Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 620 Dragon Riding Demon God Asmod (Part 2)

Asmodeus, the dragon-riding demon god, did not focus on the battlefield, but looked towards the top of the hillside. These monsters came too suddenly. How could there be so many monsters living in a place like this? And the racial disparities are so great yet they act together. There is only one possibility, which is a human summoner.

At this time, the total number of monsters rushing down from the top of the mountain exceeded 500, causing considerable damage to the Bull Demon Clan army. Asmodeus was trying to determine how many summoners there were on the hillside. He was not in a hurry to take action, but relying on these summoned monsters was not enough to break through the formation of the Bull Demon Clan army.

Squeak—— In a sharp cry, the colorless twisted ripples erupted again. This time, the huge single eye of the Evil Eye Lord turned completely blood red.

As the owner of spiritual magic, at this moment, the evil eye's attack power exploded.

I saw that wherever the twisted ripples passed, there were areas with the highest concentration of bull demons. The Bull Demons who were impacted by the twisting ripples were stunned for almost an instant, but this time they did not recover from the mental shock like before. The next moment, there was a series of popping sounds. Bloody light collapsed.

All the bull demons swept by the twisting ripples died of violent blood. Just this time, at least more than 300 bull demons were wiped out instantly, and it also bought some time for those monsters who were besieged by the bull demons. Some of the powerful monsters immediately launched their ultimate attacks frequently, forcing the Bull Demon Clan army to break through a gap.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, in just ten minutes, the Bull Demon Tribe has lost almost one-tenth. However, among the more than 500 monsters that rushed down from the mountain, some died.

After launching a powerful blow, the Evil Eye Lord also looked very weak. Four long tentacles twitched on the ground, and his body flew upside down and went straight to the top of the mountain.

Want to leave? Asmodeus, the Dragon Riding Demon God, snorted coldly and pointed the huge spear in his right hand in the direction of Lord Evil Eye. A black light shot out from the skull and crossbones flag at the front of the spear. A black skull with a diameter of one meter formed in the air and flew straight in the direction of Lord Evil Eye.

The other monsters were fighting desperately, but this evil eye commanded the battle from the beginning to its retreat. It was obviously not an ordinary summoned monster. In Asmodeus's opinion, this should be the natural monster of a powerful summoner. That's right. Even he found this kind of spiritual beast disgusting, so he naturally had no intention of letting the Evil Eye Lord return alive.

Seeing that the black skeleton was about to catch up with Lord Evil Eye, suddenly, a golden light shot down from the hillside and was pulled on Evil Eye. With a swish, Evil Eye suddenly accelerated, leaving the black skull behind. The next moment, a glowing orange light and shadow suddenly blocked the black skeleton's path.

Orange-red light flashed, and with a pop, the black skeleton collapsed, turning into black air and dissipating in the air. A knight with a golden helmet and golden armor appeared there brazenly.

Under the knight's crotch is a divine steed, a shining unicorn, with its wings spread out and its whole body exuding a holy aura of light. What blocked the black skeleton before was the shield in the knight's hand.

In addition to summoners, are there knights? There was a sneer at the corner of the mouth of the head in the center of Asmodeus. Knocking the hell dragon with his feet, the hell dragon has a pair of bone wings exuding black flames. The bull's head, the human head, and the ram's head all burst out with the same black flames as the hell dragon's body. The spear in his hand points at the adamantine base knight in the distance.

In a sense, Asmode can be regarded as the knight of the demon clan. Seeing a human knight, the fighting spirit in his chest couldn't help but burn brightly. Among the demon gods, he is somewhat similar to the war-crazy demon god Ananda, both of whom are absolute admirers of individual heroism. The more powerful enemies you face, the stronger your fighting spirit becomes.

With a slap on the back of the hell dragon with his right hand, the dragon-riding demon god Asmodeus stood up and stood on the back of the hell dragon with his tall and strong body holding a five-meter-long flag gun. He stared at Long Haochen opposite him with burning eyes. Thick black flames burst out from him and the hell dragon at the same time, as if they were going to burn the sky. The hell dragon let out a wild roar and rushed towards the adamantine base knight riding the shining unicorn.

There is no doubt that the Adamantine Pedestal Knight who appears here at this time is naturally the leader of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, Long Haochen.

The previous beast wave was naturally accomplished by Chen Ying'er alone. She summoned more than 500 monsters with the help of eighteen living doors. The terror of a high-level summoner was undoubtedly demonstrated. You know, among her more than 500 magical beasts, there are more than a dozen ninth-level magical beasts that are equivalent to the eighth-level human beings. The Bull Demon Clan army wants to destroy them all, and its own consumption is extremely high. No less. It held back the demon army to a great extent.

