Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 651 I give you this honor (Part 2)

Cai'er, how long can you stay in the Holy City?

Why do you ask?

I, I just want to know how many days until I can send you back.

I'm just a blind girl. Is it really that important to send me back?

I-I don't know.

Don't you dislike me?

Why do I dislike you?

Cai'er, actually, I'm actually very ugly. I'm so ugly myself, so what right do I have to dislike you?


Well, it's ugly.

Then if I let you hold my hand forever, would you be willing?

I do.

I'll help you.

I'll just come.

This is our home.

Cai'er, I promise you, I will definitely give you a warm home in the future, our home.


You idiot, why don't you put some clothes on for me?

oh oh.

No peeking.

oh oh.

She remembered, yes, she remembered, she remembered everything they had together, every process of being together. Whether it was before or after the amnesia, all memories merged at this moment.

Tears burst out of Cai'er's eyes. Long Haochen's heart was broken, and her heart seemed to be broken as well. Her tears were light red, and they were gradually changing from light red to bright red.

Long Haochen's body shook slightly and slowly fell to the ground. The persistence in his eyes never disappeared. As early as the moment he challenged the Demon God Emperor, he cut off the soul chain on his body. As his body fell downwards, his eyes happened to be looking in Cai'er's direction. His eyes slowly closed in the process.

In Cai'er's eyes, his gaze was so soft, even in the process of closing it, it seemed that he was confiding something to Cai'er. There is a touch of sadness, but there seems to be more encouragement. It seems to be telling Cai'er, live on, live bravely.

Yes, Long Haochen died. He died with his eyes closed. With the Demon God Emperor's promise, his friends can finally leave here alive. For him, that was enough. In a desperate situation, he was satisfied that his friends could still get out of here alive.

Yes, he saw Cai'er's eyes at the moment he fell. He understood too many things from her eyes. I saw all the past and the coldness and tenderness that only belonged to Cai'er. She regained her memory, she finally regained her memory. Long Haochen was so reluctant to give up, but even at the moment of his death, he still didn't want Cai'er to see the pain and unwillingness in his heart. So, he closed his eyes, and there was even a faint smile on his face.

Bang - Long Haochen's body seemed to fall to the ground very heavily. Strangely, there was still no blood flowing out of the penetrating wound on his left chest. His whole body fell into darkness under this heavy fall. Everything is gone in an instant. He only felt that he was flying far away in one direction in the darkness. This feeling was very comfortable, as if all worries and responsibilities were separated at this moment.

He felt that he was very light, very light, going in one direction, where there was only endless relaxation and relaxation...

The eyes of the demon hunters of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group were all dull. They just stared at Long Haochen. Even tears could no longer flow from their eyes. Time seemed to freeze at this moment, forever. They wanted to shout, shout, and roar, but they couldn't make any sound.

The leader who led them across the continent and experienced countless life and death, the Holy Knight Commander of the Knights Temple, the God's Favorite, and the Son of Light, Long Haochen, was dead. Leave them forever and die.

Long Haochen's body was lying there quietly. The smile on his face was still there, but he seemed to have taken away the soul of the entire Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Each of them seemed to have turned into a zombie at this moment.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu's eyes were also dull, and he looked quietly at Long Haochen who was lying there. His finger that popped out blood was flowing drop by drop of blood to the ground.

Yes, he was injured. Even though he didn't use any of his abilities or use any equipment, he was injured. The Demon God Emperor, who possesses millions of spiritual powers and is invincible across the continent, was pricked on his finger by Long Haochen's last sword.

The eyes of the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God were also frozen, but deep in their hearts, they also breathed a sigh of relief. This man is finally dead. Austin and Griffin's blood contract partners are dead.

The threat of the demons finally disappeared, and the divine punishment that made them extremely afraid also disappeared with it.

A world of black jade and red.

A huge figure was crawling in the cave, with its six big heads raised high. The surroundings are in chaos, and in this solid cave, countless broken marks are so similar to its body.

Its six heads were still raised high, but blood, purple blood, was dripping from the eyes of its six big heads.

Its aura is weakening little by little, and the bright amethyst-like color on its body is gradually fading.

The low roar of unwillingness echoed in the cave, but its six big heads were always held high, unwilling to fall, unwilling to fall...

