all the black skeletons seemed to quiet down, and then, the crisp sound of horse hooves on the ground sounded, and the click, click, click became more and more clear.

A tall and burly figure also appeared in the sight of everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group.

This burly figure was covered in black armor. He stepped off a large skeleton horse that was also covered in armor. The man and the horse all exuded a dark purple halo. As soon as he appeared, the dark atmosphere in the air suddenly became particularly strong. The black skeletons within a hundred meters in diameter around his body were also covered with a layer of dark purple brilliance.

Came out on your own? There is no doubt that the black knight in front of them should be the level they are going to face. Although the assessment of the Tower of Eternity is difficult, it will never be impossible to complete. If the black skeletons here are really boundless, even a strong man like the Demon God Emperor will be consumed to death sooner or later. Therefore, this endless black skeleton is just a spiritual assessment for them. When they kill a certain number, the black knight, who is probably the Holy Guard 8, will naturally appear in front of them.

Follow me. Cai'er shouted coldly and was the first to rush forward. The death scythe was dragged by her side. The sharp tip left a deep mark on the ground. The strong murderous intent instantly emerged from her. It bursts out of the body. At this moment, Cai'er's whole body was covered with a layer of gray. Crystal clear gray.

Soon, she approached the central passage of the Skeleton Sea. The moment she rushed into the passage, the black skeletons on both sides rushed forward frantically, trying to block her way.

Cai'er looked cold on the outside, but there was a fire in her heart, a burning flame that burned extremely fiercely. At this moment, her mind was always filled with memories of the time she had been with Long Haochen. No matter how powerful the enemy in front of her is, she will only move forward. Unless she dies, she will not stop moving forward.

The phantom of the God of Death, which had absorbed a large amount of soul-purifying breath, always followed Cai'er above her head, like her shadow, but it did not exert any more abilities. And its body is exactly the same gray as Cai'er. A gray color full of death and killing.

Zhang Fangfang and the members of the Demon Hunting Group of Dawn of Light followed Cai'er, not slow at all. Just as Cai'er was surrounded and attacked by black skeletons on both sides, they also rushed into the sea of ​​skeletons.

How could these sixth-order black skeletons block their charge? Immediately, they rushed into it like they did before, and quickly pursued Cai'er.

Every time Cai'er swings the death scythe, it will definitely end the life of a skeleton. After these black skeletons are killed by the death scythe, they will turn into a stream of gray air and rise into the sky, blending into the light and shadow of death in the sky.


Third update. Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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