Chen Ying'er, who has completed the summoning of the Gate of Life, is recovering her mental strength, but don't forget, she still has McDull! It can be said that in the past two years, the one who has grown the most in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is not Long Haochen, but Chen Yinger. From playing the smallest role in the team to now, she is using her own strength to prove to all her partners that she will be an indispensable part of the team.

The left hand is the snail shield of the sun and moon god, and the right hand is the aria of the goddess of light. Opposite him, Asmodeus's powerful Qi was locked on him. Long Haochen raised his heavy sword high, and his whole body shone with a dazzling golden light. The light elements in the air gathered in his direction at an alarming speed. A strong golden flame instantly appeared on the fine gold base armor, and the clear flame was filled with extremely pure light. Star King flapped his wings and rushed straight towards the Hell Dragon, which was several times his size.

Asmodeus, the Dragon Riding Demon God, pointed his flag gun forward, and with a loud roar, a sharp black flame spurted out from the tip of the gun, turned into the shape of a dragon's head in the air, and went straight towards Long Haochen to bombard him. Compared with the previous attack on the evil eye, this attack was obviously much more powerful. At the same time as the attack was launched, the sky behind Asmodeus had turned dark.

At this moment, a golden light separated from Long Haochen's back, and then, a milky white light beam shot out from Long Haochen's back, heading straight for Asmodeus.

Black and white contrast in the sky. Asmodeus swung the flag gun horizontally in his hand, and the black flame dragon head deflected a few points, and hit the white light just right. However, what surprised the Dragon Riding Demon God was that the white beam of light passed directly along the dragon's head as if without any hindrance, and fell on him the next moment. A strange feeling instantly spread throughout Asmodeus's body, and the knight opposite seemed to become his life-and-death enemy at this moment, and killing him became the only thought in Asmodeus's mind.

That's right, that white light was not an attack at all, but an evolved version of the Holy Spiritual Furnace released by Yating.

The Holy Spiritual Furnace can draw the enemy's attention and make you the enemy's first attack target, but it cannot affect the enemy's attack power. At the same time that the Holy Spiritual Furnace was acting on Asmode, the black flame dragon head he had released earlier had also arrived in front of Long Haochen.

The Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield was in front of him, and Divine Control blocked it.


Long Haochen deliberately relied on his own hard power to defeat his opponent, because he wanted to know the extent of Asmod's true strength.

The moment the black dragon head struck the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield, Long Haochen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Asmodeus's blow was filled with strong dark spiritual power. After the almost viscous dark element impacted the Sun and Moon God's snail shield, it actually moved along the sides of the shield towards his like tarsal maggots. The body spreads. Not only that, the terrifying impact directly bombarded Long Haochen and Xing Wang back more than ten meters in the air before he stabilized his figure.

Divine blocking is the most practical and important skill for knights. As long as it is used properly, it can withstand three times the enemy's attack strength. And if there is a powerful shield, then the power of divine blocking can be increased again.

There is no doubt that in the entire Temple Alliance, there may not be a better shield than the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield. Long Haochen's own understanding of divine blocking has reached the level of proficiency. But even so, he could not completely neutralize the power of the enemy's blow.

The violent impact caused the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield to burst out with its own power, and Long Haochen felt that the spiritual power in his body was plummeting. Fortunately, in his hand was the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield transformed from the Starlight Divine Beast, which was born with great ability to restrain dark spiritual power. Only then did the black flame dragon head's corrosion spread and was washed away by the light. But just from this tentative collision, Long Haochen judged that his opponent's strength was far superior to his own.

The Holy Spiritual Furnace can effectively limit the opponent when the strength of the two sides is about the same, but if the strength of the two sides is greatly different, it becomes a life-threatening talisman!

After knocking back Long Haochen with one blow, the hell dragon riding the demon god Asmodeus also accelerated instantly, almost chasing Long Haochen's retreating figure. He was already close. The flag gun in his hand was curled horizontally, and it went straight to Long Haochen on Xing Wang's back.

His spear was accompanied by a sharp black electric light. If viewed from a distance, Long Haochen was just a small ball of golden light, while the dragon-riding demon Asmodeus was like a dark cloud covering the sky. Rush towards him.

It was at this time that Long Haochen made a decision that Asmodeus did not expect. The orange-red light converged, and he actually put away his Sun-Moon Snail Shield, which had the strongest defense. Hold the Aria of the Goddess of Light in both hands instead. Facing Asmodeus's sweeping shot, he made an upward movement with the heavy sword in his hand from diagonally below.

court death! Asmodeus snorted coldly in his heart, and the bull head on the right side of his neck let out a roar, and the power of the flag gun increased. Even if there is a mountain in front of him, he will sweep it down.


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