All the pressure disappeared in an instant. The demon hunters of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group fell to the ground one after another. Each of them still fell to the ground in a daze. Their eyes never left the young man lying on the ground with a smile on his face but had lost all his vitality.

Cai'er jerked her body and stood up forcefully. There were no tears in her eyes. In her mind, the scenes of him blocking enemy attacks with his body time and time again before she lost her memory were echoing in her mind.

Her body was trembling violently involuntarily, and her whole body's aura became stronger and stronger in this trembling.

Step by step, Cai'er staggered toward him until she was in front of him. Cai'er fell on him with a pop.

He raised his hand gently and landed on his handsome and smooth face, groping for it. He is dead, yes, he is dead, my Haochen, is dead.

How could you be willing to leave me like this? Cai'er murmured softly, Fool, I remembered! I remembered everything about us. You are my fool, and I haven't even Death, how could you die? You said, you said you would protect me for the rest of your life and be my guardian knight forever, how could you just die like this?

Ding—— With a soft cry, Long Haochen's chest moved. A golden object popped out from the damaged edge of the left chest of the adamantine base armor.

It was a small golden skull, which was the eternal melody that was embedded in Long Haochen's chest muscles and could not be separated no matter what.

At this time, he died, and the eternal melody finally bounced out of his body and left his body. As the key to the Tower of Eternity, there is no need for it to guard a dead person. So, it left.

Cai'er grabbed the golden skull almost instantly, and her body couldn't help but tremble even more violently. But at that moment, her body suddenly stiffened. But the stiffness only lasted for a short moment, and she threw herself on Long Haochen and cried loudly.

Get out, get out of here. The silent Demon God Emperor suddenly broke out. He once again entered the hysterical state before, roaring crazily.

The door of the Star Demon Tower suddenly opened, and a hurricane suddenly appeared, sweeping through the bodies of every demon hunter, including Long Haochen's body, and blew them all out of the Star Demon Tower.

Pass my order. No one from my clan can stop them from leaving the heart of the Demonic City, and no one from my clan can hunt them down. Otherwise, the whole clan will be destroyed.

The Demon God Emperor's cold voice suddenly burst out, and under the explosion of his terrifyingly powerful mental power, it instantly spread throughout the heart of the Demon City. The terrifying pressure at that moment made all the demons in the heart of the demon city prostrate themselves on the ground and did not dare to move.

Yes, their great emperor was angry, and every time the Demon God Emperor became angry, almost all of them ended up in ruins.

With a fierce wave of his hand, the Star Demon Tower was closed again. Until this moment, Demon God Emperor Feng Xiucai was breathing heavily.

He raised his head, but his chest heaved violently. The terrifying magic power fluctuations made both Moon Demon God Agares and Star Demon God Vasak change their expressions and tremble slightly.

The emotionally unstable Demon God Emperor is absolutely terrifying. Even if he wants to kill the two of them, it is not impossible.

Fengxiu's fists were clenched tightly, and finally a drop of dark golden tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Moon Demon God Agares, Are you very strange, why should I let these people go? Isn't it? Isn't it?

Agares remained silent, lowering his head and not daring to say a word.

I tell you, because the young man I just killed has my blood flowing in his body. He was originally the second heir of the demon clan that I designated. From the day he was born, I have never done anything for him. Until the day I discovered his existence, I had never interfered with anything about him. But he had concluded a blood contract with Austin and Griffin. I personally killed my relatives with my blood flowing, Do you understand? Do you understand? What I can do for him is to let him die with as few regrets as possible.

Agares suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with disbelief. He could not believe that Long Haochen, who was called the God's Favorite, the Son of Light, and the hope for the future of mankind, actually had the blood of the Demon God Emperor flowing in his body. . That is the royal bloodline of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan!

Star Demon God Vasak remained silent. Apart from the Demon God Emperor, only he who used the great prophecy technique knew about the relationship between Long Haochen and the Demon God Emperor.


The sixth update is completed, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes.

Xiaolong died in glory, what will happen next..., I'm not telling you, I can't spoil it. Right. Don't forget what I said before. If the monthly ticket reaches the seventh place, two more updates will be added, and if the monthly ticket reaches the sixth place, two more updates will be added. Make up enough for ten updates.

If you want to see the following plot as soon as possible, then vote for your precious monthly votes and recommendation votes. What I can tell you secretly is that the real climax has just begun, and this climax will last for a long time.

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